My orders are for the items in the stock list.The list shows only size S and M. Does that mean you don't have any XS?Brands you suggested to us are for the size fitting both for men and women.Our shop only carries lady's clothes, so we need only small size items.Could you check and let us know the stock for pants we ordered last time?After we have confirmed the stock status, we will place an order.
Thank you for email.I am preparing for shipping the two orders below but I have questions.Order number:Order number:I must affix a label with address and receiver’s name on the box.I am going to send you two items in one package. Is it OK for me to affix two labels on the box (each label has its order number)?I am wondering if the two labels on the box cause trouble to send the package from Japan to US. Are you sure it is OK?Second question.How should I explain to your company about the shipping fee to return the item?I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Sorry for the translation on PC did not make sense. What I wanted to say was just sorry to you. I am sorry that I asked you in the first inquiry mail about the shipping fee for the wrong item.What I wrote in the mail was "Will you please send this item to California?"Will you let me now the tracking number?Thank you.
Because we carry so many items from various genres, we cannot carry items in small quantity.Therefore our prices are very reasonable for our items.Please understand that we cannot do business without profit.If you cannot agree with us, I am afraid to say that you must cancel the order this time.Considering the brands we have, we are sure you can find something you may like.We are looking forward to serving you for other items.Thank you.
グローバル・スタンダードで日本に流れ込んだ能力主義や自己責任、つまるところ仕事は自分の収入と自分の人生の為のみが基本にある。その満足感が収入に比例して、プライドを持てると誰もが期待した近年がある。 一方、これに異を唱えると敗者の烙印を押されるので一般には言わない人が多いが、実は日本では終身雇用や年功序列の制度以前に、共に仕事をする者達が協力する楽しさや、共通の目的を達成する歓びが常に先になければと言う考えがある。
Global standard has brought the performance based pay system and idea of self-responsibility.Its basic idea is that we work for own income and own life.In late years, we all have been believing that we can have own pride when we get satisfied more with more income we get.However it is true that not many but some people don't agree with that idea even though they won't tell so in public because they are fear of being considered as a failure. Their idea is that it is the most important for people working together must have fun through helping each other and feel joy by achieving the same goal before talking about lifetime employee system or seniority based system in Japan.
Tutorial- Boss gives you 5 questions.- Tap each Ink to make it closer to the sample color.- Tap the OK button when you think the color becomes the same color.- Bar length becomes shorter as time elapses.- Reset with the ink button when you have added too much ink.- Score (total for 5 plays) is the based on the accuracy of adding ink and the elapse time. Aim higher!- In the VS mode, rule is basically same. Five sample questions are given.
Thank you for your inquiry.Sorry, I should have let you know earlier.I am afraid to say but at this moment, we are not allowed to export these items to Singapore due to the governmental restriction.Thank you for your understanding.
"wester union"はまだ登録していないので、前回と同じ方法で送金します。手数料が差し引かれるようですので今回は少し多めに送金しようと思っています。合計金額をお知らせください。
I don't have an account with "western union", so I will pay you as I did before.I am going to pay you the amount including the handling fee.Will you let me know the total amount?Thank you.
The difference of color is not a problem with me.Will you give me a quotation for the three types of item below?Is the payment account the same as the previous one?How many days does it take for you to deliver items after you have confirmed the payment?
I run a shop in XXX in Japan.I have been looking for a business partner in US.I am told that you carry tote bags and backpacks.I want to buy xx or xx for $xx.Can you sell such items at a reasonable price to me?Currently I ask a forwarding company in Florida to collect items and deliver from their place.Is it possible for you to deliver items directly to Japan?I am very delighted to do business with you.
Ok on that.I will try to find the two items I threw away. If I successfully have found them, I will send them to the designated address. I will let you know when I can send you again.I am relieved to know that you kindly will pay for the returning shipping fee instead of me.It may take a while for me to find the lost items but I am sure to send them to the address if have found them.I am terribly sorry about that this time.
連絡を差し上げてから24時間が過ぎましたあなたが送った国際郵便はビニールレコードは1枚しか有りませんでしたその証拠に郵便物の重量が0.3キログラム、つまり300グラムの送料とドイツポストの記載とサインがありますピクチャーレコードは重く梱包して2枚を300グラムでは遅れませんもう1枚のMADONNA RARE MOMENTS VOL. 1を発送していなければ7日かで届くEMS国際速達で送ってください24時間以内に連絡なければ残念ですがebayに異議を申し立てます
24 hours passed since I contacted you last time.The international shipment sent from you had one vinyl record.The shipping label has a German post office stamp and it says 300g of package weight.It is clear that you did not include everything.Definitely two of picture records and packing material are heavier than 300g.Will you send the other record, MADONNA RARE MOMENTS VOL. 1, by EMS international express mail? It should arrive in seven days.If I have not received any reply from you within 24 hours from now on, I will file a complaint to ebay.
