I will look into that thank youyour pedal power should arrived safely shortly
探してみます。ありがとう。Pedal Powerは今日無事に届きます。
I have requested a refund to your credit card in the amount of EUR 379,88 and the return costs EUR 177,22.Please don´t get irritated that you just receive an automatic e-mail about the EUR 379,88. Because we had to refund EUR EUR 177,22 manual we can not sent you an automatic confirmation about this amount. We know from experience that it may take a while for the refund to show on your bank or credit card statement
Hi.Since I live in Japan, local pickup is not available.Will you send me to Japan possible?I live in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.If you would like to send, how much is shipping?OrI can use a forwarding service such as www.myus.com.It is a $ 49 shipping?Thank you.I cannot ship internationally for $49.00. First numbers come back at @ $300.00
こんにちわ。日本に住んでいるので、荷物を直接取りに伺うことはできません。日本に送っていただくことは可能ですか?私は日本の神奈川県に住んでいます。もし送っていただけるなら、送料はいくらですか?もしくは私は www.myus.com. のような配送サービスを使えます。49ドルの配送料でしょうか?ありがとう。
This item is located in our retail store, I have to retrieve it, though it will be brand new in the box, factory sealed, I probably won't get it in time to make shipping today, so I will have a tracking # for you tomorrow.
Tell me what you think make up the river strata. Depending on what you think the strata is composed, why has the strata not been eroded away? Why does it still exist here?Post a ‘found’ log with how fast the river was flowing and your thoughts regarding the material that makes up the strata. You can assume your answer is correct; if not, I’ll let you know.
I hope that we can continue our upcoming activities in best possible way. As per our accounting department, attached please find the invoice for your due payment. The total invoice value is $ 7,070 responsible for 1010 grams of sesame (net weight). As per the TNT bill (attached herewith), we paid for TNT $ 1750 just for transportation & clearance charges.In this case, as you are our most valued and respected official agent and that we value your personality, enthusiasms and willingness for promoting the Afghan sesame in to the Japanese market, therefore we give you a most suitable discount as below.$ 1750 is the TNT transportation charges we added to the price of sesame. Due amount $ 5,285.
If you refer to the attached invoice billed by our accountingdepartment, they charged you 6 dollar per gram. According to theforegoing discount figures, we have given you 2, 5 dollar discount pergram.After the discount made herein, the amount of 3540 USD were deductedfrom the total invoices value.To be honest with you we have not gotten any profit even we made lose.Considering the highest quality of our sesame, the cost ofcontainers, packing, logistics, staffing...etc. I hope you aresatisfied with this. Shall you have any concern, please do nothesitate to contact me.Please note that due to communication problem and the way that weunderstood you, we packed the sesame as per your request.
Please don't get threatening I was enquiring as to your desired result, on receiving the jacket I shall refund you final auction price of £73, eBay policy, I will message you through eBay when I receive the item and will give you notification of your refund in process along with PayPal transaction id numberThe address is as follows: April Curtin,Rath Kinsalebeg,Youghal,Cork,Ireland,IEThank you
怖がらないでください、私はあなたが希望する結果について問い合わせているだけです。eBayのポリシーにしたがって、最終落札価格の73ユーロをあなたに返金します。荷物がこちらに届きましたら、PayPayの送金ID番号とともに返金の通知をeBay経由でします。アドレスは以下の通りです。April Curtin,Rath Kinsalebeg,Youghal,Cork,Ireland,IEありがとうございます。
Hi its coming back out to you by DHL todaydo you want the tracking number for the package that is being re-sent?
According to our records, you haven't responded to rick31f's notification regarding payment for item movie Easy Rider?, the radical customized Harley-Davidson® Panhead Motorcycle..This unpaid item case was opened on 2011-11-15 08:03:48.0. If you've already resolved this situation through email or paid for the item, please let us know by responding through our Resolution Center.To avoid receiving an unpaid item strike, please resolve this situation within seven days of the date the notification was sent to you. An unpaid item strike will result in loss of feedback privileges for this transaction. See eBay's Unpaid Item Policy for more information.Thanks for your help in resolving this issue.
我々の記録によると、rick31f'の映画「Easy Riderーthe radical customized Harley-Davidson® Panhead Motorcycle」の支払いについての通知に、あなたは返信をしていません。この未支払いのアイテムは、2011年11月15日 3:48に申し立てられました。もしeメールで問題が解決済みで、アイテムの支払いが済んでいるなら、Resolution Center経由でお知らせください。未払い商品の受け取り問題を避けるために、あなたが通知を受け取ってから、7日以内に問題を解決してください。未払い商品の問題は、この取引のフィードバックの損失になります。さらなる情報については、eBayの未払い商品に関するポリシーをご覧ください。問題解決へのご協力ありがとうございます。も
There is nothing like being in a crowded, sweaty basement with your friends or complete strangers and playing loud music and drinking beer.
