But if you like to, we can send you the English manual, and you can translate them into Japanese, then we can format them into pdf format.For the cost concern, we don’t print the paper manual in Japanese and put it in the package, this is because the printing work is submitted to other 3rd party factory,and they don’t take the work less than 2000 manuals. Thus, you would need to order at least 2000 which is not the reality and doesn’t make sense to you.So my suggestion is to make a Japanese manual in file format and you can put them on your website to let user to download.
All right, we both know that the reason of cancel transaction wasn't real. Just because it didn't sell for what you expected, doesn't mean you have the right to cancel it. By the law I will get the item I won and paid in a no reserve auction, and it's up to me to decide whether it's "broken" or not.I'm looking forward your reply of a solution with honestly or it will leave no choose but to report to ebay, so is your feedback..........regards
詳しくご説明しますと一般的な通常の電池は判りませんがリチウムイオン電池に関しては、日本から 航空便、 EMS、船便のいずれの方法ともにフランス送ることが出来ません。日本から、欧州の他の国には送付可能なのですがフランスにはお送りすることが、現在は出来ません。これは、日本とフランス政府との決めごとなのだと推測します。今回、本当に申し訳なく思います。私にはどうすることも出来ません。従いまして昨日のいずれかの方法でご判断下さい。どうぞ、よろしくお願いいたします。
If I may elaborate, albeit I cannot comment on what we may refer to as "general" batteries, lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are not allowed to be shipped to France, EMS-ed nor air mailed. Though it is possible to deliver the battery to other European countries, currently it is not possible to do so for France in particular.This is my mere speculation, but I do suspect that this is a regulation of some sort which both the Japanese and the French government has agreed on. I am truly sorry, but this is beyond my control and there is virtually nothing I could do.Therefore, please consider and decide on either one of the methods I have suggested to you yesterday. I sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
I apologize for my late response.Currently, we are at the stage where a company of a customer of mine is discussing the viability of the order in concern. However, it seems that the decision is yet to be made. Considering the circumstances, I must say that it is most likely that the order will not be placed.Nonetheless, we should be able to find out in a matter of a few days, so please be patient.As for A and B, have they been imported and received?These were ordered on the 21st of May. If they have been received, we would very much appreciate a prompt shipment and delivery.Please refer to the following for our new order we wish to place.Again, we would be very grateful if you could have the orders shipped swiftly, including A and B mentioned above.
特定企業個別稼働表今月より、各社への個別にかかったコストをカウントすることになりました。つきましては、みなさまの各社に対する個別の稼働時間を、このシートに記入して下さい。時間は30分刻みで、半角数字でお書きください。(例)3時間30分の場合:3.5 3:30としないこと。締切は今週末です。不明な点がありましたら、○○までお気軽にどうぞ。
Corporate-specific working/operational hours chartAs of this month, we have decided to calculate the individual costs associated to each company.Therefore, please kindly indicate the working hours you have spent on each company on this sheet.Please note that 30 minutes/unit time, and enter your information using only half-width alphanumerics. e.g. 3hrs 30mins should be correctly written as 3.5; please do not write 3:30.The deadline is this weekend.If anything is unclear, please feel free to contact oo.
Hello there.I've made the contract for the remix, so here it is.This contract is made without changes to your address we had on our previous contract; I hope that's alright. Otherwise, please let me know.I'd be happy if you could send me the WAV file along when you send the signed contract back to me. No rush here, so just send it to me whenever you've got the time.Thanks a lot for the brilliant mix!
Hi there, i want to buy this item from you. I have several questions and wishes. First of all im from Turkey, my name is AAAA.1) Before you ship, could you decrease the value and mark as gift on the shipping form? (To decrease the import tax)2) Could you write the content of the package as "headset" not "headphone" on the form? Because the people work in my country's custom doesnt know English and when they see "headphone" they understand it as a mobile phone because of the word "phone". This increases the custom duty.3) Is your item headset + decoder or only the headset? Im looking for a complete set. (headset+decoder)
Possible discounts regarding shipping feesDue to the recent increase in heavier items and packages, we are having a slight concern in the amount of all associated shipping costs.As we foresee that the situation will exacerbate, we have requested an estimate of relevant costs to a particular company which we have been having deals and transactions with.Currently, also as the exchange rate for yen is continuously weakening, we have distinctively used both your service and a Japanese delivery agent, and the fees we have paid for your service was $A during May.Although we do appreciate receiving 20% discount on the fees we pay to you, is it possible to make that up to 30% from now on? Please kindly consider.
