London Gardens (ayaka_maruyama) 翻訳実績

11年弱前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
20 時間 / 週
ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

it is going to as they can track every single invoice !!. Now you know how they know one buyer is buying10-20 of one item or we are shipping items outside the US. Let me know if this helps or works for you (using different names and ordering in smaller quantities). If this works for you (different names and a couple addresses) I may not be able to sell you as much as before, but I can still sell to you. Perhaps you can find another dealer that can sell you a few to make up the difference. Your postage will be a bit more since I can’t send 3-4 at a time but it may still be worth it.





ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

Line has also roped in Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, as its brand ambassador. She will be seen in new the TV ad campaign on the eve of Diwali, India’s festival of lights, starting on October 11. Line will also have India-exclusive Katrina Kaif stickers. This is in line with the app’s tradition of partnering with well-known celebrities.

In addition, Line has partnered with Sony India to be preinstalled on smartphones such as the Xperia Z1, Xperia C; Line and Sony will come out with a common ad campaign. Meanwhile, Sony’s music arm, Sony Music Entertainment, will open a brand account on Line to push its music line-up.


更にLineはBollywood女優であるKatrina Kaif氏をブランド大使として迎えた。彼女は、10月11日から始まるインドの光の祭典であるDiwali前日に新たなテレビコマーシャルのキャンペーンに出演することになっている。Lineはまた、インド限定のKatrina Kaif氏のステッカーも使用予定である。これは、このアプリが大物セレブと提携する際のお決まりのパターンである。

加えて、LineはSony Indiaと連携し、 Xperia Z1やXperia Cといったスマホにアプリをプリインストールすることとなり、共同コマーシャルを行う予定である。また、Sonyの音楽部門を担当するSony Music Entertainmentは、音楽のラインアップを売り出す為、Line上でブランドのアカウントを開設予定である。

ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Similarly, he did not think it right to argue with the brother, because of his affection for the father of both of them. Caesar announced his decision on the whole matter, giving part of the kingdom to each of the brothers, and half of it to Archelaus. Caesar treated Nicolaus with honor. He gave Archelaus the title of ethnarch, and promised that if he proved himself worthy, he would soon make him king. He appointed the other brothers, Philippus and Antipas, to betetrarchs.He spent all [the money] that he had requested on the works themselves, showing that he was not swayed by [love of] money; and soon he won a brilliant reputation, because he had not done anything improper to gain more money.



ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

The Arte Espina 'Tweed' rugs feature exciting and vibrant designs which will make an impact in any room. Each rug is handtufted with 100% 'Espirelle' Acrylic, and a heavy pile weight of 2900 grams per sq/m. 'Espirelle' is an extremly durable and heardwearing material with the look and feel of wool. Espirelle is also easy to clean and maintain, most stains can be removed with water only. The TÜV/TFI quality seal and Öko-Tex standard 100 guarantee that the rugs in the collection conform with the pollutant norms, do not pose a health hazard and stand for a high-quality product.Original playful designs delight young spirits and open up new possibilities. Whether decorative or for invividual design.


Arte Espinaツイードマットは、エキサイティングでカラフルなデザインでどんなお部屋も強く印象付けてくれます。マットは一つずつ手装飾されており、100%Espirelleアクリルを使用、1平方メートル2900グラムの重厚な作りになっています。Espirelleとは非常に恒久性のある持ちの良い素材で、ウールの様な見た目と手触りであるのが特徴です。また、非常に掃除しやすく、大体の汚れは水だけで落とすことができます。TÜV/TFI証印とÖko-Tex基準マークが、コレクションのマット全作品が汚染規制を守り、健康を害せず、クオリティの高い商品であることを100%保証します。遊び心のあるデザイナーは若々しく、装飾性、独自性に溢れています。

ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

We at completely understand the inconvenience that is caused to the sellers whenever an order returns as customer damaged or defective. We try our best to ensure that returns of this kind are minimal. However, it is practically impossible for us to avoid returns completely being in e-commerce.

Also, by using FBA, the seller gives Amazon full control over handling fulfillment and customer service, and that we (Amazon) “…reserve the right to make case-by-case exceptions and accept returns for units fulfilled through FBA that may be outside these guidelines.”

I understand that it is very hard to understand as to why a defective buyer return is not credited if it is taken back.

翻訳 では、お客様による損傷品が返却された際生じるご不便を重々承知いたしております。この様な返品を最小限に抑えられる様全力を尽くしてはおりますが、イーコマースである以上、100%防ぐことは不可能と存じます。

