I have received the bags yesterday. I have send the pictures of some differences that I noticed for the bags. As for the last batch, the bags of new batch has two extra lines of stitching with new type of labels. I would assume all production to be of new type of stitches and labels. Hope to get some clarification. May I have all the bags send from now to be of new production type and with new 3 pcs tags?
In addition, I have also noticed that the last shipment fee was 13,1788 yen that was supposed to charge to my card ending 2187 but instead 141,383 yen was charge to my other card ending with 8203 instead? May I know why the difference in charging amount?
さらに気づいたのですが、前回の送料は 131,788 円で、番号の末尾が2187の私のクレジットカードに請求されると考えていましたが、実際は代わりに141383円が、番号の末尾が8203の私の他のクレジットカードに請求されていました。 この金額の差はなぜ生じたのかお伺いしてよろしいでしょうか?