Dear Customer,Thank you for contacting us. sorry, the best price is what I quoted you. Sincerely,Bill Haley-Sales Management
Can you tell me how many of these you were looking to purchase?
All of our prices are firm. We may be able to reduce the shipping in bulk quantities. Thanks, DeishaXtreme Bike & Sport
hi hayato, when you tell me, i send the money for the tsubasa books
hayato さん翼の本の代金、いつ送ればいいのか言ってくれたらそのとき送ります。
Look thru my ebay store, we carry these manufactures and other models from same company but not on ebay.
私たちのeBay ストアをよくご覧ください。これらのメーカーのものや、同じ会社の別のモデルもあるのですが、eBayには出品していません。
Hello Masaaki,Thank you for your inquiry.As we receive a high volume of inquiries, and usually focus on largename brands, we ask that you fill out the Vendor Request form on oursite:, please let us know what make your products special orstand out from other products. Please keep in mind that product samplesand marketing materials cannot be returned.
マサアキさん、こんにちは。弊社にはものすごい量の問い合わせが来ており、大手ブランドを優先してしまいますので、恐れ入りますがVendor Requestフォームにご記入の上お送りください。http:また、あなたの商品がどのような点で他のものと違う、もしくは特別なのかもお教えください。なお、商品サンプルや販売促進用の物品はお返しできませんので、ご了承ください。
Dear yamahaya88102012,hello friend ... ta working .. have to sell dvd ... Shipping to Brazil .... thanks- regibal2013
ヤマハヤさんこんにちは。ta動いてる・・・・・・DVD 売らなきゃ・・・・・ブラジルへ送って・・・・ありがと訳注: 暗号?taがわかりません。
GREE Ventures invests in companies with a regional outlookGREE Ventures, the venture capital arm of GREE, makes series A investments in start-up companies that have the potential to play an active regional role in East Asia and Southeast Asia. This was shared by Kuan Hsu, a Principal with GREE Ventures during our interview with him last year. Kuan echoed that startups in Singapore needs to think pan-Asia and regionally. In our previous interview with Kuan, he puts things into perspective, “Even if you are successful in Singapore, is that enough in terms of dollars and cents?
GREE Ventures、地域を見据えた投資GREE VenturesはGREEのヴェンチャー投資部門であり、シリーズAへの投資を、西アジアと南アジア両地域において、今後主要なものとなりうるスタートアップ企業への投資、と位置づけている。これは昨年、同社のKuan Hsu社長にインタヴューした際に聞いたことだ。Kuan氏は、シンガポールでスタートアップする企業はアジア全体とその地域の両方を見据える必要がある、と繰り返し語っていた。「もしシンガポールで成功したからって、それだけじゃ売り上げも高が知れているでしょう?」とKuan氏はいつもその先を見つめていた。
The localization efforts were done through a service called Get Localization which offers a crowd sourced service for startups to translate their apps and services. “We’re extremely pleased to offer an even better messaging service to our users in these markets”, CEO and co-founder Yenwen Feng says, “Response from our users has been fantastic, they’ve done all the hard work themselves. In the future, we hope to crowdsource more languages to reach even more users around the world.”
現地化の作業にはGet Localizaitionと呼ばれるサービスが用いられた。それはスタートアップスのアプリやサービスをクラウド上で翻訳するサービスである。CEO であり、共同設立者であるYenwen Feng氏によると、「これらの市場で、より良いメッセージング・サービスをユーザーの皆様にご提供できることは大変うれしいことであります。」「ユーザーからの反応は上々です。今まで、この大変な作業を、皆さんご自分でなさっていたわけですから。将来は、クラウド・ソーシングでより多くの言語に対応し、世界中の方にご利用いただけたら、と考えています。」とのことである。
Cubie, which is just over a year old, currently has 6.5 million users. It crossed the two million mark in July according to The Next Web and was one of last year’s top startups at e27’s Echelon Conferences. Cubie’s user base is made up largely in Asia. Its largest market is Thailand in which it boasts more than one million users and it’s also popular in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Hong Kong.
