dahlia 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
dahlia 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

They wd like to list some items they wish to clarify as to the key
points before the business start up. However basically they very
positive to the project. I asked them to write it in Japanese and I will
translate it.
They will list up all the items the shop need for in the kitchen in
detail and specifically. Then you go over it to see those items you can
course locally for more reasonable cost. Also, they will give us the
proposed shop lay out.

To start with, they prefer one shop. After confirming the success of
the first shop, they proceed to the second place.

I will follow up with Nagamatsu san for the item 1 and 2 in order to
send it to you before the meeting.

Is there anything missing or question, please let me know.






dahlia 英語 → 日本語

According to a 2012 health ministry report, more than 45% of college graduates employed in the service, entertainment and education industries left their jobs within three years.

But critics note that attrition rates alone can’t be the sole criteria for determining whether a company is exploiting workers.

If Japan is notorious for its long working hours, why is this becoming a social issue now?

When karoshi emerged during the bubble years in the 1980s, both young and old employees were victims.

Despite the nominal reduction in working times that the karoshi phenomenon instigated, Japan still has the second-largest ratio of people working more than 49 hours a week, according to the International Labor Organization.







dahlia 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Party branches and village committees

Village-level Party organizations are another obstacle to grassroots democratization.
Though the Organic Law (Art. 3) states that Party branches should ‘support villagers
in developing self-governance and exercising their democratic rights’, it also insists
that branches are a village’s ‘leadership core’. This means that Party
leaders play a dominant role in most locations, with the Party secretary usually
considered the village ‘number one’, and the committee director the
village ‘number two’.

Fieldwork and surveys of grassroots cadres have confirmed the pre-eminence of
Party secretaries. Liang estimated that 80% of secretaries nationwide were their village’s top power holder,





dahlia 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Many procedural failings
identified by Chinese and international observers, including the Ministry of Civil
Affairs, the Carter Center, the International Republican Institute, and the European
Union, have not been fully addressed. New problems are also emerging, such as votebuying,
literacy tests for candidates, interference in recall efforts, and ‘hoodlum
elections’, where local toughs secure votes (or influence ballot-counting) through
threats and intimidation. Still, electoral procedures have improved greatly in the
last two decades and a good number of competitive and reasonably fair elections have
been held. Access to power, in other words, has expanded. But have similar changes
in the exercise of power occurred? 


多くの手続き上の不手際が中国語で確認されており、民政部、Carter Center、International Republican Institute(IRI)、欧州連合(EU)を含む国際監視団は十分に取り組んでいない。また買収選挙、候補者の識字能力の試験、リコール選挙への取り組みの妨害、地元の悪党達が脅迫や威嚇によって投票を保証する(または票読みに影響を及ぼす)”チンピラの選挙”といった新たな問題も浮上している。それでもここ20年間で選挙過程は大幅に改善され、多くのかなり公平な競合的な選挙が開かれている。つまり、権力の利用が拡大している。しかし、これは権力を行使する同様の変化が生じているのではないか。

dahlia 英語 → 日本語

The Type 99 monopods are not an item that I normally carry. I can order them for you, if you want. It would have to be a special order. I have to order 10 or more and cost will be $49 each to you (including your discount). I have had numerous problems with this item, not with the product, but with the buyers. Most buyers don't understand that you need the barrel band with the mounting lug to install this item. They don't read the description, which explains this, before making the purchase. When they realize they don't have the mounting lug on their rifle, they want to return the item. Additionally, some will have difficulty aligning the pin and screw in the lug.

