it is going to as they can track every single invoice !!. Now you know how they know one buyer is buying10-20 of one item or we are shipping items outside the US. Let me know if this helps or works for you (using different names and ordering in smaller quantities). If this works for you (different names and a couple addresses) I may not be able to sell you as much as before, but I can still sell to you. Perhaps you can find another dealer that can sell you a few to make up the difference. Your postage will be a bit more since I can’t send 3-4 at a time but it may still be worth it.Respectfully,
FRThank you verry much! Im happy with the product though! I tried to do so but when I go to help and than the part where to delete my comments there arent any over there? So is there maybe another way to delete it?一度評価したバイヤーの評価を削除した場合はどのような手順ふめば良いでしょうか?
Line reaches 10 million users in India, aims at 20 million by end of yearLine first launched officially in India some three months ago, armed with a TV ad campaign targeted at high-school aged users. According to Line Corp today, the messaging app has reached 10 million registered users in India and expects to cross 20 million by year’s end.Line has over 230 million registered users in total, with 18 million in Thailand, which is the app’s top nation outside of Japan. Eyeing the rapid growth in the smartphone market, Line wants to be the top smartphone chat app in India and is employing some aggressive marketing initiatives in order to reach its goal.
Line,インドにて1000万ユーザ達成、年末までにが2000万を目標Lineが正式にインドにてローンチされたのは3ヶ月程前、高校生ユーザに向けたテレビ広告のキャンペーンを盾に行われた。Line Corpによると、このメッセージアプリは、インドにて1000万ユーザ登録を実現し、年末までには2000万を切るであろうと予測されている。Lineのユーザ登録総数は2.3億人、その内、日本の次に最もアプリユーザ数が多いタイでは1800万人となっている。スマホ市場の拡大を目に、Lineはインド1のスマホチャットアプリを目指し、大胆なマーケティングを用いている。1800万
Bollywood boostLine is keen to maintain its solid traction in India, and has already committed to several fresh marketing initiatives intended to increase its visibility.Alongside more TV ads, Line has inked exclusive content deals with the studios behind popular Bollywood flicks such as Phata Poster Nikla Hero and Besharam, along with upcoming titles such as Krrish3 and Dhoom 3.
Bollywood効果Lineはインドでの手堅いトラクション保持に重点を置いており、既に注目度を高める為の目新しいマーケティング手法に手を出している。テレビコマーシャルの他、LineはPhata Poster Nikla HeroやBesharam, または新作Krrish3やDhoom 3といった人気Bollywood番組と手を組み、限定コンテンツの契約を結んでいる。
Line has also roped in Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, as its brand ambassador. She will be seen in new the TV ad campaign on the eve of Diwali, India’s festival of lights, starting on October 11. Line will also have India-exclusive Katrina Kaif stickers. This is in line with the app’s tradition of partnering with well-known celebrities.In addition, Line has partnered with Sony India to be preinstalled on smartphones such as the Xperia Z1, Xperia C; Line and Sony will come out with a common ad campaign. Meanwhile, Sony’s music arm, Sony Music Entertainment, will open a brand account on Line to push its music line-up.
更にLineはBollywood女優であるKatrina Kaif氏をブランド大使として迎えた。彼女は、10月11日から始まるインドの光の祭典であるDiwali前日に新たなテレビコマーシャルのキャンペーンに出演することになっている。Lineはまた、インド限定のKatrina Kaif氏のステッカーも使用予定である。これは、このアプリが大物セレブと提携する際のお決まりのパターンである。加えて、LineはSony Indiaと連携し、 Xperia Z1やXperia Cといったスマホにアプリをプリインストールすることとなり、共同コマーシャルを行う予定である。また、Sonyの音楽部門を担当するSony Music Entertainmentは、音楽のラインアップを売り出す為、Line上でブランドのアカウントを開設予定である。
Similarly, he did not think it right to argue with the brother, because of his affection for the father of both of them. Caesar announced his decision on the whole matter, giving part of the kingdom to each of the brothers, and half of it to Archelaus. Caesar treated Nicolaus with honor. He gave Archelaus the title of ethnarch, and promised that if he proved himself worthy, he would soon make him king. He appointed the other brothers, Philippus and Antipas, to betetrarchs.He spent all [the money] that he had requested on the works themselves, showing that he was not swayed by [love of] money; and soon he won a brilliant reputation, because he had not done anything improper to gain more money.
