Could I ask a favor of you?I have asked you to send packages all at once until now but I'd like you to send one at a time from now on. (I assume that there are two packages to be sent by EMS.)Will you send one of the two packages first and send the other one about seven days later.Also please send me an invoice for each? (I will pay for both at the same time.)Thank you for your help.I am going to place an order around March 11 or 21 again.If there are any recommendations you have, please let me know.Best regards.
I am afraid to say but there was no the "+" mark on the surface of A.I found that on the ebay and bought one. At that time there was a description saying the "+” mark was on it.Since "+" is the evidence that it has passed the core test, the value of item with no "+" mark comes down to half. So, please choose either one of these,- I return the item to you and you give me a $490 refund including the shipping cost or - I keep the item and you give me a $225 refund, which is the half of $450.Please confirm the attached photo for yourself.
I think that might be discouraging people, who has never been to a club, from wishing going there.In Japan J-POP is at the main stream position and it won't change forever. Karaoke, the most popular pop cultures, comes next to it. By the way, in Japan club business is strictly regulated by law. I wonder why Karaoke is good but club is no good. There is not much difference between them for customers to enjoy. I think we can enjoy Club in more various ways.
あとは僕自身作りたい音楽がヨーロッパの其れに近いし、今僕が契約している海外のレーベルがイギリスとイタリアにあるので必然的にヨーロッパに流れていった感じですね。今後もドイツ・スペイン・オランダのレーベルからオファーが来てますし。日本でももっと自身を広げたい気持ちはもちろんありますが、自分のやりたい音楽スタイルでは恐らく太刀打ちできません(笑)。2010年にSYNC SWEEP名義でリリースした「Silent Message.」というCDアルバムがあります。
Music what I want to create is similar to European music and I work for label companies in UK and Italy, so naturally my music is getting into that direction.I have some offers from label companies in Germany, Spain and Holland and I want to challenge myself in Japan as well. But I know that I won't be able to succeed in my music style. :)Here is a CD album, Silent Message, which I released by the name of SYNC SWEEP in 2010.
それがHMVのクラブミュージック系セールスチャート最高7位に入ったんですよね。功績だけをあげるとそれなりに日本でもあるんですけど・・・。- すみません、どうしても海外での実績が目立っているので、聞いてしまいました。海外のストアーでセールスチャート上位に入った事がありますが、やっぱり日本のセールスとは桁が違います。そういったことも含め、純粋に海外のダンスミュージックシーンで勝負したいと思っているわけです。
That has once ranked at the 7th position in the sales chart for club music at HMV.If I count what I have achieved, I have some in Japan. Sorry, I did not intend to ask but I asked you such questions because achievement in foreign countries is very outstanding. My music has ranked at the upper position of sales chart in stores overseas, but it is very small compared to the sales in Japan.With all considered, simply I want to try myself in the dance music field of foreign countries.
接続できませんでした私の車のフロント側とトランク側の写真を送りますフロント側は1つだけマッチするコネクタ(電源系)があったので接続してみました。電圧も12Vあるのですが、電源がONできませんでした。トランク側は形状があうコネクタがありませんでしたちなみに、DVD本体は12Vのプラスとマイナスの2本の線だけ接続すればPOWER ONできますか?ACCもつなげる必要がありますか?私はDVD本体が壊れていないか、コネクタを接続する前に確認したい。
I could not connect it.I will send you some photos showing the front side of my car and the trunk side.I found one connector (for power system) at the front side which was the only one connector to fit and I connected to that connector. I confirmed 12V but the power did not turn on.At the trunk side, there was no connector to fit.Will you let me know if DVD player turns on only by connecting the two cables, positive and negative, to the 12V power source? Do I have to connect AC line, too?Before I connect the DVD player, I want to make sure if it works or not.
Sorry, I have just finished payment through Paypal but I did so leaving the delivery address to Japan. That was wrong.Could you cancel the payment and issue a new invoice to me?I am going to change the address to US and finish payment as soon as possible.
I have bought that before.Is the method of payment problem?If I use a credit card, I can buy that?Or is that item not allowed to be imported into Japan?
Thank you for your patience, I hope you understand English is not my mother languageI took some photos of the items I received to show you how they looked like.And I examined the instrument and found that there were some cream left on it, discoloring in the cork part and dents inside the belt. I doubted whether it had been tested or checked in advance. That’s why I had a professional examine the instrument. They are professional, so their test results are highly accurate. I am sending repair quote photo to you again.
