Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

FDA guidelines for CPAP machines require that you provide a copy of your prescription. If you have a copy of this, please fax to (888) 290-6188, or email a copy to rx@1800cpap.com.


Let Us Work For You:
We understand the inconvenience of not being able to get an RX or copy of your RX and that is why we are committed to go the extra mile to insure you get the CPAP or Bi-PAP/BiLevel supplies you need. Don’t have your prescription, not a problem, just provide us the requested information and we will obtain it from your physician:


CPAP (シーパップ)マシーンに対するFDA(米国連邦食品医薬品局)のガイドラインは、お客様の処方箋の複写を必要としています。処方箋の複写をお持ちでしたら(888) 290-6188にファックスで送信されるか、またはEメールアドレスrx@1800cpap.com.までお送りください。


処方箋や処方箋の複写を手に入れることのできないご不便をお察しいたします。だからこそ弊社は、お客様に必要なCPAPまたはBi-PAP(Biレベル) をお客様がうまく手に入れられるよう努力いたしております。処方箋をお持ちでなくても大丈夫です。求められた情報を弊社にご提供くだされば、弊社がお客様のお医者様から処方箋を頂きます。

3_yumie7 日本語 → フランス語

神様が殺してくれる 森 博嗣
ニッポンの居眠り 通勤電車のウトウトにも意味があった!


"Dieu aime Lion" par Hiroshi Mori

Elle est trop belle pour une femme.
L'affaire des meurtres en série qui a commencé d'un homicide d'une actrice. Lion, le témoin majeur qui avait été détenu sur la scène de crime, les mains liées, a témoigné que c'était Dieu qui les avait tué. Unique indice du crime était son incomparable beauté.

Une nouvelle pièce écrite spécialement pour le vingtième anniversaire de la maison d'édition Gentou-sha
"La somnolence des japonais" La somnolence dans des trains de banlieue a une signification profonde !
Il est certain que le mot 'Inemuri' est devenu populaire dans les pays germanophones. Peut-être que 'Inemuri' est le mot japonais assez familier, même si ce n'est pas autant populaire que 'Samourai' ou 'Tsunami'.

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Always attach Bear and Soundbox using the straps provided. Do not add additional strings or straps,

Older Babies: As Baby gets older and more active, continue to locate the Soundbox so that it always remains

The safety of your baby is very important to everyone at Manufacturer. We have done our
best to provide you with a safe, effective product to make both your and your baby‘s life morr healthy and rested. You must do your pan by regularly inspecting all parts of our product for
defects, deterioration, or potentially harmful situations. If you notice any defect in the produci please discontinue use immediately and contact Manufacturer.

Keep this instruction manuai for future reference.

Where to position:



大きくなった赤ちゃんには: 赤ちゃんが成長し活発になっても、サウンドボックスは赤ちゃんの手の届かないところに置いてください。



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The familiar sounds will provide Baby with the security needed for a healthy, restful sleep.

The Soundbox can be inserted into the Bear’s tummy or back pocket, depending on the style of Bear purchased. The Bear, with Soundbox secured inside, can then be attached to a crib/cot rail away from Baby using the hook and loop located on the pews or the back, depending on the style purchased. It can also be secured using the hook and loop strap connected to the Soundbox. The Soundbox has a volume control that can be adjusted so that the womb sounds are easily heard.

If the Soundbox is attached to the crib/cot, locate it so that it always remains out of reach when Baby begins to push up on hands and knees.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Research shows that “Some babies will attach themselves to a blanket (Silkie) or toy that becomes a ‘lovey’. This is a transitional object that comforts your baby in your absence,” says Pantley. Babies love the softness of Silkie‘s CVC velour and the smoothness of its satin. Such tactile stimulation is important for their early development.

When to start using:
Right away! A newborn baby has just emerged from the womb where he heard intrauterine sounds for 9 months! The transition from the womb to the world is enormous and the Bear can help by providing the soothing, reassuring womb sounds Baby knows and trusts. Remember, babies iike routine, so use the Soundbox every time you put Baby down for a nap.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

It may be supposed that the escape of the greater number was not actively impeded. The remainder were put to death--among them Ti. Cannutius, the tribune who had presented Caesar's heir before the people when he marched upon Rome for the first time. Death was also the penalty exacted of the town council of Perusia, with the exception, it is said, of one man, an astute person who in Rome had secured for himself a seat upon the jury that condemned to death the assassins of Caesar. These judicial murders were magnified by defamation and credulity into a hecatomb of three hundred Roman senators and knights slaughtered in solemn and religious ceremony on the Ides of March before an altar dedicated to Divus Julius.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Coming two days after the last batch of images showing Apple's supposed "iPhone Lite" hit the Web, another set shows the plastic rear casing against a white background, including a new blue color.
The images, which come courtesy of Nowhereelse.fr, are of slightly higher quality than the previous pictures, but reveal nothing in the way of new information.