I am glad to tell you that have received your complaint on Order Id:ma●●, and determined that it is removable as per B's feedback policy since it exclusively talks about the experience of the buyer with the price of the (product/shipping). Please be advised that in light of the recent changes in our Standard Operating Procedures we are now authorised to remove feedback that contains comments on the price of the product or price of the shipping only, provided that the entire feedback is still eligible for removal under our existing Feedback Policy.
Greetings from Motocrossgiant, thank you for your order. We apologize the inconvenience but we only have 3 of the GoPro HERO3: Black Edition 1080p HD Video Camera. We have the new option if you'd like there is a price difference but this is the newest one. Please advise if you would like 3 of the old model and 3 of the new model. Or if you just want the 3, we can process a refund for the difference. Please advise. Any other questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your business, have a great day.
Motocrossgiantです、ご注文頂き誠にありがとうございます。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ないのですが、GoPro HERO3: Black Edition 1080p HD Video Cameraは、現在3台しか残っておりません。代替品がございますのでご検討頂けますでしょうか。価格が異なるのですが、最新版がございます。もし古いモデル3台、最新版3台をご希望であるのか、若しくは残っている古いモデル3台のみをご希望であるのか、お知らせ頂けますでしょうか。差額の返金も行えます。もしその他ご質問等ございましたら、ぜひご連絡下さい。この度はご注文頂きありがとうございます、良い一日をお送りくださいませ。
The mathematician Bruno Abakanowicz invented the spirograph between 1881 and 1900. It was used to for calculating an area delimited by curves.[1] Drawing toys based on gears have been around since at least 1908, when The Marvelous Wondergraph was advertised in the Sears catalog.[2][3] An article describing how to make a Wondergraph drawing machine appeared in the Boys Mechanic publication in 1913. [4] The Spirograph itself was developed by the British engineer Denys Fisher, who exhibited at the 1965 Nuremberg International Toy Fair. It was subsequently produced by his company. Spirograph Nebula, a planetary nebula that displays delicate, spirograph-like filigree.
数学者のBruno Abakanowicz氏は1881年から1900年までかけ、スピログラフを発明した。これは、曲線によって区切られた面を図る為に使用された。[1] ギアを基にした絵描き機は、これがThe Marvelous WondergraphがカタログSearsに掲載された1908年頃から存在した。[2][3] Wondergraphの作成方法は、1913年、Boys Mechanic誌の記事に掲載された。[4]スピログラフは、英国のエンジニアであるDenys Fisher氏によって開発され、1965年Nuremberg国際おもちゃ展に展示された。その後、Fisher氏の会社により生産された。スピログラフ星雲とは、惑星雲であり、繊細でスピログラフの様なすかし細工を示す。
US distribution rights were acquired by Kenner, Inc., which introduced it to the United States market in 1966 and promoted it as a creative children's toy.In 1968, Kenner introduced Spirotot, a less complex version of Spirograph, for preschool-age children too young for Spirograph.Goldstein, Cathérine; Gray, Jeremy; Ritter, Jim (1996). L'Europe mathématique: histoires, mythes, identités. Editions MSH. p. 293. Kaveney, Wendy. "CONTENTdm Collection : Compound Object Viewer". Linderman, Jim. "ArtSlant - Spirograph? No, MAGIC PATTERN!". "From The Boy Mechanic (1913) - A Wondergraph". 2004
米国販売権はKenner(株)が取得し、1966年、創造的な子供のおもちゃとしてスピログラフを米国市場に導入した。Kennerは、スピログラフよりも単純なスピロトットを、スピログラフを使用するのには早すぎる就学前の子供向けに導入した。Goldstein, Cathérine; Gray, Jeremy; Ritter, Jim (1996). L'Europe mathématique: histoires, mythes, identités. Editions MSH. p. 293.Kaveney, Wendy. "CONTENTdm Collection : Compound Object Viewer". Linderman, Jim. "ArtSlant - Spirograph? No, MAGIC PATTERN!"."From The Boy Mechanic (1913) - A Wondergraph". 2004
Scrambling on all fours to the summit and cursing the heavens wasn't how I imagined this ski experience would pan out. As the cold bit and the wind rumbled ominously, I started to question what on earth we were doing. But climbing up Mount Yotei, an active volcano, in search of deep powder was never going to be easy.Most skiers coming to Japan's northern island of Hokkaido head for the popular resort of Niseko to experience its pristine snow. But for those who want a non-standard experience, scaling one of Hokkaido's most iconic volcanoes is too big a temptation to resist.