“A” is a simple application to search album artworks.By selecting a genre such as pop, rock or jazz, it finds artworks for the selected genre and displays them above the title.Also it displays the number of songs in the album and you can enjoy trial listening as well.Why don’t you find cool artworks and explore new songs you have never listened before?
I have some question about resonators.You are thinking to use brass-made one, aren’t you?Surely it perfectly fitted with the 100xxx that I bought before.
私はあまりに音色が明るくなりすぎるのが好きではないので、プラスティックのresonatorsを使ってはどうかな?と考えるのですが、(あなたがビデオでの演奏はハードラバー製のマウスピースを使っていますよね?その音は十分明るく聞こえる。もしメタル製のマウスピースを使った場合は音が明るくなりすぎるように思えるのです)あなたの見解はどうですか?ちなみにパッドは Pisoni で問題ありません。
I don’t like that sound very much because it is too vivid.How about using plastic-made resonators instead?(I suppose you used a hard rubber mouthpiece in the play recorded in the video.That sound is vivid enough. I think if you use metal-made mouthpiece, it sounds too vivid. ) Will you let me know how you think?It is ok with me that Pad is Pisoni.
We expect you to offer us 30/kg when we buy 25kg.For starters, we like to send sesame as a sample and listen feedback from our customers.We are hoping to do business with you continuously.I am located in Kyoto city, so please send my order via the Kansai airport.Will you include some brochure for sales, if any, in the package?Also will you send me some photos of sesame by mail so that I can use them on my website?Please be reminded that what I want to buy is high quality sesame.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
The overhaul work you did with 100xxx was excellent.I trust your skill of setup work, so will you do the overhaul work with 83xxx for me?Will you let me know how long it will take?Thank you.
I have registered two addresses (one is in Japan and the other in US) at this web site. My first order, for which I had asked to send it to Japan, did not arrive, so I received a refund.My second order, for which I had asked to send to the address in US, arrived safely.My third order, for which I had asked to send to the address in US, failed to arrive and I received a refund.I am going to buy from you often, will you give me some advice on what I should do to avoid further trouble? Also, I would like to know your stock status before I place an order.Thank you for your help in advance.
Hello,Thank you for everything.Thank you for sending me photos and teaching me how to exchange addresses through Ebay.Thank you so much again.
Sorry, it’s kind of late but I have uploaded the photos I took in Los Angeles, Miami and New York.Music festival is just around the corner. Browsing photos makes me realize that time flies indeed.Many kinds of things have happened in Japan and abroad, yet it is such a sweet memory to me. I will work hard this year so that I can visit many countries again.
Hello, The shipping address is correct.I like to use EMS for the shipping. I know how much the shipping fee will be.Please send me the invoice.Thank you very much in advance.
【緊急】これは重要なメールです。4台の346XPと4本の18”barが日本に到着しました。しかしsaw chainがオリジナルBoxに入っていなく、型番も記載されていません。ただ、ビニールに包まれた状態です。新品ではない可能性もあります。これではビジネスになりません。メールの返信も遅い。あなたは、私がPayPalにクレームを申請すると伝えた時だけしか連絡してこない。とても不愉快です。私の気持ちを理解していますか?あなたは私に誠意を示すべきです。
Urgent: Important mailFour units of 346XP and four units of 346XP arrived at my place.The saw chains are not packed in the original box. There is no model number shown.They are just wrapped in a plastic bag. They could be not new ones.I cannot sell them to my customers.I am afraid to say but you are too slow to respond to my mail.You only respond to me when I make a complaint to Paypal.I am really disappointed with them.I am sure you know how I feel now.I am looking forward to sincere response from you.
あなたに残された選択肢は2つしかありません。今月中に実行してください。1. $1960を返金する。2. 346xp を4台。 20" bar&saw chain "Brand-new in box "を4セット。 16" bar&saw chain "Brand-new in box "を4セット。 これらすべてを直ぐに発送する。1と2、どちらかを必ず今月中に実行してください。saw chainの写真も添付しました。確認してください。
Please be sure to take an action of either 1 or 2 as written below by the end of this month.1. You refund me $1960.2. You send me the following items immediately.- Four units of 346xp- Four sets of 20" bar & saw chain "Brand-new in box- Four sets of 16" bar & saw chain "Brand-new in boxPlease refer to the attached photos of saw chain.