あなたがこれを読んでいるということは荷物が無事に着いたということですね?以前私はUSからCDを買った際ケースが割れていたことがあったので梱包剤を沢山いれました。荷物が大きくなってしまってごめんなさい。INROCK 3月号も同封しました。インタビューは来月号に続くそうです。私は再びこの雑誌を買わなければなりません。なんて彼らは商売上手なんでしょう!(笑) あなたが私にお礼の何かを送る必要は全くありません。私はあなたと今までどおりメールやtwitterで話せるだけで充分幸せです。
Since you are reading this mail, I assume that you have received the package safely.I put a lot of cushion in it to avoid damage because I have experienced such problem when I had bought a CD from US before. Sorry, the package became little bulky due to that.I added a March edition of INROCK. Interview will be continued to next issue.I must buy this magazine again. How smart they are! :)You don't need to send me anything in return. I am just happy that I can have a wonderful time by exchanging message by email and twitter with you.
Will you look at the attached photo? (Please refer to the separate e-mail)This image is of the one which was displayed on Ebay site on January 22.I clicked the purchase button when that image was shown on the display.All photos are taken on my PC when I purchased.You placed your item for sale until January 19. Why didn't you correct the contents displayed on the site?
I bought a lot of items from you besides the set of cup.If you do not take a proper action to me, I won't complain any more but you may lose a good customer to you.What you are saying could be true patricianly, yet I believe what I am saying is also correct.If you pay me back 25 dollars (50 divided by 2), I will close out this issue.What do you say to my suggestion? I will issue an invoice.
Could you sell me this head for $470?In addition to that, I want to buy three pieces of A and three pieces of B.Can you sell them including the shipping fee for $1900?If you agree on that, I want to pay through Paypal. Please send me the invoice?I will pay you for my order on February 21 this time. Will you hold my order untill that date?I am looking forward to favorable news from you.
I have brought the item back to Japan, so I can not send it to you now.Isn't it possible for me to pay you back some money as a repair fee?I am looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you.
I am sorry that it took so long before sending it to you but I am going to send your item today.The item was out of stock for a while. That's why it took so long.According to the schedule, the item will be delivered to you on March 5.You will also find something gifts in it. I hope you like them.Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
・口座の種類 個人口座 - 個人(消費者)を対象とした口座。 個人ビジネス口座 - 個人事業者を対象とした口座。 法人ビジネス口座 - 法人を対象とした口座。・口座維持手数料個人口座・個人ビジネス口座・法人ビジネス口座ともに無料。・楽天銀行キャッシュカード自社が設置するATMは無く、ゆうちょ銀行、セブン銀行、イオン銀行、イーネットおよびローソンのATMにて入金・出金ができる。また利用者本人のゆうちょ銀行通常貯金との間での入金・出金ができる。
- Account typeIndividual account: account for individuals (consumers)Individual business account: account for the self-employed Corporate account: account for corporation- Account maintenance fee No fee required for individual account, individual business account and corporate account- Rakuten cash cardRakuten does not own ATM machine, however deposits and withdrawals are available at ATM machine at Yucho Bank, Seven Bank, E Net or Lawson.Also a card holder can deposit or withdraw money between Rakuten band and Yucho Bank.
Rakuten Bankは、国内で二番目に誕生したネットバンクである。元々はイーバンクという名称であったが楽天に買収後に改名される。2011年8月末現在で国内の382万口座が開設されており、ネット銀行では日本最大手である。楽天銀行の各支店名称は「ジャズ支店」「ロック支店」「サンバ支店」など、音楽ジャンルを表すユニークな支店名となっている。元々はネット専用でキャッシュカードが無かったが、2004年には単独のキャッシュカードの発行が開始され、直接ATMでの入出金が可能となる
Rakuten Bank is the second oldest online bank in Japan, which name was E Bank before and has changed to the current name since the bank was acquired by Rakuten Company.As of August 2011, it is the largest online bank in Japan with 3.82 million bank accounts.Branch bank office's name is unique such as Jazz, Rock, or Samba. They are associated with music genre.When started, banking servicing was only available online and no cash card was available.In 2004, the bank issued their first cash card. Since then making deposits and withdrawals has been available at ATM machine.