As seen before, the shell appears to be constructed out of a hard, slightly shiny plastic or polycarbonate, with a metal substructure for fastening internal components and EMI shielding. In this case, the parts are covered in a protective plastic covering, suggesting they are near final production models.


AppleのiPhone Liteと思われる一群の画像がインターネットで大変なアクセス数を記録した2日後、今度は白い背景にブルーの新色を含むプラスチック背面カバーが示されている別の一連の画像が出ました。Nowhereelse.frのご厚意で頂いた画像の画質は前のものより若干よくなっていますが、新たな情報は何も明らかになっていません。


3_yumie7 英語 → フランス語

We checked on your order #XX,
and we confirmed that we shipped your item on 26 Jun 2013.

Unfortunately, the item does not have its tracking number because you selected the STANDARD SHIPPING as the delivery method for this time. As we indicated in the comment you saw when ordering the item, it is shipped from Japan and the STANDARD SHIPPING method does not have tracking number and are not insured.

Usually, the item shipped from Japan using this method takes about 2-3 weeks to arrive in your country. However, it might be longer in the event of delay in transit by your local postal system or when the customs clearance takes time.

We are sorry but we have no control over it.

Please kindly wait a little longer.


Nous avons confirmé votre commande #XX, et nous avons confirmé que la marchandise a été expédiée 26 juin 2013.

Malheureusement, la machandise n'est pas le numéro de suivi, car vous avez choisi cette fois-ci le STANDARD SHIPPING (livraison standard) en tant que méthode de livraison. Comme nous avons indiqué dans le commentaire que vous avez vu quand vous avez commandé la marchandise, elle est expédiée du Japon. Et la méthode de STANDARD SHIPPING n'avez pas le numéro de suivi et cette méthode n'avez pas l'assurance,non plus.

Normalement, une marchandise expédiée du Japon en utilisant cette méthode prend environs 2-3 semaines pour arriver à votre pays. Cependant, elle peut prendre plus longtemps en cas de retard de livraison par le système de votre bureau postal local ou quand la douane prend plus de temps.

Nous sommes desolés, mais nous n'avons pas de contrôle sur cela.

Veuillez attendre un peu plus longtemps, s'il vous plaît.

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Pollio, Plancus and Ventidius separated and retired, leaving Perusia to its fate. After a final and fruitless sortie, L. Antonius made a capitulation (late in February?). Octavianus received with honour the brother of his colleague and sent him away to be his governor in Spain, where he shortly died. The city of Perusia was destined for pillage. The soldiery were thwarted by the suicide of a prominent citizen, whose ostentatious pyre started a general conflagration. Such was the end of Perusia, an ancient and opulent city of the Etruscans. The captives were a problem. Many senators and Roman knights of distinction had espoused the cause of liberty and the protection of their own estates.



3_yumie7 英語 → フランス語

Taking Social Translation to Europe: Conyac at ICT Spring in Luxembourg

Conyac team has just returned from Luxembourg, where we attended the ICT Spring Conference. At the 2-day event we learned about the latest ICT technologies and solutions, listened to inspiring keynotes, met many potential partners and introduced Conyac to the European market.

Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Tokyo invited us to attend the conference along with 9 other Japanese startups. Our Japanese group was warmly welcomed by members of the Luxembourg Consulate in Tokyo, Japanese Embassy in Luxembourg, government officials, financial experts and local business leaders.


Menant laTraduction Sociale en Europe: Conyac à ICT Spring au Luxembourg

L'équipe de Conyac vient de rentrer de Luxembourg,où nous avons assisté à la conférence ICT Spring. A l'évenement de deux jours, nous avons appris sur les dernières technologies et solutions, nous avons écouté des présentations inspirantes, nous avons rencontré avec de nombreux partenaires potentiels et nous avons présenté Conyac sur les marchés européens.

Le Bureau du Commerce et de L'investissement de Luxembourg à Tokyo nous a invité à participer à la conférence avec d'autres 9 nouvelles entreprises.Notre groupe japonais a été chaleureusement accueilli par les membres du consulat de Luxembourg à Tokyo, par l'ambassade du Japon au Luxembourg, par les hauts fonctionnaires du gouvernement et par les dirigeants d'entreprises locales.

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Bergamot also makes a fabulous marmalade. Check out a recipe here: http://bit.ly/eCbuam And don’t forget to wash your face twice daily with our Australian Wild Plum and Willow Facial Cleanser with Bergamot…it’s perfect to keep summertime shine at bay for Combination to Oily Skin! http://bit.ly/Zv3jMN

Borage has been used for its medicinal and cordial effects for centuries. According to Sir Francis Bacon, “The leaf of [Borage] hath an excellent spirit to repress the fuliginous vapour of dusky melancholie”
See what Borage can do for your skin with our Himalayan Geranium & Pomegranate Balancing Oil! http://bit.ly/13zUVjj


ベルガモットでとてもおいしいマーマレードもできます。レシピはこちらでご覧ください。 http://bit.ly/eCbuam
