UKThank you for your contact. We will ask an investigation to the delivery company. They say that it will take from one to three weeks to get result.You may receive the package meanwhile. Please drop me a note in that case. We will refund you in full if the delivery company reports us the loss of your article. You may set your mind at ease.
I would like to ask you just to be sure. When a tariff on imports is placed, should a buyer pay full amount according to Bんp policies ? Or should it be determined through discussion with a buyer ?
My mother used to hold my hands when there was somehing up. After puberty, it was not easy to share my troubles at school with my parents.Curiously enough, she held my hands specially such a day, saying "My hands are warm, right?" Thinking back on those experiences, I feel that she showed her love in her own way. Her hands were really warm ! Even now, I still feel her warmth of her hand. Human's hands have magical power, don't they ? I went to a nearby nursing home as a hand care volunteer. One old woman told me a story of her younger days.
I have everything except for MQ24-1EWHAT US YOUR FINAL ORDER? MAYBE ADD MORE OF ANOTHER MODEL?I have DW5600E BACK AT 42.00
The damage and the disgrace were immense. But the domination of the nomads was transient. Brundisium freed the energies of Rome. Antonius at once dispatched Ventidius against the enemy. With Ventidius went as his legate or quaestor the Marsian Poppaedius Silo. Ventidius had served under Caesar, and he moved with Caesarian decision and rapidity. In three great battles, at the Cilician Gates, at Mount Amanus ( 39 B.C.) and at Gindarus ( 38 B.C.) he shattered and dispersed the Parthians. Both Pacorus and Labienus perished. Then, after Gindarus, he marched to Samosata on the Euphrates and laid siege to that place. There was delay--and allegations that Ventidius had taken bribes from the prince of Commagene.
甚大な損害と最高の不名誉をこうむった。が、遊牧民の支配は束の間だった。ブルンディスィウムがローマのエネルギーを解放した。アントニウスは直ちにベンティディウスを敵に対抗させるべく派遣した。ベンティディウスの軍団長また審問官として、彼と共にマルシ人のポッパエディウス・シロが同行した。ベンティディウスはカエサルの下に仕え、カエサル派の決定と共に迅速に動いた。 キリキア門の戦い、アマヌス山脈の戦い(紀元前39年)、ジンダルスの戦い(紀元前38年)という3つの大きな戦闘において、彼はパルチア人を壊滅させ追い散らした。パコルス、ラビエヌスは共に亡くなった。そしてジンダルスの戦いの後、彼はユーフラテス川沿いのサモサタに進軍し、その地で包囲攻撃を仕掛けた。戦いは長引いた。そしてベンティデイウスがコンマゲネの王子より賄賂を受け取ったのではないかという疑惑が申し立てられた。
御連絡ありがとうございます。返金の件ですが、paypalの保障期間が9/3までとなります。残り日数が少ないので、8/31までに返金をして下さい。30% ($39)宜しくお願いします。
Thank you for your contact. With regard to the refund, the guarantee period by Paypal will expire after September 3. As we have just a few days left until the dead line, please refund me no later than August 31.Thank you.
We will remain mindful that our religions must not identify themselves with political, economic, or social powers, so as to remain free to work for justice and peace. We will not forget that confessional political regimes may do serious harm to religious values as well as society. We should distinguish fanaticism from religious zeal.We will favor peace by countering the tendencies of individuals and communities to assume or even teach that they are inherently superior to others. We recognize and praise the non-violent peacemakers. We disown killing in the name of religion.
“Está fuera de nuestro papel”. Ferre aseguró que “no es momento de valorar lo acertado” de la decisión por la que en 2010 se decidió cambiar el proyecto de la línea ferroviaria entre Ourense y Santiago para que, en vez de construirla como un AVE y dotarla de ERTMS, se ejecuta en ancho convencional y con el sistema ASFA en la entrada de la capital gallega. “Los sistemas de seguridad a instalar no los deciden ni el presidente de Adif ni el de Renfe, sino profesionales técnicos con un profundo conocimiento”, zanjó Gómez-Pomar.
Pero ambos responsables eludieron responsabilidades sobre la seguridad que debe evitar accidentes como el de Santiago y, en un turno de réplica brevísimo, de tan solo 16 minutos, atribuyeron esa carga a los técnicos. Gómez-Pomar, además, mantuvo que “no corresponde” ni a Renfe ni a Adif “determinar las causas” del siniestro.
Las víctimas del metro de Valencia, que lograron hace solo dos días esa victoria de poder reabrir la investigación, expresaron este jueves, horas después del accidente, sus condolencias por el siniestro ferroviario de Santiago de Compostela e instaron a estar "con las víctimas y sus familiares", aunque su presidenta reconoció que “todas las palabras suenan huecas y vacías en estos momentos”.
Unas semanas después de la masiva concentración (los familiares de las víctimas protestan los días 3 de cada mes para exigir responsabilidades), la fiscalía de Valencia ha pedido que se reabra la investigación judicial de aquel siniestro, que se cerró con la atribución de la causa al exceso de velocidad y, por tanto, de la responsabilidad al maquinista muerto. El ministerio público considera que se han conocido datos nuevos desde entonces que indican que los hechos pudieron ser constitutivos de delitos de homicidio por imprudencia profesional.
