Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

5.0 77 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スペイン語 スペイン語(ラテンアメリカ)
ビジネス 法務 技術 特許 サイエンス IT
20 時間 / 週
gloria 英語 → 日本語

You have until May 11, 2011 to enter the tracking number online. We want you to be aware of the exact date of when you can upload the tracking to avoid the case from being closed and not getting your refund. Once we have confirmation that the item has been delivered, we'll refund you for the cost of the item plus original shipping within 48 hours back to your original funding source (as long as the seller hasn't issued you a refund).
Taira, I can see that you’ve been with us since April 2007. Thank you for continuing to do business with us over the years. To shows our appreciation for being a loyal member of eBay, we will provide you a $10.00 courtesy coupon to offset your shipping costs.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

Dear Taira,
Thank you for contacting eBay in regard to the Vintage Otto Link (Item # 160569829249 ) that you recently purchased. After reviewing the case, I understand that you received the item that you question the authenticity of, and you contacted the seller about it and has responded. I know how frustrating it is to receive an item that doesn’t match the seller’s description, but I’d like you to know that we are committed in solving this case.
First, I want to thank you for your patience, let me apologize if you have not received an email from us. Please know that your concern is always important to us.


お客様が最近購入したビンテージのオットリンク(アイテム番号 160569829249)についてeBayにご連絡いただきましてありがとうございます。本件を調べた結果、お客様は真正品かどうか今回問い合わせいただいたアイテムを受け取り、それについてお客様から販売者に連絡を取り、販売者から回答を受けています。販売者の記述に合致していないアイテムを受け取ってがっかりされたことはお察しします。しかし、ご安心ください、私たちは本件の問題解決をお約束します。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

We have been upgrading our system to let us serve you better. We apologize for any inconvenience or if it made you feel that your concern is insignificant. Also, allow me to thank you for choosing eBay despite the fact that you are experiencing this kind of issue. Since the case was escalated to us, we decided to have you return the item to the seller for a full refund. In order for us to hold the seller accountable and issue the refund on their behalf, we need to ensure that the item is back in their possession. Please complete these steps in the next 10 days so we can give you a refund:
1. Go to the Resolution Center and get the seller's return address from the case details page:


1. 問題解決センター(Resolution Center)へ行き、案件詳細(case detail)ページから販売者の返却アドレスを入手してください:

gloria 英語 → 日本語

Just thought you'd like to know "Mr. Rebates", Inc. sent you $104.00 USD.
Once the money's there you can: Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal. Transfer it to your bank account (takes 2-3 days). Get a PayPal Debit MasterCard. Don't see the money in your account?
If you haven't confirmed your email address with us yet, you won't see the money in your account until you do. Confirm your email address now (You'll need your confirmation code: ***********)When that's done, the money will show up in your PayPal account and you'll be able to see the complete payment details. (It sometimes takes a few minutes.)


“Mr.リベート” Inc. のことをあなたが知りたいのではないかと思って、$104.00を送りました。お金が届いたら、次のことをやってみることができます:ペイパルを受け入れている何千というオンラインショップでお金を使ってみる。それをあなたのあなたの銀行口座に送金する(2~3日かかる)。ペイパル・デビット・マスターカードを入手する。そしたら、あなたの口座にお金が入るのがわかるでしょう?

gloria 英語 → 日本語

1) Complete the Claim Form.
2) Gather all supporting documentation. The documentation required is outlined and specified on the Claim Form and varies depending on the claim type (damage claims require additional items). Providing all the documents specified will allow for resolution of most claims within 8 weeks. However, MyUS.com reserves the right to ask for additional paperwork in certain circumstances. As an example, requests for Loss/Damage Cargo Claims must be submitted by the party that received the shipment; else written authorization from that party (termed a “release”) is required.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

3) Include photographs if the item is damaged or if items are missing. Photographs should include pictures of the item(s) themselves, as well as any internal and external packaging.
4) Review all documentation to ensure accuracy and completeness. Incomplete, inaccurate, or illegible documentation could delay your cargo claim and result in possible denial.
5) Submit the Claim Form and all supporting documents to MyUS.com for review.
It is preferable to have the form filled out electronically. However, if this is not possible, please ensure writing is legible. If you require additional space to detail the items claimed, please attach separate sheet(s) as needed.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

The form should be emailed to cs@myus.com or can be faxed to +1 941 827 2985 or mailed to:

Attn: Claims Department
4299 Express Lane
Sarasota, FL 34238

Please be sure to reference your suite number on each page you submit.
Written notification of claim resolution will be emailed to the email address as specified on the Claim Form.

When processing a claim, MyUS.com follows the appropriate Terms and Conditions of Carriage as outlined by the courier. For more information, please visit www.dhl.com or www.fedex.com.

Claimant hereby acknowledges the Terms and Conditions listed above. (Signature required to process claim)


クレーム様式はcs@myus.com宛てにEメールでお送りいただくか、+1 941 827 2985へFAXしていただくか、あるいは 次の住所宛に郵便でお送りください:
Attn: Claims Department
4299 Express Lane
Sarasota, FL 34238


MyUS.comはクーリエ業者(輸送業者)が示す適切な輸送条件にしたがってクレーム処理を行います。さらに詳しい情報が必要な場合は、www.dhl.com or www.fedex.com.をご覧ください。
