[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 中国のMeituanとDianpingが統合してO2Oの巨人が誕生 グループ購買の2大プロバイダーで、それぞれ中国のGroupon、Yelpと揶揄さ...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2015/10/21 12:06:38 閲覧 4868回
残り時間: 終了

China’s Meituan and Dianping Merge To Form O2O Giant

Meituan and Dianping, the two leading group-buying providers, often dubbed the respective Groupon and Yelp of China, have agreed to form a joint venture with equal shares valued between $15 billion and $17 billion USD, according to statements from both companies and their investors.

The match-up marks the end of another O2O service war in China, once again bringing together the country’s two biggest tech powerhouses and investors, Tencent and Alibaba.


グループ購買の2大プロバイダーで、それぞれ中国のGroupon、Yelpと揶揄される MeituanとDianpingは折半投資のジョイントベンチャー設立で合意した。両社及びそれぞれの投資家の説明によると、その時価総額は150〜170億米ドルだという。

この組み合わせは、Tencent対Alibabaというもう1つのO2Oサービスでの戦争の終わりを意味する。 国内最大の2大テック系勢力と投資家を再び1つにするものだ。

The deal between Ali-backed Meituan and Tencent-backed Dianping is the second landmark merger between the tech giants this year, with their respective car-hailing apps Kuiadi Dache and Didi Dache joining forces in February.

While the merger will bring together two of the largest O2O providers in the market, it won’t quite form the same monopoly as the Didi Kuaidi deal. Both Alibaba and Tencent have invested separately in other companies that are still competing successfully in the market, including Ali-backed O2O hub Koubei and Tencent-backed food and grocery delivery startup Ele.me.

Alibaba傘下のMeituanとTencent傘下のDianpingによる統合案件は、2月に配車アプリのKuiadi DacheとDidi Dacheが統合したのに続いてテック系巨人が関わる案件としては今年2件目の画期的なものだ。


Tencent and Alibaba aren’t the only companies that have sought to merge their investments this year. As China’s tech services market becomes increasingly crowded, large players are looking to consolidate their stake fast, hoping to cash in on early adoption. Big-name match-ups include that of 58.com and Ganji.com, the long-time rivals in the online classified ads market, that announced their merger just two months after Didi Kuaidi.

Though Dianping started off with a Yelp-like ratings and reviews service in 2003 and Meituan from group-buying in 2010, the two have evolved to become direct competitors in on-demand local services, movie and event ticketing, and hotel and attraction ticket booking.

今年、投資を統合しようとした企業は、Tencent と Alibabaだけではない。中国の技術系サービス市場が込み合いつつある中で、大手企業は早期採用から利益を得ることを期待しながら、素早く投資金額を強固にすることを目指している。有名な組み合わせには、58.com とGanji.comの組み合わせがあり、両社はオンラインクラシファイド広告市場における長年のライバルであったが、Didi Kuaidi合併の2ヶ月後に、合併を発表した。


The two companies has a combined more than 80% of China’s group-buying market as of the first quarter of 2015, according to Eguan, a Chinese market research firm.

Meituan estimated it had about 50% of food delivery market as of the first half of this year, and some 70% share in China’s online movie ticketing market as of April. (source in Chinese) The company has recently acquired travel search engine Kuxun from TripAdvisor, and its hotel booking revenues are also growing rapidly.



Meituan’s gross merchandise volume (GMV) was RMB47 billion (about US$7.6b), a 190% year-over-year growth, in the first half of 2015, with 95% from mobile, according to the company. Hotel booking contributed 15% of the total GMV and Maoyan (“Cat’s Eye”), contributed 13% (source in Chinese).

Dianping became the only group-buying service on WeChat, the most popular messaging app in China, after the latter’s parent Tencent acquired a 20% stake in it in early 2014. Tencent and Dianping also participated in the US$350 million funding round in Ele.me in early this year (source in Chinese).

Meituanによると、同社の総流通総額(GMV)は、2015年前半において470億人民元(約76億米ドル)だったが、これは対前年比190%の成長に当たり、モバイルの伸びは95%だった。ホテル予約業務は、合計GMVの15%に貢献し、Maoyan(Cat’s Eye)は13%の貢献をした(中国語の情報源)。


After the merger the new company’s major competitors will be Baidu’s Nuomi in group-buying, movie ticketing services including Gewala, and hotel booking services including Ctrip and Qunar. 58.com, Baidu and Koubei, the new initiative by Alibaba’s finance arm Ant Financial, are determined to also get a piece from the online-to-offline service market.

Both Meituan and Dianping have raised hundreds of millions dollars from Chinese tech giants and top venture capital firms. Besides Alibaba, Meituan’s investors include Sequoia Capital, who also invested in Dianping along with Tencent, Xiaomi and real estate conglomerate Wanda.

合併後、新しくできる会社の主な競合は、グループ購入ではBaiduのNuomi、映画発券業務ではGewalaなど、ホテル予約業務ではCtripやQunarなどとなるだろう。58.com、BaiduおよびAlibabaの金融機関Ant Financialによる新たな試みとなるKoubeiは、オンライン・ツー・オフラインサービス市場からも利益を得ようという覚悟でいる。

MeituanもDianpingも中国の技術系大手や一流のベンチャーキャピタル企業から何億もの資金調達をしてきた。Alibaba以外には、Meituanの出資者は、Tencentと共にDianpinguにも出資したSequoia Capital、Xiaomi、不動産複合企業Wandaなどが含まれている。

The new Meituan-Dianping matchup will be co-run by the respective management teams of each company. Both CEOs will take on dual roles of co-CEO and co-Chairman of the new company.

Ending The Vicious Cycle Of Operation Costs

Meituan has survived thousands of Chinese group-buying sites to emerge on top, fighting of a spate of entrants that began in 2010. Despite its popularity, group-buying and online advertising for local merchants is low-margin business in China, meaning that services have to act fast to take market share.




It’s common in China that hundreds of similar services will appear to follow up the hype of popular players. Apart from charging merchants relatively low commissions, venture-backed tech startups subsidize users for the sake of market share in the O2O field. But subsidies don’t necessarily cultivate sticky users. A startup without venture money to fuel growth or keep users will be shed from the arena very quickly.

The merger between Dianping and Meituan will not only help consolidate their market share, but stem the massive spend both companies invest in subsidizing their services.



Taking A Leaf Out Of The Didi-Kuaidi Merger

After the merger Didi -Kuaidi moved even faster and more aggressively. It now offers almost all ride-sharing services existing on the market, and has become more attractive to venture capitalists raising some US$3 billion from investors in China and aboard.



Didi Kuaidi believed its taxi-hailing apps, which were logging in 3 million daily rides, had 99% market share and its private car hailing service had an 80% share as of June this year, according to an e-mail from CEO Cheng Wei to the company’s investors (source in Chinese). Its only major competitor in China now is Uber which currently operates private car hailing and car pooling services, outside of Didi-Kuiadi’s core taxi-hailing service.

最高経営責任者Cheng Wei氏から同社の投資家に当てたメールによると、Didi Kuaidiは、今年6月の時点で、毎日300万件の乗車利用でログインされるタクシー配車アプリは99%の市場シェアを保有し、自家用車配車サービスは80%のシェアを保有すると確信していた(中国語の情報源)。Didi・Kuidaiの核となるタクシー配車サービス以外では、今のところ中国で唯一の大きな競合は、自家用車配車サービスと相乗りサービスを現在運営しているUberだ。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





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