こんにちは、久しぶりのメールになってしまいましたね。実は最近まで手術のために病院に入院してました・・・・少しずつ体調もよくなり、ようやく数日前に退院できました。一日でも早く仕事へ復活したくてウズウズしてます(笑顔○○さんは毎日ハードな仕事だと思うので体調には気をつけてくださいね!Raptor bodyの作業も今月中には再開したいと思ってます。入院中に妻がfacebookのレース写真を見せてくれて凄く励みになってましたよ~レース頑張ってくださいね!!!
Hi there! It's been a while since I've messaged you before.I was actually hospitalized to get an operation done but no worries, I'm slowly getting my health back and got myself out a few days ago.Now I'm really looking forward to get back to work! :)Having said that, I think your work is a tough one so please do keep your health in mind!As for the Raptor Body, I'm planning to start working on it again at some point this month.My wife showed me the pictures of your race on facebook while I was in the hospital, and it really helped me keep up!Wish you the best of luck in your race!
メトリウスの問合せや再注文があった場合は、すべて貴ホールドの販売で対応しています。最近はクライミングジムへの販売も好調です。日本のジムが取り扱っているブランドや取扱数量や好みなども把握出来てきたので今後さらに営業を強化します。 先日注文したホールドの第一便が到着しました。完璧な梱包でした。ありがとうございます。引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
Should we receive another order or inquiry from Metolius.we are dealing with it by selling the holds we have been provided from you.These days, the sales to certain climbing-gyms are steady and going fairly well.As we now have an idea of which item and brands the gyms in Japan tend to prefer as well as the quantity in which they order, we will be beefing up our running of the business.Just to let you know, we have received the first bulk of holds we ordered the other day.The packaging was simply impeccable.I would like to thank you for that.We truly look forward to keeping our relationship up and going.
Thank you for your message(contact).In response to the queries regarding your climbing holds in Japan, please inform them that we will be holding an exclusive distributorship agreement with you and thus have them to purchase the products from us.Please note that the following will be my contact details.So if you receive any inquiries from Japan, please do inform me.Finally, we will focus solely on the distribution of your hold; Albeit we have been importing similar items from Metolius via a U.S distributor, currently, we are not dealing with their products.
突然のメール失礼します。弊社は、GandA 株式会社とゆう会社名で、輸入代理店をしております。私は代表のGO ITOと申します。WEBサイトを3つ経営し、小売店への卸業も並行で行っており、約3000人の顧客リストを持っています。現在、アメリカ内で2社と契約があり、同じ商品を仕入れておりますが今回、発注量増加に伴い、御社共も是非取引きがしたいと考えメールしました。また、以前、御社から個別に購入した際の御社の対応に非常に感動しています。
Please excuse me for my sudden email.We are a stock corporation called "Gand A" and we are and importing agent.PLease allow me to introduce myself; I am a representative of the company, and my name is Go Ito.We have 3 of our own websites and we also provide wholesale services to retailers; we currently have a list up to approximately 3000 customers so far.Furthermore, we have 2 existing contracts with firms in the U.S, and we are importing the same products to both but as we are now experiencing an increase in the quantities being ordered, we have come to a conclusion that we would be more than happy to have some sort of trading with each other.Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that we were sincerely pleased with your service when we have previously purchased a product of yours.
This information is only for to know about the market in Japan.Do you could be contact him for to know about quantities and is your decision if is good or not sell him if is convenience for B. I have a dude, Do you buy Metolius directly to Metolius company? Or there are an exclusive Metolius distribuitor in Japan and this sell to all the resellers in Japan.
