"ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE 〜Feel the love〜" CD販売 7/2発売NEW ALBUM会場限定特典決定!!名古屋・大阪・東京の各会場にて7/2発売ニューアルバム「タイトル未定」をご予約またはお買い上げの方に【オリジナルポスター】をプレゼント致します。
“ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~” CD on sale from 2nd July, there are NEW ALBUM Venue limited bonus!!At Nagoya/Osaka/Tokyo, if you reserve the newest album (Title TBD) you get an "Original Poster"!
"do music TV" (TBA)
New single will be on sale on Wednesday 13th August!
“ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~” 5/25(日)10時より 大阪城ホール公演 チケット一般発売開始!
The tickets for Osaka Castle Hall "ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~” will be on sale from 25th May 10am!
上部フリーテキスト“ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~”デビュー16周年を迎える2014年、プレミアム・ショーケース・ライヴ開催決定!浜崎あゆみが提示する新たなエンタテインメントのかたちがここにー。
FREE TEXT HERE“ayumi hamasaki PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~Feel the love~”A Premium Showcase Live is beig held as 2014 will be the 16th anniversary since the debut.Ayumi Hamazaki will showcase her new style of entertainment.
水口 輝昭 氏 ミズグチ テルアキお客様が望むものを考えながら、メニューを構成1977年生まれ。小学生の頃から料理が好きで、自然と料理人を志すように。初めての職場は東京湾を巡るレストラン船。その後、3~4カ月にわたってヨーロッパ各地を旅し、本場の料理や文化を肌で感じ、造詣を深める。2005年より【銀座KAZAN】の料理長に就任。女性客が多い店なので、メニューにフルーツを取り入れたり、繊細な盛りつけにこだわったりと、お客様に喜ばれることを第一に考え、日々取り組んでいる。
Teruaki MizuguchiCreating the menu whilst thinking about what the customers want.Born in 1977. Loved to cook from elementary school so aspiring to become a cook was only natural. The first job was at a restaurant ship which cruised around Tokyo Bay. Then traveled around Europe for 3-4 months, and by experiencing firsthand various cultures and authentic cuisines, deepens his profound knowledge. From 2005 he became the head chef for "Ginza KAZAN". Due to the fact that majority of the customers are female, he adopt lots of fruits into the menu as well as taking care in delicate presentations, so his mentality is focused on how to make the customers happy and striving to do so every day.
Specialized Cooking GenreAll EuropeanExperience18 yearsThe Oyster that was raised in a pure environment, the "Cat's eye Oyster".Our importing company is proud to present the Australia's Tasmanian "Cat's eye Oysters". You can enjoy these Tasmanian Oysters which are produced within an environment so pure that you can drink the rain water.MOUSSE using "crab" and seasonal "vegetables"Distinctive ingredients
「渡り蟹」と季節の「野菜」を使った『ムース』メニューはシーフードと野菜を使ったヘルシーな料理で構成。『渡り蟹と旬野菜のムース』は下層に「にんじん」など季節の野菜のムース、上層に「カリフラワー」のスープ、さらに上には「渡り蟹」がのっています。こだわり食材にんじん 、 カリフラワー 、 ワタリガニ/ガザミおもてなしの流儀おいしい料理と居心地のいい空間で楽しく過ごしてもらいたい
MOUSSE using "crab" and seasonal "vegetables" The menu consists of healthy cuisine with seafood and vegetables. The "Mousse of crab and seasonal vegetables " has a lower layer consisting of mousse of seasonal vegetables such as carrots, an upper layer consisting of soup of cauliflower, and crabs on top.Distinctive ingredientsCarrots, Cauliflowers, CrabsTradition of hospitality I wish you have a good time with our tasty meal and cozy atmosphere
I have rechecked the sales policy and all products which has any special limitation or clauses.I will maximise cutomer satisfaction by performing all of above and strive to be the best seller- Business experience ⇒ 3 years - I have 500000 € worth of stock- I can make 1000 to 2000 units of delivery per month - Information of wholesaler or supplier ⇒ Japanese wholesaler and producers - Expected monthly sales ⇒ 10 million to 20 millionThank you very much for your time. I sincerely hope you can reinstate my distribution rights.