Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 3.CITは、FUEよりも良い治療方法でしょうか? CIT治療方法は、Cole医師が、すべての患者様に対し使用する、最も一般的な方法です。 4...

Thanks for reply, no actually you don’t need to wait for reply from Dr.Cole. I am your direct contact if you have any questions regarding the procedure.

As far as your questions , I tried to cover them as much as I can. Here are some answers for you below. Also, as I mentioned before, being one of the best specialist in this area Dr. Cole knows what to do and how do it .So, you should trust his long run experience and knowledge at this matter.

1. Upon grafting on the frontal area, will you be able to make it look natural and there is no oddness to the volume of the hair?

There is no oddness to volume of the hair. Dr. Cole replaces the grafts in order and in the amount to make it as natural as possible.

2. Will there be scars such as white dots left where my hair was collected from the back of my head?

It is difficult to predict how different patients will heal following any type of surgical procedure. In some patients, CIT can leave small white dotting, known as hypopigmentation, in the donor area where follicles have been removed. What happens with CIT is that, with each removed graft, you will have fewer follicles in the donor area. Where you remove the graft, there will be a gap. Sometimes the gaps are a lighter color the surrounding skin, but this is only due to a loss of pigment from the hair and
the blood flow to the graft. You can remove up to 25% without any problem in most .donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems
In others, 2000 grafts may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts or less.

Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. However, unfortunately, no Strip patient can conceal their results. Once you have a strip procedure you are marked for like. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result. CIT scarring is virtually undetectable, particularly if you

maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as

noticeable as a linear strip scar.

3. Is CIT better method than FUE?

CIT method is most common method that Dr. Cole uses in all our patients.

4. What is the healing process?

As far as the healing process is concerned, once you have had your procedure within 3-4 Months Post-op, you will begin to see the first stages of Growth. 8 Months Post-op is a Good time to schedule a follow up consultation to assess the growth. (80% of your hair should be growing) 9 Months to 1 year Post-op: Full benefits of your surgery in term of cosmetic and growth. The scabs from the procedure will normally fall off the donor area within 3-5 days and the recipient are in 7-10 days. We have
products that

You mcan speed up this procesproducts that s
ay still have some red or pink spots that look like a rash or mosquito bites for another week or so. Most patients do not have the redness past one week.

The recipient area scabs will fall off in about 7-10 days. The area may look like a mild pink sunburn for a while - possibly a month or more - but patients say most people don't even notice it. You may put women's make up on it if it bothers you.

5. How long will it take for the grafts to all grow in?

I find that 10% will remain from the day of the transplant; about 30% will begin growing by 3 months, 40% by 4 months, 50% by 5 months, 60% by 6 months, 70% by 7 months, and 80% to 90% by 8 months. Most of the transplanted hair will resume active growth by 8 months. You should experience full growth by 12 months

akihiro_12 さんによる翻訳


1. 前頭部分を移植する際、自然な見た目と、髪量に不自然さはでませんか?




particularly if you maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as
noticeable as a linear strip scar.





術後、3、4ヶ月で育毛の第一段階に入ります。術後8ヵ月後は、通院を予定し、診察により成長を評定をするのに丁度良い次期です。 (あなたの80パーセントの髪は生え変わるはずです)術後9ヶ月から一年では、手術による最大限の効果がみられます。(美容と成長の点で)手術によるかさぶたはドナー部分で一般的に3日から5日、レシピエント部分は7日から10日で剥がれ落ちます。



Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
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akihiro_12 akihiro_12
Hi! I'm a 26 year old Japanese male with fluency in Japanese and English.