2012年5月14日に商品を受け取りました。アイテムのlocationが、Croydon, United Kingdomと言うことで英国製の商品だと思って購入しました。発送先がパキスタンということで、ebayの表示と違います。話しが違うので商品代金に加えShipping & handlingも返金して欲しいです。返品先の住所、受取人の名前を教えて下さい。あなたが商品を受け取ってから、何日以内に返金されますか?
I received my item on May 14, 2012.As the location of the item was set to Croydon, United Kingdom, I bought it thinking that it was a product made in Britain.The shipping address is set to be Pakistan, so it's not as stated on eBay.Please let me know the person's name and the address where I should send it to.Once you receive the item, how many days will it be before I receive my refund?
竹谷って誰。高いレベルの造形力と、彼独自の解釈で描かれるデザイン力が評価されている。特に有機的なメカニック・デザインやクリーチャー作品を得意とする。オリジナル作品集『漁師の角度』のほか、仮面ライダーシリーズ、ファイナルファンタジーシリーズのフィギュア原型を担当。牙狼<GARO>など特撮作品の美術デザインにも参加している。熱狂的なファンを持ち、膨大なおもちゃのコレクターであるNIKEの社長Mark Parker自らが竹谷の原型を買いに来た事もある。絵は一例です。
Who is Takeya?A highly proficient modeler, highly acclaimed for his unique personal interpretation depicted in his designs.Particularly organic is his mechanic design, specializing in creating creatures. As well as his original design collection "Fisherman's Angle," he also creates models for figures in the Kamen Rider and Final Fantasy series. He also does arts design for special effects items such as GARO.He has a wildly enthusiastic fan base. And even Mark Parker himself, NIKE's president and an avid collector with an enormous collection of toys, has also bought models from Takeya.The picture is just one example.
Thank you very much for sending me the invoice sample.I will do my best to ensure you will be happy with our products.Although last week I was unable to obtain a low price, this week I am able to purchase your preferred bike. I suspect that it would not be possible for you to pay it all in one go, so it will probably need to be done over 2 or 3 times.I will let you know by e-mail when we are half through the purchasing process.Also, with regard to the condition of the bike, although I place great importance on the condition of the engine, if there are any other aspects you consider important then please let me know.
Hi,My name is Hideo.I am a buyer from Japan. Last October I bought 10 As from your shop for £900 including delivery to Japan. My customer liked them very much.This time I am interested in purchasing 10 As and 10 Bs.If you do have them in stock, could you please sell them to me for a total of £1,900 including delivery to Japan?Also, please let me know when the items are likely to arrive in Japan.Looking forward to your positive reply.
He's a really good designer.He delivers earlier than expected and the quality is also high.
Hi,Hope you are well.I am in a rush, I'm looking for items need them in different sizes, although unfortunately I cannot buy in bulk this time.I really wish us to do business long term, I will never let you down.If you have them in stock or are planning to have them in stock them please let me know.I will buy them happily from you.P.S.The French election is now finished isn't it?It was mentioned in the news in Japan as France is a major power in EuropeAll the best.Looking forward to your reply.
いつもお世話になります。先日購入させて頂いたブーツ2足を、ネットショップで販売するために撮影しようとしたところ、両方から問題が見つかりました。Item number: 260992182111こちらは左足のライナーに破れが見つかりました。Item number: 260992183889こちらは左足のライナーがブラウンで右がホワイトです。これらはどうしてもB品として販売せざるをえません。前者については50ドル、後者については100ドルの返金をして頂けないでしょうか。
Hi,I recently bought 2 pairs of boots from you. As I was taking some pictures to upload onto my Internet shop, I noticed some issues in both:Item number: 260992182111The lining of the left boot is ripped.Item number: 260992183889The lining of the left boot is brown, and the right one is white.I can only sell these as faulty goods.Could you please issue me with a refund of $50 for the first item, and $100 for the second item?Thank you,
3. 従業員採用に際し応募書類に記入いただく情報・ 採用選考等の連絡のため・ 採用選考実施のため4. その他従業員から取得する個人情報・人事管理、労務管理、福祉業務のため--・公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合・国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
3. Information supplied by job applicants・ So they can be contacted during the selection process・ To select them for employemnt4. Other information obtained from employees・For human resources management, work management, human welfare--・When necessary for the improvement of public health, or promotion of children's health, when it is difficult to obtain consent from the actual person.・When necessary to cooperate with a national organization, public body, or an entrusted party as dictated by the law, and when contacting the actual person may cause an impediment to running of appropriate business.
Delivery is to the United States or Japan.Please let me know the delivery charge for both.I would prefer to do the transaction outside of eBay and so I would like to get more than 20% discount.I hope we can do good business in the future.I hope you will consider this proposition.Let me know what you think.If all goes well, I definitely intend to place many orders with you in the future.