Cubieが世に出てからまだ1年あまりだが、現在すでに650万人に使われている。Next Webによると、7月には200万人を超えており、昨年のe27's Echelonカンファレンスにおいて、優れたスタートアップの一つにあげられていた。Cubieのユーザーベースは主にアジア地域である。その最大の市場はタイであり、100万人以上のユーザーを誇る。他にも、台湾、マレーシア、シンガポール、サウジアラビア、香港においても人気が高い。
10 sets S200 early next week I am checking on the other tiems. Hey man, just waiting on the stiffs, I had to get them. What do you mean sales number? Amount to sell them for? What I have here is a set of authentic Scotty Cameron Circle T Tour Only putter 10 gram weights. These are real deal Tour only weights folks. These are incredibly hard to find. These were pulled from a Select Newport putter. I'm not sure what other models they will fit. Please check with Cameron directly for that information. This club is being offered with no reserve and a starting bid of only $9.99, so have fun. The highest bidder will be the proud new owner in a few short days. I do not use buy it now, nor will I end the auction early
S200 10セット、来週早々入荷。 他の物も調べ中。こんにちは、stiff に並んでる(待ってる)方。これは手に入れましたよ。sales number って何ですか?いくらで売るかってこと?私が持っているのは本物のScotty Cameron Circle T Tour 専用一式のパターの錘10グラムです。これはツアー専用錘の掘り出し物ですよ。なかなか見つからないものです。Select Newport のパターから取ったものです。ほかに対応できるモデルがあるかどうかは知りません。それについてはキャメロン社に直接確かめてください。このクラブはお取り置き(訳注:予約?)はなしで、なんと$9.99スタート。楽しんでね?一番高値をつけた人が次なるオーナー。決まるまでわずか数日。私は「今すぐ買う」はやらないし、オークションを早く切り上げることもしません。
Hey how are ya. Why don't I just ship them to you in Japan so there isn't a middle man holding them ? Let me know. So why don't I just send them to you instead of myus.
But eBay is fighting, as we have online businesses and sellers and ensure healthy competition, value, and selection that benefit consumers online.The solution is simple: if Congress passes online sales tax legislation, we believe small businesses with less than 50 employees or less than $10 million in annual out-of-state sales should be exempt from the burden of collecting sales taxes nationwide. To put that in perspective, Amazon does more than $10 million in sales every 90 minutes. So we believe this is a reasonable exemption to protect small online businesses. That's what we're fighting for, and what big companies such as Amazon are fighting against.
For small business sellers, it means you would be required to collect sales taxes nationwide from the more than 9,600 tax jurisdictions across the U.S. You also would face the prospect of being audited by out-of-state tax collectors. That's just wrong, and an unnecessary burden on you.Big national retailers are aggressively lobbying Congress to pass online sales tax legislation to "level the playing field" with Amazon. And, as they compete with big retail, Amazon is advocating for this legislation too, while at the same time they are seeking local tax exemptions across the country to build warehouses. This is a "big retail battle" in which small businesses and consumers have a lot to lose.
Congress is considering online sales tax legislation that is wrongheaded and unfair, and I am writing to ask for your help in telling Congress "No!" to new sales taxes and burdens for small businesses.Whether you're a consumer who loves the incredible selection and value that small businesses provide online, or a small-business seller who relies on the Internet for your livelihood, this legislation potentially affects you. For consumers, it means more money out of your pocket when you shop online from your favorite seller or small business shop owner.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Could you send me a estimated deminsions of this item?- kalenzajClick "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
ヤマハヤさんこの商品の大きさ見積もりをいただけませんか?(訳注: 大きさ=タテ・ヨコ・高さ)「respond」をクリックすると返信できます。または、新たなメールで返信してください。(訳注: 先日はヤマハナさん、などと、お名前を間違いまして失礼いたしました)
Dear yamahaya88102012,oh that's a pity! can you find another one to ship to me? i need that card.thank you- xmat92Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
Hi yamahaya88102012,Thank you for resolving your recent eBay Buyer Protection case (5025586635) in the Resolution Center. We know that sometimes there are problems with a sale, and we're happy that you were able to resolve the case with your buyer.We encourage buyers to buy on eBay with the same confidence, assured satisfaction, and quick response that they expect from a trusted retailer. And we want you to know that we value sellers like you who provide outstanding customer service.Going forward, here is an overview of eBay Seller Protection, some best practices on avoiding future claims, and what the Buyer Protection Process means for sellers.We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and
when i was 20 years old, we made the meiwa jerseys for our teamjust a little olderthis one yesin my country, ozora tsubasa is called oliver atomhi... do this camera has an option language such as english? thanks
We appreciate your interest in our new Premium Placement program. With this program, the following cases will require split shipments in the Premium Placement pilot: • Sortable(Standard Size) and non-sortable(Over Size) items will need to be shipped to different fulfillment centers. • Products requiring special handling and storage in the Apparel, Watch, Jewelry, Book, and Shoe categories will need to be shipped to specific fulfillment centers. • Products considered Hazmat will need to be shipped to specific fulfillment centers. You would be able send all the sortable units (standard size) to one fulfillment center and Non-sortable units (oversize) to one fulfillment center.
Premiun Placement プログラムにご関心をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。当プログラムでは、商品の荷受を以下のように分けてお願いいたしております。仕分け可能なもの(通常サイズ)と仕分けできないもの(大型のもの)は別々の発送センターでお受けいたしております。商品カテゴリーがアパレル、時計、宝飾品、書籍および靴で、取り扱いや保管に特別な注意が必要なものは、当社の専用発送センターでお受けいたします。危険物と考えられる商品は、当社の専用発送センターでお受けいたします。仕分けできるもの(通常サイズ)、仕分けできないもの(大型のもの)それぞれをひとつにまとめて、それぞれの配送センターへお送りいただくことも可能です。