can we buy it in Jkt? or perhaps online shopping can do?
・コンサルティング(スポンサーセールス、スポーツクラブ経営、学生企業、web、SNS)・受託 (チーム強化・指導業務受託事業)・マーケティングリサーチ(海外は上海・モンゴル・ミャンマー・アメリカ、日本は全国どこでも、ターゲット"18歳~22歳"の若者)・プロモーション (リアル2万人、バーチャル20万人)・人材派遣 (100人以上可、スタイリスト、指導者、アルバイトなど)・紹介業(美容室、外国人社員、新規事業スタッフ、学生アルバイト、芸能事務所など)などなど、「何でも屋」です
- Consultas (Ventas patrocinados, administración de clubs de deportes, empresas de estudiantes, webs, SNSs)- Negocios encomendados (Fortalecimientos de equipos, negocios encomendados de tunorías)- Investigación de mercados (Shanghai, Mongolia, Burma, Estados Unidos, y todas las partes de Japón. Los objetivos de investigación son los jóvenes de 18 años hasta 22 años)- Promoción (20 mil personal reales, y 200 mil personas virtuales)- Envíos de recursos humanos (Se puede más de 100 personas. Estilistas, mentores, trabajadores temporales, etc.)- Introducción de recursos humanos (Peluquerías, trabajadores extranjeros, recursos humanos para negocios recien empezados, trabajadores temporales (estudiantes), oficinas de entrenamientos, etc.)Así, nos encargaremos de cualquier cosas.
・イベント企画・運営 (建設現場内でのバーベキュー餅つき大会、クルーザーパーティー、巨大合コン、異業種交流会、学生イベントなど)・大会企画・運営 (キッツフェスティバル、フットサル大会、合同合宿など)・屋台運営 (エンパナーダ、たい焼きなど)・映画製作 (劇場上映、TSUTAYAやゲオやAmazonなどでのセル、レンタル)・スポーツクラブ運営 (都内から地方まで、園児から社会人までの各カテゴリ)・アパレル製作・販売 (タオル、スウェット、ポロシャツ、靴下など)
- Planificación y administración de eventos (fiesta de barbacoa & mochi[masa de arroz] golpes en sitio de construcción, fiesta de crusero, fiesta gigante de encuentros, eventos sociales pan-industria, eventos para estudiantes, etc.)- Planificación y administración de convenciones (festival de jóvenes, festival de futsal, campos de entrenamiento, etc.)- Administración de chiringuitos (empanadas, taiyaki, etc.)- Producciñón de películas (proyección de películas, ventas y rentas en TSUTAYA, GEO, Amazon, etc.)- Administración de club de deportes (en Tokyo y otros ciudades locales, para los niños preescolares y adultos)- Producción y venta de vestidos (toallas, prendas de entrenamientos, polos, medias, etc.)
Investigation on properties of leading and challenging quiz makers
Thank you for your message.If I request the item to be shipped to US forwarder MYUS, can you ship it with shipping fee for free?The forwarder is in Florida.
Upgraded chassis and design to the original MC34-AHeavy duty upgraded chassis with output meterSpecial blue glass EL34 vacuum tubesRemote control addedHeavy weight Stainless steel and alloy plate constructionCustom built audio and power transformers using:Zll and H18 long grain annealed and directed steel sheetsHand built with alll hand welding internal connectionsUSA made Teflon silver cable for audio signal pathsHigh-end parts - Philips, Panasonic capacitors, USA made resistorsHigh class ALPS volume control from JapanGold plated speaker out terminalsRemote control functionDetachable power cord system
Features include a switchable headphone outlet and a remote volume control. Suitable for high efficiency speakers, the MC368-B902 is a true audiophile product of supreme quality.MC368-B902 18W integrated class-A stereo amplifier. An entry level class-A integrated amplifier, with headphone socket, four stereo inputs, and infra-red remote volume control. Uses 2 x KT90 beam pentodes running single ended to ensure uncoloured reproduction, and a valve rectifier to maximise the signal to noise ratio.
機能には切替可能ヘッドフォンアウトレットと音量リモコンが含まれます。高効率スピーカーに適しており、MC368-B902 は最高品質のオーディオファン製品です。MC368-B902 18W一体型クラスAステレオアンプ。エントリーレベルのクラスA一体型アンプで、ヘッドフォンソケット、4つのステレオ入力、赤外線音量リモコン付き。シングルエンドを使った2つのKT90型ビーム5極管で色のつかない音が再生でき、ノイズレベルへの信号を最大化するバルブ調整器付き。
The MC368-B902 is a stereo amplifier designed for those who want the sound of a single-ended amplifier design, but with the simplicity, compact footprint and convenience of use of an integrated. The MC368-B902 employs a pair of powerful, dynamic and silky sounding KT90 valves designed to run in single-ended configuration, to help ensure uncoloured reproduction and a truly beautiful sound. Driven by a pair of 12AU7 tubes, the unit's power supply is choke-filtered and employs tube rectification using a 274B. The result is an amplifier that is extremely low in hum and noise. Construction is by hand and features point to point wiring and is fitted with in-house hand-wound output transformers.