HI, I sent you a bill for the remaining shipping to your email address on the paypal invoice and I was just checking to make sure that you recieved it. If not, you can forward the payment to mine through paypal-gnawing101@hotmail.com.Have a great day and thank you, Drew
やあ、残りの発送の請求書をあなたのPayPalの通知に書いてあったメールアドレスに送ったよ。ちゃんと受け取ったか確認するためにメールしました。もし受け取ってないなら、PayPalで私のアドレス gnawing101@hotmail.com に支払ってください。良い一日を。Drew.
Please make your check or money order payable to:the Store Owner/Website NameMail your payment to:canadagooseolinestore.comYour order will not ship until we receive payment.
お店のオーナーかウェブサイトの名前に支払われる小切手を切っていただくか、郵便為替を切ってください。支払いの連絡は canadagooseolinestore.com お願いします。支払いが完了するまで、荷物は発送されません。
Hi, I send you an e-mail to say that the item has arrived in the UK awaiting customs and import clearance. As soon as delivered to myself the refund will be processed.
Myojo Waraku: Japan’s Answer for SXSW Showcases 8 Startups From Around AsiaLast weekend in Fukuoka, Japan, there was a three-day event called Myojo Waraku, featuring all things tech, douga (meaning online videos in Japanese), games, and music.The name comes from the idea of connecting potential tech stars in the region and making new connections. The city is often considered as a gateway for Japan to other Asian countries because its geographical proximity is much closer to Seoul and Shanghai than to Tokyo.
明星和楽 アジア周辺からの8つのSXSW (South By South West :サウス・バイ・サウス・ウエスト)ショーケース立ち上げへの答え先週末、日本の福岡で、テクノロジー・動画・ゲーム・音楽を取り扱った明星和楽と呼ばれる3日間のイベントが行われた。名前は地域の技術を持った実力者と新しいコネクションを作ることに由来する。福岡は、東京よりもずっとソウルや上海に地理的に近いので、他のアジア諸国からの日本への玄関口として、しばしば考えられている。
Inspired by the concept of SXSW (South by Southwest) that happens annually in Austin, Texas, Masanori Hashimoto, the co-founder and CEO of Fukuoka-based tech company Nulab, wanted to hold such an event in Japan. His many friends and angel investor Taizo Son have joined forces to help, and the event finished with great success. There were more than 1,200 attendees, which is quite a remarkable number for the first-time event.Panel discussion on Asian startup scene:On day two of the event, I had an opportunity to moderate a 45-minute panel discussion with Taizo Son, Willis Wee (of our own Penn Olson), Serkan Toto (of TechCrunch), and Gang Lu (of Technode) who joined from Shanghai via Skype.
テキサス州のオースティンで毎年開催されるSXSW (South by Southwest) のコンセプトに触発され、福岡に拠点を持つテクノロジー企業Nulabの創立者の一人であるCEOの橋本正徳は、日本でも同じようなイベントを開催したいと思っていた。彼の多くの友人とエンジェル投資家のは手助けとなり、イベントは大成功に終わった。第一回のイベントとしては驚くべき数字となる1200人を超える来場者を集めた。アジアでの事業立ち上げに関するパネルディスカッションイベントの二日目、孫泰蔵氏・Penn Olsonの仲間Willis Wee・TechCrunchのSerkan Toto・上海からスカイプ経由で参加したTechnodeのGang Luがパネリストとして参加する、45分間のパネルディスカッションの司会をする機会を得ました。
I asked the panel about Silicon Valley and whether they recommended Asian startups to go there, or anywhere else. In responding that, Willis noted “If we go to Silicon Valley, do we really know how the local market works? It requires a lot of time to learn it.” He added that “they should focus on the high potential of Asian market.”
Serkan explained most Japanese ‘techpreneurs’ would say they want to go abroad but that 99 percent will never do so. Willis says that Japan and China have big enough markets to feed them, so for 95 percent of local startups it’s not necessary to go abroad. Gang and Willis agreed that startups should launch their business in Asia rather than in the U.S., because the region has a high potential.The following videos were taken by Zenpre, which will give you an idea of what this event was like.
China’s Unofficial Android App Stores are Malware MinefieldsAn investigation has found that China’s numerous unofficial Android app stores lack basic security checks on the apps they distribute – and that as many as 95 percent of Android users in the country are therefore at risk of malware-filled apps that they’ve downloaded from such sources.