Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 中国のスタートアップのためのスタートアップがエンジェルラウンドで240万米ドルの資金を調達 中国では財政支援の増加を受け、ここ数年でスタートアップ市...

Chinese startup for startups raises $2.4M angel round

China’s startup market has exploded over the past couple of years, buoyed by the increase in available funding. There’s a startup (or five) for basically everything you can imagine, including – of course – startups for other startups. The latest example is Joychuang, a startup services platform and app, which has just raised a seed round of RMB 15 million (US$2.4 million) from Pangu Venture Capital. Joychuang is a Software-as-a-Service company aimed directly at other startups and their founders. Through its mobile app and offline events (it does have two locations in startup hubs of Beijing and Shanghai) it aims to help founders raise money, recruit talent, find office space, host events, and much more. It advertises itself as a one-stop shop for startup services, and its offerings also include accounting services and help legally registering your company. It is (at least in theory) a bit like an online incubator. Joychuang promises quite a lot; whether it can deliver is another story. Founder Wu Minghua has a history of doing startups focused on other startups that includes three other companies and dates back to 2003, so he certainly has experience on his side. But it’s clear the company is still in the very early stages. Its website looks pretty unprofessional, and the app download link on it doesn’t seem to work (it also inexplicably features a huge picture of a gorgeous seaside village in Greece on its “Contact Us” page). The app itself isn’t much better. I get the impression the company intends to offer many services itself in the long run, but right now Joychuang’s app just forwards you to other providers. If you’re looking for help with accounting, for example, it has a list of several third-party companies that do startup accounting, but there’s no way to actually do anything beyond contact them from within the app. So much for one-stop services.

Still, Joychuang is young, and the US$2.4 million seed round it just raised should help quite a bit. Can this startup-for-startups achieve its promise as a true one-stop SaaS company, or is it doomed to become a listings site that points founders towards third-party providers?
nearlynative さんによる翻訳

中国では財政支援の増加を受け、ここ数年でスタートアップ市場は急激に成長している。考え得る基本的な事業すべてに関するスタートアップがあり(5つくらいあったりもする)、当然この中にはスタートアップのためのスタートアップも含まれる。直近の例としては、シードラウンドでPangu Venture Capitalから1,500万人民元(240万米ドル)の資金を調達したばかりの起業支援プラットフォームおよびアプリを提供するJoychuangがある。
Joychuangはかなりのものを約束するが、実際に届けられるかはまた別の話だ。創業者のWu Minghua氏は2003年以降スタートアップを顧客とするスタートアップを3社ほど立ち上げた経歴があり、当然起業について十分な経験を持つが、同社もまだ初期段階にあることは明白である。同社のサイトはなかなか素人っぽく、アプリのダウンロードリンクも切れているようだ(所在地のページにはなぜかギリシャの豪華な海辺の町の巨大な画像が掲載されている)。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
nearlynative nearlynative