[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 【マツダ CX-5 発表】 マツダが発売した『CX-5』、これまでの受注状況の構成比率では、ガソリンエンジン搭載車が27%、クリーンディーゼルエンジ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は gloria さん ayamari さん jasonsmith さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 7件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 907文字

responseによる依頼 2012/04/16 22:56:22 閲覧 2409回
残り時間: 終了

【マツダ CX-5 発表】


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 00:38:31に投稿されました
【MAZDA Released CX-5】

The composition of CX-5, which MAZDA has released, on order accepting basis to date is as follows: CX-5s mounted with gasoline engines account for 27%, and CX-5s mounted with clean Diesel engines account for 73%. Diesel models accounts for around 70% of total CX-5 models.
Hideaki Tanaka, chief development engineer of CX-5, left comment to the voices from the users who actually bought CX-5, "Many users said; 'this has real ease to drive', 'easy to handle', 'easy to use'. They feel what we wanted them to feel."
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 00:51:14に投稿されました
Announcing the Mazda CX-5

The sales of Mazda's CX-5 shows 27% equipped with a gasoline engine, and 73% equipped with a "Green Diesel Engine"; the diesel engine showing approximately 70% of overall sales.

The developer (of the CX-5), Hideake Tanaka, reports on users' feedback. "We are told that is is 'a truly comfortable ride', 'easy to handle', 'easy to drive' car, and feel that the customers feel the same way we intended them to".
jasonsmith- 12年以上前
”Hideaki Tanaka” に直してください。本当に申し訳ありませんでした。失礼しました。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 00:50:16に投稿されました
As for the fact that Diesel engines account for 70%, Tanaka says: "This time, 70% of them were Diesel on order accepting basis, but as the buyers' age are ranging widely, not all the buyers are deemed to be the repeaters of Diesel cars. Rather, I feel that it was chosen as a new generation power train."
The Diesel model of CX-5 has the mileage of 18.6km/liter at 2WD (JC08 mileage), and 18.0km/liter at 4WD. Both are more cost effective than the gasoline models. In the Test-Ride Event recently held in Hakone, we measured its mileage in a simplified way.
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 11:00:27に投稿されました
About the thing that diesel engine occupying 70%, Tanaka said:"This time, 70% is diesel on the basis of orders, but from the point of age, the repeater of the diesel car is not necessary. Rather, I felt it is better to choose it as a new power train".
The diesel model of CX-5 realizes the low mileage than a gasoline model by 18.6km/liter (JC08 mode mileage) in 2WD and 18.0km/liter in 4WD. I did a simple mileage measurement in the test-ride event held in Hakone this time.



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 01:03:12に投稿されました
The measurement was done in the following way: As Hakone is located in a mountain, the start point and the goal point were set to be the same point so that the difference of height should be zero, and the the driver drove smoothly following the traffic, trying to run economically to the extent possible.

After the drive of around 40 minutes, the Diesel 2WD model recorded the average mileage of 19km+α/liter, which almost reaches to 20km/liter. I was impressed that it might have reached 20km/liter if it would have run on a more even road with less signals.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 00:57:41に投稿されました
The recording was based in a place called Hakone, which is a mountainous region, thus the starting and ending points are the same place to cancel out altitude differences. Also, the run has been adjusted to the local traffic, while attempting to maintain an "Eco-run"

The run took approximately 40 minutes, with the diesel 2WD model showing an average of 19km/Litre. It is expected from the figures that on a level road with few traffic lights, this may exceed 20km/Litre.



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/04/17 01:25:37に投稿されました
Seeing this result, Tanaka said: "It is possible to surpass 20km/liter", and followed "Why don't run on the highway? The advantage of Diesel will be well experienced on a highway, aside from its cost effectiveness."

"Since a Diesel car has strong torque, it can run with the 6th gear at around 1700 revolutions at 100km/liter. Moreover, there is no need to strongly push the acceleration pedal to ascend a slope of 4% inclination. We did our best to reduce the noise of the engine, to improve the driving comfort.



Please write in news-style. Original Article: http://response.jp/article/2012/04/13/172935.html


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