Please contact the Freight Forwarder, and they will be able to provide you with the appropriate documentation. This is per the guidance we received from the taxing jurisdiction regarding the documentation requirements for tax refunds on items delivered to a Freight Forwarder for export outside of the United States.
You can attach and send the document in PDF format. Please also include the following:
- Your order number (17 digits in this format: XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX).
- If submitting a request for a tax refund on multiple orders, documentation will need to be provided for each order and clearly marked which order it pertains to.
- 注文番号 (17文字 次の形式:XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX)
- もし複数のご注文に対し税金還付をご要望頂いた場合、それぞれのご注文分に対し立証資料が必要となります。又それぞれどのご注文分かが明確にわかるよう分けておいてください。