
14pon 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
14pon 英語 → 日本語

I am writing in regards to a package that arrived to your suite from BHPV. Upon inspection we found that there were items listed on the invoice that did not arrive in this package. You can view this information in your INBOX.

You have one LCD Kit with Sony Battery Adapter listed for $0 and one LCD Monitor Kit listed at the bottom for $0. I see that we need to send you one LCD Monitor Kit since one was missing from your last order, but you have two listed at no charge. Do you need to order one LCD Kit with Sony Adapter also? Or do you just need the Sony Battery Adapter Plate? Also, do you want any Canon Battery Adapters shipped or do you only need Sony Battery Adapters? Please confirm.




14pon 英語 → 日本語

first of all, thank you for your payment. As you can see from the attached detail, a commission of JPY 3500 was deducted from us. Please make sure in future that this is not happening again. As this is almost USD 0.70 per pcs. on a small order.

To answer your question:
We maintain the site - we are the manufacturer and distributor, it's our brand (and of First Holiding, our partner company).
So you already have the lowest price.

We are going to send a message to all the companies in Japan to increase the price to Yen 11,980 - the companies that are not complying (doing this) we will not supply anymore. I think 11,980 should be a good price to keep the margin healthy.



サイトは訂正します。弊社は製造および販売をしており、これは弊社のブランドです(弊社のパートナーであるFirst Holdingのブランドでもあります)。


14pon 英語 → 日本語

They are starting production on S200 tour issue so should be no problem for next week and they are going to pay to overnight them to you once they are finished.

They are going to make you some of the ryder cup ones as well. Will have ship date within the next few days./

Radix are Tour issue. Only 1 60 stiff right now. Fuel tour spec are in stock.

Hello, being that you are out of the country I would rather work directly thru Ebay. Sorry can't discount these anymore than they already are.

We are sold out of R11S V3 driver heads and they are no longer available from Taylormade. I do not have the R1 V2 heads in stock yet, but I will let you know when I do get them.


S200 tour issue の製造が始まりましたので、来週には問題ないと思われます。完成し次第、製造元からあなたへ翌日配送の手配をします(訳注:料金は製造元が払う)。

ryder cup (複数)もあなたのために作るそうです。2-3日中に、発送予定日がわかると思います。

Radix は tour issue です。 60 stiff は現在一つしかありません。Fuel tour spec は在庫があります。

あなたが海外へご出張とのことであれば、私はEbay から直接やり取りしたいと思います。申し訳ありませんが、これらはすでにお安くなっていますので、これ以上の割引はできません。

R11S V3 ドライバーヘッドは Taylormade からはもう入手できません。R1 V2 のヘッドはまだ入庫していません。手元に届き次第お知らせします。

14pon 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0

運気アップ! 日本の伝統的な占い師による手彫りの印鑑をお作りします!





Improve your luck! We provide you seals hand-engraved by a Japanese traditional fortune-teller!
Made of the best buffalo horn!(水牛の角)
Made of the Japanese box tree!

Seals have a long history in Japan. 1800 years ago in Yamatai-koku, they already had a seal of gold. The emperor has one, which is called the imperial seal, to stamp on official documents including the Constitution.

In Japan, a seal is believed to define its holder's luck by the number of lines of the letters it contains, or by directions; north, south, east and west; or by the people who engraved it.
Therefore, some Japanese business leaders are very scrupulous about the designs of the letters on their seals.

The sculptor, Mr. Suzuki, is a father- to-son seal sculptor whose shop stands near an old temple in Japan.

14pon 英語 → 日本語

②In addition, please note that when the buyer is not happy with a transaction, they are allowed to file an A-z Guarantee claim. Because Amazon investigates all claims, we will ask you for additional information about the order if a claim is filed. Learn more about the A-z Guarantee claim process on our Help pages:

If you cannot reach a mutually acceptable agreement with a buyer and you feel the claim is invalid or substantively incorrect, you can represent your case by clicking the “Review your A-z Safe Buying Guarantee claims” link in the “Reports” section of your Seller Account.

Overall handling the situation requires a business call that only you can make.


また、購入者が取引について不服がある場合はA-z Guarantee に不服を申し立てることができます。アマゾンではすべての申し立てを調査するので、当件で不服申し立てがされた場合にはさらに情報提供をお願いすることになります。A-z Guarantee の不服申し立て手続きについてはヘルプをご覧ください。

購入者とお互い納得のいく解決に至らず、購入者が不服申し立てをしそうな場合、または、その申し立てが明らかに不当であると思われる場合には Review your A-z Safe Buying Guarantee claims (訳注:あなたへのクレームを見ましょう、とでも申しましょうか。この時点では調査するまでではないです)から、問題として提出することができます。これは、あなたの Seller Account の Reports セクションにあります。

14pon 英語 → 日本語

①We are sorry to learn that the buyer in order 026-9587997-3265151 has requested for a refund for the customs duty.

Yes, we understand that transactions like these are quite frustrating and disheartening, however, we do also realise that this is a normal happening in any online selling business. Please be informed that, we do not compel sellers to refund buyers.

The buyer is responsible for the charges on this transaction, so you can reject the refund request.

NOTE: You can accept or reject return request according to your customer service policy.

>> For more information about the customs duty please refer the help page:





ご注意: 返金要求を受けるか拒否するかは、あなたのサービスポリシーに従ってください。


(訳注:  税関の問題が関税の問題にすりかわってしまったようです。)

14pon 英語 → 日本語

In most cases, we do not stock large quantity's. You pay in advance for the what you want to buy (via credit card or wire transfer into our account) and I then order it just for you. Most of the time it takes 1-2 weeks to get ordered and delivered to us from ○○. Then we ship it out to you.

The best way we do business with large orders like this, is I come up with a basic price for the item purchased and then add freight to it (what I pay for the shipping plus credit card charges, I charge you, no profit on that).

Like I said, we charge your credit card for the purchase, order items for you, once in, I box them up and charge your credit card again for the shipping.
Hope this helps






(訳注: 先方はとにかく前払いがほしい。それに応えるにはクレジットカードを使えばOK。ただ、量が多いので送料は商品代の請求とは別に、後で請求する。クレジットカードの手数料も請求する。ということです)