The Arte Espina 'Tweed' rugs feature exciting and vibrant designs which will make an impact in any room. Each rug is handtufted with 100% 'Espirelle' Acrylic, and a heavy pile weight of 2900 grams per sq/m. 'Espirelle' is an extremly durable and heardwearing material with the look and feel of wool. Espirelle is also easy to clean and maintain, most stains can be removed with water only. The TÜV/TFI quality seal and Öko-Tex standard 100 guarantee that the rugs in the collection conform with the pollutant norms, do not pose a health hazard and stand for a high-quality product.Original playful designs delight young spirits and open up new possibilities. Whether decorative or for invividual design.
Arte Espinaツイードマットは、エキサイティングでカラフルなデザインでどんなお部屋も強く印象付けてくれます。マットは一つずつ手装飾されており、100%Espirelleアクリルを使用、1平方メートル2900グラムの重厚な作りになっています。Espirelleとは非常に恒久性のある持ちの良い素材で、ウールの様な見た目と手触りであるのが特徴です。また、非常に掃除しやすく、大体の汚れは水だけで落とすことができます。TÜV/TFI証印とÖko-Tex基準マークが、コレクションのマット全作品が汚染規制を守り、健康を害せず、クオリティの高い商品であることを100%保証します。遊び心のあるデザイナーは若々しく、装飾性、独自性に溢れています。
Unfortunately we no longer have this item in stock. Please keeping checking our site to see if we have it, on you can set up a wish list, so if we get that item back in it will send you an email.
残念ながら当商品は在庫切れとなっております。 是非 にて入荷状況の確認や、買い物リストの作成をしてみてください。もし商品が入荷した際には、メールにてお知らせいたします。
We should talk and try to create a better situation for Prancing Leopard in Japan.We have stock for winter and pre-order summer.Bert is going to send you the links for lookbooks etc. soon.
日本におけるPrancing Leopardのより良い環境が築ける様、もっと話し合うべきですね。冬と、夏の事前注文に向けた在庫があります。Bertがルックブックのリンク等をすぐに送ると思います。
We at completely understand the inconvenience that is caused to the sellers whenever an order returns as customer damaged or defective. We try our best to ensure that returns of this kind are minimal. However, it is practically impossible for us to avoid returns completely being in e-commerce. Also, by using FBA, the seller gives Amazon full control over handling fulfillment and customer service, and that we (Amazon) “…reserve the right to make case-by-case exceptions and accept returns for units fulfilled through FBA that may be outside these guidelines.” I understand that it is very hard to understand as to why a defective buyer return is not credited if it is taken back. では、お客様による損傷品が返却された際生じるご不便を重々承知いたしております。この様な返品を最小限に抑えられる様全力を尽くしてはおりますが、イーコマースである以上、100%防ぐことは不可能と存じます。また、FBAにより、販売者はAmazonへ100%条約履行とカスタマーサービスへの権限をお譲り頂いております。我々Amazonは「…ケース毎に例外を受け付け、FBAを満たした上でこのガイドラインにそぐわない返品を受領する、全ての権限を有します。」しかし、不良品が返品され、受領された事が理解し難いとお思いになられることも、承知いたしております。
Please note that when an item returns to our warehouse as "Customer Damaged" or "Defective", it is put into unfulfillable inventory. The seller account is not eligible for reimbursement in this case. We at seller support always try our best to help our sellers to get credited accordingly. However, in situations like these we are bound by our policies and even if we want to proceed further we are unable to, as we cannot overpass our policies, and therefore do not have access of crediting your account for defective return. If the unit was returned with disposition carrier damaged, damaged or wrong item sent, we could have issued reimbursement for these orders.