Of the supposed dozen survivors, only three claim any mention in subsequent history, and only one for long. The renegade from the Catonian party, P. Servilius, grasped the prize of intrigue and ambition--a second consulate from the Triumvirs, like his first from Caesar: after that he is not heard of again. Antonius' adherent Calenus. held a military command and died; but the Caesarian nobilis Calvinus prolonged an active career after that date, the solitary relic of a not very distant past.Less spectacular than the decadence of the principes, but not less to be deplored, were the gaps in other ranks and orders. Octavian said: "you can change them if you wish to;if not, that you will in any case hereafter
考えられる何十人かの生存者のうち、3人だけがその後歴史上にその足跡を残し、語られる事となった。しかも人々に永らく知られるようになったのは更にそのうちの一人だけである。カト派の背教者、P.サーヴェリウスだ。彼は野心と渦巻く陰謀の中である勝利を勝ち取った―一度カエサル(シーザー)に与えられたのと同じく、今度は三頭政治における二度目の領事の職を与えられた。だがしかし、その後の彼が歴史上に姿を現す事はなかった。また、アントニウスの支持者であったカレヌスは軍の指揮をとって死亡したものの、カエサル派の貴族、カルヴィヌスはその後も長期間に渡って自身の地位とキャリアを留め続た。そしてそれは今も、あまり遠くない昔の孤高の名残としてその面影を残している。しかし原理や主義の退廃よりも驚愕すべきは、階級やいわゆる社会的なランクに垣間見える格差だ。これに対し、アウグゥストゥスはこう述べた: 「望めばそれを変える事は可能だ。しかし、今望もうと望まざると将来、いずれ変えていく事になるだろう"
We received a package from Richard for you today, but it did not have your correct or complete address on the shipping label. To avoid delays, please update your shipping address with Richard. Your shipping address should look like this: Each package that arrives at our facility with an incorrect or incomplete address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and incurs an address correction charge of US $5. To avoid delays and charges, please notify merchants of your correct address.
赤色は本日入荷分含め、現在2個になります。1個335ドル(送料込み)です。ご検討よろしくお願いいたします。あともう一点、傷がついていた商品は この間ご相談いただいた白色の商品ですか?それとも別の商品ですか?
As for the red one, including the newly received items, we currently have 2 of them in stock.The price will be at $335 per item.Please kindly consider.And one final thing; Is the damaged product you have mentioned, the white one?Or is it another item you are concerned about? Please advise.
I apologize for my late response. Please understand that I have been slightly busy recently, dealing with estates and property matters as well as laying out some plans for a business trip.As for what we have spoken previously, so you are intrigued with not only Japan but also Malaysia and China? Actually, we, as a family, have considered living in Malaysia in 3 years time. I mean, if we take our children's education into account, I personally think that it is a significant advantage to be able to speak Chinese as well as English. If you intend to buy a house in Japan, I would be more than happy to support you by all means. Regarding the properties I hold, we have finished signing the contract and the payments should complete by the this month.
The thing is, I have decided to travel alone around from the 2nd of July. However, I must say that it is regrettable that Saudi Arabia, which I believe to be your home country, is not included in my schedule for visit so far.This time, I am intending to fly over to Beijing from Japan, and then Paris, Spain, Frankfurt, London, N.Y, L.A, and Hawaii.I will be making an inspection on how certain Japanese products and merchandises are doing in the market as well as the management process of each of our clients, and of course, touring. I truly wish that I would have the opportunity to see you at some point during my travel, by I presume you are busy and may be difficult to do so.
Thank you very much for your queries upon our merchandise. As for the product "A" has gained a lot of popularity all around the globe including the US.Albeit we do have a corporate body in the US, we are a trading company ran by a small group of people and thus in order to commence any market dealings with any other enterprises, we are yet to set a minimum lot or a limit of any sort regarding our performance-related record.If you do have any preferences in terms of which lot and product you wish to consider, please do not hesitate to let us know as we will provide you with an estimate for all relevant costs.However, please kindly note that all transactions must be payed in advance via either Paypal or direct transactions to our account in the US.
Apart from the product you have contacted us for, we do have another known as "B" which is in display and available on Amazon.I sincerely do hope that you can see that we handle various goods on the market and not just "A."Furthermore, I plan to stay in the L.A. from the 24th of July for 3 days as representative of our business; if I may suggest, perhaps we would be able to meet each other at some point.Would that be fine with you?Once again, we appreciate your inquiry upon this matter.