[日本語からネイティブ 英語への翻訳依頼] 100%満足できる取引になるよう望んでいるのであればなぜ私の連絡を無視したのですか? 私は商品にUSBケーブルが入っていなかったと連絡しましたよ。 それを...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は basweet さん mangetsu_1982 さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 614文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 6時間 0分 です。

kawaitaroによる依頼 2012/10/01 17:11:42 閲覧 2486回
残り時間: 終了




評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 23:01:42に投稿されました
If you want me to be 100% satisfied after doing business with you, then why have you ignored my attempts to contact you? I contacted you to tell you that there was no USB cable with my item. Anyone would search for another method of resolution if they were being ignored. I contacted PayPal for advice for the following reasons:

- I told you that I did not receive the USB cable, but you refuse to understand
- After that, you ignored all contact from me

These are my only reasons.
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 18:31:33に投稿されました
Why did you ignore my email if you are aiming for a 100% satisfaction service!
I told you that there was no USB cable with the product.
I think anyone would start to consider other solutions if they get ignored like that.
I consulted with Paypal because of the following issues:

-I told you that there was no cable with the product but you didn’t take it on board.
-You ignored my subsequent attempts to contact you.

These were the only reasons.




評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 23:07:16に投稿されました
When you ignored me, I decided that you must be an unscrupulous seller and that the only acceptable resolution I would be able to receive would be a complete refund of my money.

You say that you want to provide your buyers with 100% satisfaction. If so, please do not run from the problems you've caused.

This problem could be resolved by a partial return of my money, but $5 is completely insufficient. I thought I was a buying a new product, and yet the USB cable was missing. I cannot agree to a price reduction of only $5. You can understand that, can't you?
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 19:58:00に投稿されました
When you ignored my messages, I started to think that you weren’t a good seller. I didn’t think there would be a satisfactory resolution to this, so I sought I refund.

If you want to present yourself as a seller who aims for 100% satisfaction, then you ought not to try and escape from problems when they arise.

A partial refund would have been okay, but 5 dollars just isn’t enough. I thought it was a new product when I bought it, so a refund of 5 dollars for a bad product with a missing USB cable just doesn’t cut it. I hope you realise this.


評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 23:11:21に投稿されました
It's unfortunate, but as this is a defective product with missing parts, I want a refund of $100. I've told you over and over again that I bought this because it said it was a new product. I intended to give it to a friend as a present. Right now, this item cannot be charged and so cannot be used, making its value less than that of a secondhand good. If you want to provide a 100% satisfactory exchange to your buyers, then think about the feelings of your buyers a little more. You know that the instant you decide to ignore a buy, the exchange becomes unsatisfactory, don't you?
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/01 20:04:11に投稿されました
Sorry, but since this is a bad product with missing items, I want you to return 100 dollars. I’ve told you this lots of times, but I bought it because it said it was a new item, and I was going to give it as a present to my friend. At the moment It can’t even be charged up and used, so it has less value even than a second-hand product.
If you want to offer a ‘100% satisfaction’ service, then you should try to understand the point of view of your customers. Please understand that at soon as someone is ignored, the service becomes unsatisfactory.



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  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
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