MC368-B902はシングルエンドアンプデザインのサウンドを望む人のために設計されたステレオアンプで、シンプルさ、コンパクトな設置面積、一体型の使いやすさを備えています。MC368-B902 には、シングルエンド構成で動作するよう設計されたパワフルでダイナミックでシルキーなサウンドを出す一組のKT90バルブが採用されており、色付けのない真に美しい音が再生できるようになっています。12AU7管で駆動され、ユニットの電力はチョークフィルター付きで274Bを使った管調整も採用しています。結果として非常にノイズの低いアンプとなっています。手で組み立てられ、2点間ワイヤリングを特徴としており、自社製手巻き出力トランスフォーマーがついています。
Class A single ended design with tube rectificationPure, mellow musical and with dynamicsWith built-in headphone amplifier and output meterUsing specially made Onion shape KT90 vacuum tubesHeavy weight Stainless steel and alloy plate constructionCustom built audio and power transformers using:Zll and H18 long grain annealed and directed steel sheetsHand built with alll hand welding internal connectionsUSA made Teflon silver cable for audio signal pathsHigh-end parts - Philips, Panasonic capacitors, USA made resistorsKT90 Vacuum tubes exceeds KT88 in dynamics and control powerHigh class ALPS volume control from JapanGold plated speaker out terminalsRemote control functionDetachable power cord system
[LIST OF CLASSES]You can take one, or a whole bunch of them, depending on your interest and schedule.Since we believe that Theatre learning is an ongoing process, returning students get a 20% discount on all classes, as does anyone taking 3 or more classes!For more details, please visit our CLASSES page on the website! [URL]Want to see what kind of things you’ll be getting up to? Check this out: [URL]Needless to say, we’re very excited about our offerings this semester and look forward to seeing many of you there!Well, that’s it! In our next newsletter, I’ll write about the workshops again, announce the new Pembroke Players’ Japan Tour, and tell you all about our amazing new rehearsal studio, Sagamihaus!
Ytheatre School announces a "Day of Theatre"!On Saturday, 06/09, we are running a special one-time-only class that will introduce students to our summer curriculum. You'll get to try out some Stage Combat, Physical Theatre, and Voice training. It's going to be a great day, and we'll probably order food and hang around afterwards, so it will also be a chance to mingle and speak directly to the course instructors themselves.More details coming soon, but June 9 is not very long away, so book now!To reserve your place in this class, please visit: [URL]We’re also announcing our full summer curriculum which starts on 06/30! We’ve got 5 great classes for you on 4 different days of the week, so there’s lots of choice!
Greetings! And here comes summer... Why not make this summer even more exciting by joining one of our classes?That’s right: in this newsletter we finally announce our summer semester of classes, including a fantastic one-day event in June that I know you’re not going to want to miss!Of course, our summer classes wouldn’t be possible without our new rehearsal studio, Sagamihaus! A big thank you to LL and the others at SSS for not only providing a great space for us to work in, but also for providing a monthly donation to subsidize our use of the space! We’re incredibly grateful to them and will write a longer piece about them in the next newsletter. But now, what you’ve all been waiting for...
If you ever have issue with the photos you can place a mistake report to have that addressed.
Actually threatening me to complete a refund transaction with a blackmail of negative feedback outside of Ebay is fraudulent and goes against policy. Where is this photo of alleged chip? And how do you know it arrived that way? It has been in your care for almost a month? You are saying no one else had access to it while you were gone? How do you know? Who handled the package while you were away?
Product DescriptionTHIS IS A CUSTOM JACKETPRODUCTION TIME IS 1-2 WEEKSTHERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON THIS JACKETFeatures Include:* 100% Wool Body* Fully Lined with Snap Front Closure* Ribbed Elastic Waistband and Cuffs* 100% Hand-Cut Genuine Leather Sleeves* 100% Hand-Cut Genuine Leather Logos* 100% Hand-Cut Hand-Made In The U.S.A!* Fine Quality JH Design Group Manufactured (The industry leader in jackets)
商品説明これはカスタムジャケットです製造期間は1~2週間ですこのジャケットについては返金、交換は一切受け付けません機能は以下の通りです:- 100%ウールボディ- 完全裏地月でスナップフロントの前開き- 伸縮弾性ウェストバンドとカフス- 100%ハンドカットの本物の革スリーブ- 100%ハンドカットの本物の革製ロゴ- 100%ハンドカット、アメリカ製のハンドメイド!- ファイン・クオリティJHデザイン・グループ・マニュファクチャード(ジャケット業界大手)(最後の一文は「)
こんにちはお返事ありがとう。あなたが提示する1050sが399ドル、1040sが269ドルですが、これは現在のeBayの他出品者と同じ相場価格です。私たちはペイパルで決済します。私たちはeBay fee分を価格から安くすることをを希望します。
Hello, Thank you for your reply.As for your proposal, $399 for 1050s and $269 for 1040s, those prices are same with the average price of other eBay merchants. We will pay you via Paypal. So we would like you to discount the amount corresponding to the eBay fee.
Hello,This is @, I am a dealer in Japan.I write this message since I want to buy your products.I would like to buy @ units, so can you please discount @%?My order amount will increase in the future.Thank you.I am looking for @ products.Do you have them?
ジェシカさん。返事をありがとう。荷物の発送元住所がいつもよく分かりません。もっと大きく鮮明に写してください。いつ写してもらえますか?MYUSはもっと早いです。ship toはいいサービスを提供しているので私は期待していますす。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your reply, Jessica.The shipper's address are not shown clearly every time.Please show it more greater and clearer.When can you show me the greater and clear address?MYUS's service is more prompt. As I know that "ship to" provides good service, so I expect it to provide me a good service.Thank you.
Can you please further explain. Thank you, Jessica
Paypal invoice just sent, please check and settle payment. You can return the tube after receiving the new tubes. About the return shipping cost, I hope can paid by you, as my advertisement, buyers pay the return shipping cost, I offer 12 month quality warranty. For this sensitive vacuum tubes, there must have some quality problem in our long term cooperation, I pay shipping cost on my side, and you pay the fees on your side is a better solution, what you think? I promise provide a fast replacement as I did.