[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 『日本百名山』(にほんひゃくめいざん)は、深田久弥の最も著名な山岳随筆。 日本の多くの山を踏破した本人の経験から、「品格・歴史・個性」を兼ね備え、かつ原則...

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boj-noguchiによる依頼 2015/04/21 10:20:42 閲覧 4793回
残り時間: 終了

日本の多くの山を踏破した本人の経験から、「品格・歴史・個性」を兼ね備え、かつ原則として標高1,500 m以上の山という基準を設け、剪定したものが『日本百名山』である。

- "山の品格" - 人には人格があるように、山には『山格』のようなものがあるとし、誰が見ても立派な山だと感嘆する山であることを、第一の基準とした。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:28:49に投稿されました
"Japan Hyakumei Mountains" is the most famous essay of mountains written by Fukada Kyuya.
He has "dignity/history/personality" because he has experienced climbing through many Japanese mountains. And he laid down a criterion for the mountains more than 1,500 meters above sea level as a rule, then "Japan Hyakumei Mountains" is after pruning away.

There is a criterion for pruning below.
The first criterion is the mountain should be a splendid one which was recognized by everyone's admiration because he believes that mountains has "the dignity of mountains" like dignity of human.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:05:23に投稿されました
"Japan's one hundred top mountains" is the most famous essay about mountains authored by Kyuya FUKADA.
The essay is a collection of descriptions of those many mountains of Japan that the author visited himself, in which he combined the "dignity, history, specific character" of each mountain while selecting for his essay only the mountains that were at least 1,500 m high and carefully choosing the material for the essay.

He used the following criteria for the selection [of the mountains] for his essay.
- "The dignity of a mountain" - Just as someone has their own character, a mountain appears to have its own "character of the mountain" and there are mountains that would cause admiration in anyone who would look at them, so he chose this as his first criterion.
z_elena_1- 9年以上前
"top mountains" は"best mountains"に置き換えた方がいいかもしれません。
boj-noguchi- 9年以上前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 10:39:45に投稿されました
" 100 Famous Japanese Mountains" is a most famous book of Kyuya Fukada.

" 100 Famous Japanese Mountains" is mountains he selected based on his rules from his experiences climbing lots of japanese mountains. The rule is that mountains should be " dignity, history and individuality" and also more than 1,500m above sea level.

There are some criterions as shown bellow.
- " Dignity of mountain"- Each person has personality, Kuya Hukada thought mountains also their individualities. He made first criterion which mountain should be impressed by anybody.

- "山の歴史" - 昔から人間との関わりが深く、崇拝され山頂に祠が祀られている山であるというような山の歴史を尊重し、第二の基準とした。
- "個性のある山" - 芸術作品と同様に、山容・現象・伝統など他には無いような顕著な個性をもっていることを、第三の基準とした。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:25:05に投稿されました
- "the history of a mountain" - He respected the history of the mountains that had close relationships with people already from ancient times so that there would be a small shrine on the top of the mountain where people came to worship, so he made this his second criterion [for choosing mountains for his essay].
- "the specific character of a mountain" - His third criterion consisted of approaching a mountain as a piece of art, which would have some specific form, some specific phenomena pertaining to it or some specific tradition related to it, so that taken together they would form a clear individual quality of the piece.

And the absolute requirement was that "Fukuda himself climbed this mountain," because ever since his youth and for the following 50 years he has climbed a great number of mountains and many of them he knew quite well and was confident about this.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 10:58:50に投稿されました
-"The history of a mountain"- This is his second criterion. Because mountains have had a deep connection to people for a long time. He respected for mountain's history that people worship them and made shrines on top of mountains.

-" Mountains having their individuality"- Third criterion is that moutons should have their unique individuality such as a shape, a phenomenon and tradition, other mountains don't have.

