The cheapest postage I can get for this with the £700 insurance is £80 . I can get postage for £23 but that gives you no insurance which is very risky as I lost a £400 robot a month ago going to Brazil . The buyer asked for no insurance so he is now £400 lost.
You can have a refund but that would cost you £38 paypal fee when I repay you and me £38 when you paid me originally so this is what I suggest. You have paid £25 postage already, so if we deduct the £25 off the £80 then that leaves £55 to pay.If I pay £27.50 pounds of that and you pay £27.50 then that is better for you than paying £38 to paypal for nothing.
返金も出来ますが、私があなたに返金する際、PayPalの手数料が£38かかります。始めに、あなたが私に£38を支払っていますので、こういうのはどうでしょう?あなたはすでに£25 の送料を支払っています。ですから£80から£25を差し引いて、£55を支払います。もし私が£27.50を支払い、あなたも£27.50支払うほうが、PayPalに£38を支払って、何も得られないよりも良いと思います。
この £700につけられる一番安い保険は£80です。£23の郵便料金もできますが、保険をまったくつけることができず、これは非常にリスクが高いです。私は1か月前にブラジル行きの£400のロボットをなくしました。買い手が保険なしの要求をしてきましたので、彼は£400失ったことになります。
Sorry that it is costing you more than you wanted but please bear in mind that in my moon explorer listing I did ask all buyers to ask for accurate shipping cost to their country as mine were only estimated . I must admit that it is far more than I thought it would be because of the high value.
Let me know which you would like to do,,,,, refund or continue with purchase ?