Thank you.I am interested to order 200 in quantity.I have 2 enquiries.For customs purpose, can you arrange a record of that states $200 for the price of 200 items?Before ordering 200 items, I would like to first order 10. After confirming the goods, I will then order 200 in quantity.Looking forward to hear from you.
アーネスト先生へこんにちは。英語Cクラスの鈴木由貴(suzuki yuki)です。今学期の英語の授業、大変興味深く、また楽しんで参加する事が出来ました。ありがとうございました。さて、実は英語クラスのメンバーで、学期が終わっての打ち上げパーティーを計画しています。先生にもぜひ参加していただきたいのですが、いかかがでしょうか?8月30日18時〜、新宿にて行う予定です。先生のご都合はいかがでしょうか?よろしければ、ぜひご参加下さい。それでは、返信お待ちしております。
Dear (Mr/Ms) Earnest,How are you? I'm Yuki Suzuki of English C class.I had great interestin this semester's English lessons and was delighted to be able to join. Thank you very much.As we are preparing for a party at the end of the semester, I would hope that you could join the party as well.The party will be held on 30 Aug at 6pm in Shinjuku.I hope that you can join us if your schedule allows.Looking forward to your reply.
この曲は"世界番付 「ボクラノセカイ」"という日本テレビの番組内で作成されたテーマソングです。番組では、コメンテーターに世界各国の国籍の人が各テーマにそってそれぞれにディスカッションするのですが、出演者の価値観や表現がとても面白くて、とても視聴率の高い番組です。また、番組内で初披露した時に、とても反響が高く、感動したとの視聴者からの意見が殺到しました。もしよろしければ、是非聴いてみてください。私はこの曲を初めて聴いた時に感激して涙しました。
This song titled "Our world" is produced for a Japanese television program called "World ranking".In the program, people of different nationalities gather for discussion with the commentator. The expression of their values made the program really interesting, and the program received high TV rankings. When the program was first introduced, it received great response from the audiences. The opinions from the viewers started flooding in as they were greatly moved by the program.Please take some time to listen to the song. When I first listened to it, it touched my feelings and my tears started to fall.
HelloI have no problem.I have ordered 2 itemsand I also checked the record on Amazon.Please send the items.Thank you for contacting me.
I was rejected for the refund by the seller. Also, the goods that I am selling has violated the copyright law in Japan which I have never expected.This seller has made many Japanese TV and Manga on DVD without consent, and after this there will be a lot of similar claims in Japan.I have retained the goods, and even for returned goods, or submitting an experts written opinion, it is possible that the goods will have to be disposed.
And does the invoice mention 3 as the number of items?
I had bought DVD from you and it has become difficult to sell in Japan.The reason is due to that not all authors approval is received in Japan.Since you are the author, do you have the official document proof of sales rights of the DVD?For the time being, I would request a refund through Paypal.The goods is not opened, and never used. Therefore, if you do not have the documents, we have decided to get a refund for the goods.It is a regret and I hope to receive your reply as soon as possible.
Thank you for your your message. The goods acceptance of reservation will end on August 9th.Since this is an auction, it is also possible for display, and when the time comes please keep us informed. You are really a wild fan of Hatsune Miku!!
It is difficult for people to understand a problem when the problem is not close to one. Ever since the nuclear power plant accident in Japan, the radioactive contamination problem has everyone put a thought on it. It is a heart breaking reality but the world will not change if it weren't for this reality. Everybody recognizes the water problem from actual conditions of those who are suffering. Photos, video.... this is an honest battle. A leader's patience is required. It cannot be easily understood. If anything, as a well known person, those with influence power, I call out for their cooperation. Patiently call out for this matter.
第1回「家中留学」オフ会!本気で日本語、英語を学びあえるシェアハウス作ろう♪英語を本気で学びたい日本語native と 日本語を学びたい英語native が一緒に住む、生活全てを濃密な学びに変えるコミュニティ「家中留学」http://goo.gl/B9vaM「家中留学」は日本語または英語を母国語として、その一方を本気でうまくなりたいと願う人が、互いに成長し合える環境を目指したコンセプトシェアハウスです。
The first "Family living abroad studies" offline meetingLet's build the true Japanese, English learn and meet share house.Native English speakers wanting to learn Japanese and native Japanese wanting to learn English living together, completely transform your life into a rich learning community "Family living abroad studies""Family living abroad studies" One who truly aims Japanese or English to become a mother tongue, those aiming for an an environment to join and grow together concept share house.