cony_ac539985214 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
cony_ac539985214 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

It's 2012 now: Happy new year! And the year isn't the only thing that's new. YYY is undergoing a huge change, and we have lots of new announcements to make. We've got a new website, redesigned from scratch; the first semester of the ZZスクール with three brand-new classes; and the new Ensemble's first ever public performance!

Even YYY itself is being renewed: we're in the process of registering as an NPO Hojin. The papers are in, and we're waiting for the results.

So I apologize for the sheer length of this newsletter. As you can see, there are many annoucements to make, and I hope you will take the time to look at each one, as each one represents months of hard work, not just for me, but for the entire YYY team.





cony_ac539985214 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

While acknowledging that we’ve got a little mo’ going in the current economy, I have stressed various risk factors, including Europe, oil, & fiscal drag.

It’s the one risk, that with smarter policy, we could control…but it’s that “smarter policy” part that’s the catch. Our policy makers remain motivated more by austerity and dysfunctional politics than by clear-eyed thinking about offsetting the fiscal drag as stimulus fades, states shed jobs, and we’re still climbing out of the hole caused by the Great Recession.

BTW, note the dip in terms of lower real GDP (“current law”) this year if we fail to extend unemployment insurance benefits and the payroll tax break beyond the 2 months agreed to thus far.





cony_ac539985214 英語 → 日本語

Eamonn Fingleton started a debate on Japan's slump or lack thereof with a Sunday review piece in the NYT. This has since been joined by Paul Krugman and others. Since I have been asked by a number of people what I thought, I will weigh in with my own two cents.

First I agree with Fingleton that the description of Japan as a basket case is way off the mark. While GDP growth has been weak, its productivity growth has been better than the average in the OECD.

The fact that its productivity growth has exceeded its GDP growth is explained by both the aging of the population, leading to a decline in the size of its labor force and also the reduction in the number of hours worked per year by the average worker.





cony_ac539985214 英語 → 日本語

Neither of these seems to be obviously bad, although it is almost certainly the case that Japan still suffers from some hidden unemployment (mostly among women) in addition to its relatively low official unemployment.

Fingleton probably does go overboard in a few areas. First, Shadowstats is not a credible source. There are issues with the official statistics in the U.S. (as is the case everywhere), but the idea that we have overstated growth by 2% a year does not pass the laugh test.

Second, the measure of electricity use that he sees as a main determinant of living standards is likely distorted by the fact that Japan was starting from a very low base whereas the U.S. was starting from a very high base.