Hello!:),(**FULL COMPLETE RESPONSE REQUESTED AND REQUIRED THANKS**):ASIN:B00B2lT6Y0Please give me your best deal possible(inclusive of DHL delivery to Gibraltar),PLEASE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT NO ADJUSTMENTS NEED TO BE MADE TO THIS WATCH,ONLY CHANGE THE DAY LANGUAGE AND ADJUST TIME FOR PARIS that is all!!(which I think I can do it myself?,meaning that you ONLY NEED TO LOWER THE PRICE ON THE INVOICE ONLY IF THIS IS POSSIBLE??,then can it be shipped today???????please get back soonkind regards,
こんにちは。 (全て質問に答えて下さい、宜しくお願い致します。) ASIN:B00B2lT6Y0今回、GibraltarへのDHLの配送込にて、できる限りのお値段をつけて頂けませんか?今回、時計を改造する必要はありません。時間設定と言語をパリに合わせて頂くだけでかまいません。私でもできる簡単な作業ですよね?なので、送り状のお値段だけなんとか下げて頂けませんか?また、本日発送頂けますか?早急にお返事頂けると幸いです、宜しく願いいたします。
13. COOPERATIONSupplier and Distributor shall cooperate to register the Sesame and thedistribution process with any applicable governmental authorities havingjurisdiction over either the product or the process.14. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThe parties agree that this constitutes the entire agreement and thereare no further items or provisions, either oral or otherwise.15. ASSIGNMENTNeither party may assign all or part of this agreement to any otherindividual or entity without the other party’s prior, written consent.Provided however, either party may, without such consent, assign theirrights and obligations under this agreement to an entity owned or controlledby them.
13 提携サプライヤと流通業者は、胡麻の商標登録と配給過程において必要に応じ、商品または過程を管轄するいかなる政府機関とも連携を取らなければならない。14 全決定事項両者は、当規定が全決定事項を制定し、その他口頭等でなされた条項は存在しないと同意する。15 譲渡両者は、紙面上の事前承諾が相手から無い限り、その他の個人、法人に当決定事項を譲渡することができない。ただし、どちらかが保有する法人に対してであれば、そのような事前承諾が相手から無い場合においても、権限や義務を譲渡することが可能である。
But, in the event of such assignment, the new entity, as well as theoriginal party, shall remain responsible for the provisions of this agreement.16. JURISDICTION AND VENUEThe parties agree that the terms of this agreement shall embodygeneral, international legal principles as interpreted under Japan law.Jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be Kyoto, JapanState courts. Such court shall haverights to determine all disputes, as well as initiate any injunctive relief hasmay be necessary or convenient in order to preserve the rights of the partieshereto, including, but not limited to, the right to exclusivity.
ただし、そのような譲渡がなされた場合でも、新たな法人も元々の関係者も、当決定事項に従わなければならない。16 司法権と管轄 両者は、日本国憲法内での一般的な国際法の原則を実行すると同意する。紛争の解決は、日本の京都における地方裁判所が管轄する。地方裁判所は、両者の独占権等の保持の際に必要または便利である、差止め救済措置を行う権限を所持する。
8. TERMThe initial term of this Agreement shall be five (3) years. It shallautomatically be renewed, on a year to year basis, thereafter unless writtennotice of cancellation is received by either party at least four (4) months priorto any extended period.9. TRADEMARKS/COPYRIGHTSSupplier hereby assigns Distributor the non-exclusive right to use anytrademarks, copyrights and other such intellectual property of Supplier inorder to allow Distributor to perform his duties hereunder.10. EXCUSE FOR NONPERFORMANCESupplier’s obligations under this agreement are accepted subject tostrikes, labor troubles (including strikes or labor troubles affecting anysuppliers of Supplier),
8 期限当決定事項の期限は5年とする。期間満了後は、関係者のどちらかが最低4ヶ月前までに取消の意思を提示しない限り、毎年自動更新される。9 商標/著作権サプライヤはこれをもって、流通業者が業務を追行する為に必要とされる、いかなる商標、著作権、その他の知的財産を使用する非独占的権限を流通業者に与える。10 契約不履行条件当決定事項にてサプライヤが与えられた義務は、ストライキ、労働障害(サプライヤのサプライヤに関連するストライキ、労働障害を含む)のもとでも有効であるとする。