Eastwards the Empire was in chaos. The War of Perusia encouraged the Parthians to invade Syria and prevented Antonius from intervening. Led by Pacorus and by the renegade Roman, Q. Labienus, who styled himself `Parthicus imperator', the horsemen swept over Syria, killing Decidius Saxa the governor; then they overran southern Asia as far as the coast of Caria in the west, in the south all the lands from Syria down to Jerusalem. Most of the client kings were disloyal. Plancus the proconsul fled for refuge to an Aegean island, and the defence of Asia was left to Roman partisans in the Greek cities or to opportunist brigands. At Jerusalem Pacorus set up a king, Antigonus, of a cadet branch of the royal house.
フランス①Notre vendons un grand choix d'articles du Japon (jouetes, figurines, jeux, animation, manga, CD, DVD, etc.) Tous les articles dans notre boutique sont 100% authentiques.
UK①This was ordered on 15th JulyWe received an email saying it was dispatched on Sunday 11th August and estimated that it would arrive on 13th August.It has still not arrived today (22nd August) yet it was described as arriving within 7-18 days after the order.It has now been 38 days. We purchased it at the start of the summer school holiday so that it could be used but the holiday is practically finished now.I'd like to know when it will arrive.Thank you②i want to order the ergobaby organic blueburst flower, but i am not sure, if it is the right one.Ist ist exactly the one of the Photo?And is it possible for you, to deliver to Germany???Please let me know soon.Thanks and best RegardsNancy Bernhard
イギリス①商品は7月15日に注文されました。商品は8月11日日曜日に発送され8月13日に到着予定という内容のメールを受け取りました。注文後 7~18週間で届くと表示されておりましたが、本日(8月22日)現在、商品はまだ到着しておりません。すでに注文から38日が経過しております。学校の夏休み中に使おうと思い購入しましたが、事実上夏休みは終わっています。いつ届くのかお知らせください。よろしくお願いいたします。②エルゴベビー・オーガニック・ブルーバーストフワラーを注文したいと思いますが、これはちゃんとした商品かどうかわかりません。本当に写真通りの商品でしょうか。ドイツまで配送できるかどうかも伺いたいです。できるだけ早くご連絡ください。よろしくお願いします。Nancy Bernhardより
Hi, I see that you purchased the FitBit Flex. I’m sorry if we have previously discussed this matter.I am messaging everyone that purchased one. The item is taking much longer than expected for delivery. I apologize, I do not have an exact delivery date from my distrubutor. When I check it just keeps saying “estimated delivery time is greater than two weeks” I am not sure if there was a recall or the manufacturer can not keep up with the demand.
こんにちは。お客様が FitBit Flexをご購入になられたことを知りました。すでにこの件につきご連絡しておりましたらお詫び申し上げます。この商品をお求めになられた全てのお客様にメッセージを送信しております。商品の配達には予想をはるかに超えた時間がかかっており、メーカーからの正確な配達日をご連絡できませんことをお詫び申し上げます。商品について確認いたしましても、「予定配達期間は2週間を大幅に超えます」という表示が出てくるばかりです。リコールがあったのかメーカーの生産が需要に追いつかないのかはわかりません。
I am happy to return the film back you supplied for a replacement Pro II unit (Either '120' or '645' format) and am quite happy to pay any reasonable additional funds to cover the changeover.Therefore if you advise whatever the additional cost to supply an upgraded second hand but MINT condition PRO II film back may be, I will arrange to transfer the relevant funds to you via PayPal and will quickly post the current 120 Pro I unit back to you.I am thus offering to pay for an upgraded film back to match my mint condition camera and will organise payment to you, in good faith, once you advise costs etc
交換品として提供して頂きましたフィルムバックプロ II (120、645フォーマット両方)を喜んで返送し、この変更にかかった全ての追加費用はそれほど高くなければ喜んでお支払いいたします。ですから、中古でも新品同様の最新のプロ II フィルムバックを提供いただくのに何らかの追加費用が必要でしたら、お知らせいただければペイパル経由で関係費用の送金を手配させて頂き、すぐに現在の120プロIを返送させて頂きます。このように私は自分の新品同様のカメラに合う最新のフィルバックのために支払いをさせて頂き、費用等をお知らせ頂きましたら誠意をもって支払いを用意をさせて頂きます。
The customs sent me copy of the invoice you used for this delivery. I see that you put a very high amount (yen 60000) . I am sorry but we cannot import with this big amount otherwise we will pay for a very huge customs duty. Please I need a declaration from you printed on your headed letter, where you state that there is a typing mistake in your invoice and that the real amount is yen 6000. In this declaration it is necessary that you make reference to the AWB number of this delivery. In this way we can provide this document to the customs and import the goods properly. Looking forward to getting your kind reply. Thank You and Best Regards
nous allons enfin pouvoir clôturer cette vente de façon favorable et j'en suis très heureux. Je vous propose de le remettre en vente (je le mettrai à 437 € avec les frais de port à côté (je n'avais pas pensé aux frais de vente) jeudi 22 août vers 10h00 du matin (heures françaises) ou maintenant si vous êtes devant votre ordinateur. Bonne soiréeCordialement.
bonjour j ai un souci concernant votre envoi le drap a un petit trou ,la nappe a une tache de rouille ,il y a 19 anges au lieu de 21 ?que fait on ? soit je vous rembourse ou acceptez vous l envoi ,,?en attente de vous lire,cordialement
Je vous remercie pour votre accord. Je suis très heureux. J'ai compris votre pointe de vue. Je vais prendre les mesures pour approuvé l'annulation. Veuillez le remettrai en achat, s'il vous plaît. Je vous laisse le choix du moment où vous mettrez en achat immédiat. Je peux intervenir à tout moment, sauf de 18 heures à 2 heures du matin.Pourriez-vous me communiquer la date et l'heure qui vous conviendront le mieux ?