And " Mountains Kuya Hukada have climbed in actuality" is an absolute necessity. He had have climbed many mountains for 50 years from his childhood and was confident to know a lot of them.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:30:42に投稿されました
There is a well called "Kiyomasa no ido" in Meiji-jingu imperial garden. It is a spring-fed well and rarely found in urban areas. Its water temperature is steady as 15 degree C throughout the year and 60 litters of water can be obtained per a minute.
This has traditionally called as "Kiyomasa no ido" and considered to be dug by Kato Kiyomasa (a military commander called as God of civil engineering and was an expert of castle construction and land reclamation).
For a long time, the water supply source and route had been totally unknown.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:27:35に投稿されました
At Meiji Shrine Gyoen, there is " Kiyomasa no I" a well of spring water which is rare in city.
The temperature is around 15 degrees in all seasons and water gushes 60 liters per 1 minute.
The well has called " Kiyomasa no Ido" since long ago. Kiyomasa Kato sinked this well by himself when he owned his house here. He was a general and a professional of building castles or reclamations. He was called " The god of civill engineer".
It had has not been cleared where is the source and how water is coming for a long time.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:57:36に投稿されました
According to one explanation, people believed that one special technical skill made water gushed out, and there might be the way of the pooled water spouted naturally.
Then that became a legend that only Kiyomasa called "Construction God" could make such special well.
In 1938, it proved to be natural spring water by investigation of souse, but it is unclear whether Kiyomasa himself dug the well.
However, there are many other legends in this area, so it says there will be a close connection.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 12:44:55に投稿されました
According to the one estimate, it was thought that there was a special system to let the water spring, impounding water for a while and then the water gush by itself.
Then the folk story was created that there was only Kiyomasa, called "the expert at civil engineering," who could make such a specialized well.
By the wellspring exploration in 1938, it had become clear that it is just a natural springwater, but it have been still unclear that the well was drilled by Kiyomasa by himself or not.
However there are many the other legend associated with Kiyomasa around the region, the story goes that there must be some deep connections with Kiyomasa.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 11:39:24に投稿されました
According to one view, people thought water have gushed by something special technique and it's a kind of structure which stop water once and water gush out naturally.
And then, the legend has handed down, only Kiyomasa could make this unique well because he was called " The god of civil engineer".
In 1938, it turned out that water is natural spring water by the research of the source. But it's not clear whether Kiyomasa sinked this well or not.
However, there are many other legends of Kiyomasa in this area, people talk about there are some deep connection between Kiyomasa and the well.




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 12:02:30に投稿されました
Meiji-jingu, the shrine which has the largest number of worshippers for New Year's visit, enshrines the Emperor and the Empress Meiji.
It was established in 1920, during the national public movement caused by the Emperor Meiji's worshippers after his death.

Trees in the huge shrine, which is known as an urban oasis, were not originally there but planted when the shrine was established. They were expected to make a perfect natural forest after 100 years.
Meiji-jingu is having its 100th anniversary in 2010. It has been told that the trees grew quite rapidly and made a perfect natural forest in less than 100 years.

There are many wooden votive tablets hung round the huge sacred tree wearing sacred straw ropes.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 12:01:09に投稿されました
Meiji Shrine, most amount people paying their first visit of the year, is a shrine that dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife.
After Emperor Meiji's death, it was built by a national movement of his worshipers in 1920.

The huge forest of shrine where an oasis for the center of city was not there originally, they were planted with hope to being a natural forest in 100 years when the shrine was built.

2020 is the centennial of Meiji Shrine, but forest have grown quite fast pace, it has not taken 100 years yet but forest is complete.

There are many votive picture tablets hang on the big tree with a enclosing rope.



評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 16:07:12に投稿されました
That should be, Meji Shrine is located at the joint of Ryumyaku (the route where air flows in the ground) heading for the Imperial Palace from Mt Fuji. It is said to be a strong power spot full of air of the land.

One feature of Meiji Shrine is that there is no "paper fortune" telling good or bad luck, which many shrines have. So people will not tie their paper forture on the branches of the shrine.
Instead, they draw the lotteries and take them to their homes as "large mind", and read them again.
The poetry and waka (Japanese verse) of the Emperor and the explanation of them are written on this lottery.
yoppo1026- 9年以上前
すみませんが下から2行目の文を"Instead, they draw lotteries and take them to their homes as "Omikokoro (large mind)", and read them again."に変更お願いします。
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 12:27:44に投稿されました
This is quite natural, Meiji Shrine locates on the area where "Ryumyaku" from Mt.Fuji to Imperial Residence join. "Ryumyaku" power's routes inside in the ground. Meiji Shrine is the strong power spot where is full of the earth's energy.

As a feature of Meiji Shrine, they don't have " Omikuji" with good or bad luck like other shrines have. People can't leave Omikuji tying up on the shrine precinct like usual shrine.
Instead of that, people pick a ticket and get it as " Oomikokoro" , take it back to their house and read them.
There are Emperor's poetry and waka which is japanese traditional poetry on it . And also there is their examination.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 14:28:39に投稿されました
In addition, "100 famous mountains" are not chosen from all prefectures, and there are 16 prefectures in western Japan without famous mountain. The writer said it is smilar feelings between the writer choose the mountains from all passing grade mountains and examiners fail a lovely student.
In Japan, there is "100 Famous Japan Mountains Boom" and it still continues to know the charm of mountains in Japan that you have ever known before through this book, and also to climb these mountains by themsevles.
Using this book, the bible to climbers, as a starting point, it is great to climb your favorite Japanese mountains.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/21 12:52:04に投稿されました
However Kyuya Fukada didn't select mountains from all 47 prefectures. 16 prefectures centered on western japan don't have 100 famous mountains. He described his feeling for selecting mountains scraping through. He said " It's as hard as a examiner fail students who he loves."
In Japan, people have felt attractive to Japanese mountain which they haven't known through this book, "The boom of 100 Famous Japanese Mountains" has broken out and it's still continued.
Using this book as a bible for mountain climbers, you can seek your favorite Japanese mouton.



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