こんにちわ。以前、あなたの商品を買いましたHironori Kawanoです。またあなたから商品を買いたいと思い、メールをしました。今回、私はあなたの商品を10個買いたいと思っています。取引は可能でしょうか?また、以前の金額より安い金額で商品が購入できることを望んでいます。何パーセント割引ができるかと、割引いた後の商品1個あたりの金額、そして、送料を教えてください。
Hi,I am Hironori Kawano, I have made purchases from you in the past.I am writing to you as I'd like to place a new order.I would like to buy 10 items, would this be possible?Also, would you be able to offer me a cheaper price than before?What percentage discount would you be able to offer me? Please let me know the price per item, as well as your delivery charge.
In order to run the project for efficiently, I have created a new shared folder. Please use the project office's network to access this folder.Also, I have placed the sales notes for the first half of the year below, so please update the version for the second half of the year.
To be honest, as far as I'm concernet, there is no benefit in sharing a meal, but as it's an application written by a friend in Singapore then I will share it.
Am I right in that all filters that are 7mm thick would be changed to 6mm?So the filters that are 8mm and 4mm thick would stay as per current spec measuring 8mm and 4mm without change?With regards to diagrams A and B, would you be able to overlap both diagrams to create one single diagram?
PAYPALでの直接の取引でもOKです。その場合、今回と同じ「22.9ドル/1個」になるのでしょうか?直接の取引の場合、私は「eBay Bucks」と「EBAY BUYER PROTECTION」が無くなってしまいますので、もう少し価格を安く調整して頂けると助かります。★注文する際には、数量は30個以上で注文しますまた、現在あなたが出品している以外の商品リスト(過去のリストを含む)があれば、送って頂けると更に注文数が増える可能性がありますので、お願いします
I am happy to do business with you directly via PAYPAL.In that case, would it be $22.9 per item?If we were to do business directly, I would lose my "eBay Bucks" and "eBay Buyer Protection" so would you be able to give me a bit more of a discount please?★I intend to place an order for more than 30 items.Also, if available, could you please send me a list of all your product listings (including past listings too) as I might be able to place an even bigger order. Thank you very much in advance.
Please let me know if I can specify my own design for "my file"★And please let me know the price if you already know it.Thank you.
Thank you very much for carrying out the inspection.I will place a listing for $100 for 5 items.My objective is to provide my customers with a good purchasing experience, so I will ensure that everything is done professionally in terms of packaging, delivery and communications.I will do my very best to ensure that all eBay users can trust me as a seller.I will e-mail you again after June 7.Thank you very much for your time.
Thank you for making your purchase at "A".You have left feedback saying that the item was not new, however, the description page explains that it does a few scratches. I would have thought you must have read this before making your purchase?It does have a few scratches but there is no doubt that it is a new item.Please ensure that you read the description in detail before making a purchase in the future.
【KJ method】日本独自の質的研究の手法である。意味内容の具体性を保持しつつ、最終的にひとつの枠組みへ分類する。佐藤自身の感想を記録した旅行記水盤による躯体保護効果や環境機能的効果単なる建築的形態要素ではない新たな大地:「屋上庭園」からの景観への眼差し地上の大地の風景形態の多様化形態の一元化感性哲学的視点から、建築的感性を明らかにする旅の中での建築家の感性が、近代建築の「屋上庭園」の構想へ影響を及ぼす過程を考察する。
The KJ MethodA qualitative research technique unique to Japan. It maintains semantic content and concreteness, ultimately making a classification into one framework.A travel journal recording thoughts of Kato himself/herselfThe effect of protecting the bodywork in flower basins and the functional effect of the environmentNot merely an architectural element A new ground: looking out toward a scenery from a "rooftop garden"Over ground sceneryThe diversity of shapeThe centralization of shapeClarifying architectural sensitivity from a philosophically sensitive perspectiveAn architect's sensitivity throughout a journey considers the process of affecting the concept of a "rooftop garden" within modern architecture
I have a business called A in Japan specializing in the generation of wind power. As I was looking at a community page related to A, I came across your page. Feeling that we may have something in common I sent you a friendship request. I thought that maybe we could exchange some information over Facebook about the current status of windmills in Japan. I know I have taken the liberty to send you a friendship request; I really hope you don't mind. But if you do, then please accept my most sincere apologies. And no worries if you have decided to decline my request, I should have really introduced myself and sent you a message first.
Thank you fo getting in touch.The auction for A will be closed automatically, so if you still want to purchase it then I could send you a paypal invoice.Otherwise I would incur large handling fees.If you agree to pay the invoice via paypal then I'd be happy to offer you a 5% discount.Looking forward to your reply.