[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] iPhone3GSの購入を検討中の方、日本の携帯電話の延長線として捉えると失敗します。特に携帯メールやカメラを多用する方、ゼッタイ後悔するでしょう。 ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん yyokoba さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 9件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 951文字

kakakucomによる依頼 2014/09/16 08:00:41 閲覧 1208回
残り時間: 終了





評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 05:45:26に投稿されました
If you are considering buying an iPhone 3GS, you will be making a mistake if you think of it as an extension of Japanese cell phones. Especially if you use mobile mails and camera frequently, you will definitely regret buying it.

While activating "Easy Contacts Transfer", "MMS", "WiFi wireless LAN", etc., and initialization, you will be painfully reminded of the facts like the iPhone is the global model of the smartphones, and that it's different from the cell phones from the conventional domestic manufacturers in specs, interface, and operability.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 10:08:27に投稿されました
For those who are thinking of buying iPhone 3GS and expect it as a Japanese mobile phone, you'd better be careful. Especially if you use mobile email or camera a lot, you will regret.

iPhone is a smart phone designed as a global model. It has a different user interface and operability from the domestic mobile phones. You will see it for setting up “copying address book”, “MMS”, “Wi-Fi wireless LAN” etc.




評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 05:51:44に投稿されました
If you are the kind of person who immediately get stuck there after purchase and start calling SoftBank or an electronics retailer because you can't find the answer on the thin instruction manual, it may not be for you.

If you are going to use an iPhone, a PC hooked to the network is a must. Even if you run into a problem, you can solve anything by searching using a PC, or you can find piles of guide books for iPhone if you go to a book store.

If finding the solutions yourself like that makes you stressful, you will be mentally stressed as time passes by.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 10:16:37に投稿されました
This may not be suitable for those who get stuck right after purchase and run into the Softbank shop or the electronics store because you can not find a solution in the manual.

You have to have a PC with the network if you use iPhone. You can find solutions in the Internet or from a number of guide books in the book store.

If you feel tiresome to do this, it will only be harder.






評価 63
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 05:56:44に投稿されました
I honestly recommend SH. I think there are many SH models with high specs too.

It's true that the iPhone can't do many small things that Japanese cell phones do.

But the iPhone can let you browse the same full websites that you browse on PCs with a touch of your finger,

not the simplified pseudo-websites they call mobile sites.

You can download more than 60,000 apps for free without the sneaky monthly fees.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 11:20:56に投稿されました
I would just recommend SH. SH also has phones with high specifications.

To be honest, iPhone can not do all services unique in Japan.

But iPhone is designed not to see simple websites for mobile phones, but full size PC websites by touching with figures.

There are more than 60,000 free Apps you can download with no petty monthly cost.



標準搭載のGoogle Mapsは今までのGPSと比べて精度が高く、『コンビニ』『書店』といった地図検索機能がとっても役立つし。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 11:22:34に投稿されました
I read Sankei news paper for free every morning as like the printed version. There are games that have the same graphical quality as PSP just for 800 Yen.

For music and photo, compatibility and usefulness of Apps like OS and iTunes that the company releases are really good.

Pre installed Google Maps is more accurate GPS function. Searching “convenience stores” or “book store” is very useful.

On top of all, you can do this just touching with figures.




評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 07:15:56に投稿されました
I even feel nostalgic for the time when I was consecutively pushing one button.

You may think I’m a die-hard Apple fan, but until last year I thought Safari had something to do with a zoo.

It’s true that this iPhone changes your life!
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/17 11:22:46に投稿されました
I kind of miss the time I used to touch a button repeatedly.

You might think of me as a Apple freak, but until last year I though Safari was some kind of the zoo.

iPhone changed my life for sure!










例:【 】→× [ ] →○


例: It’s →× It is →○

例: didn’t →× did not →○



Word fileやGingerなどのウェブサイトも、スペルチェックをするのに最適です。

Gingerはこちらからダウンロードできます↓ http://www.gingersoftware.com/zh#.VGMxRksiu0M

 例)テザリング tethering 等


【液晶】    →[LCD]

【価格】    →[Price]

【拡張性】   →[Expandability]

【画質】    →[Image Quality]

【画面表示】  →[Screen Display]

【機能性】   →[Functionality]

【携帯性】   →[Portability]

【処理速度】  →[Processing Speed]

【静音性】   →[Low Volume]

【走行性能】  →[Driving Performance]

【操作性】   →[Operability]

【総評】    →[General Comments]

【通話音質】  →[Call Quality]

【使いやすさ】 →[Ease of Use]

【燃費】    →[Fuel Efficiency]

【乗り心地】  →[Ride Quality]

【付属ソフト】 →[Attached Software]

【満足度】   →[Satisfaction]

【文字変換】  →[Character Conversion]


【インテリア】 →[Interior]


【エンジン性能】→[Engine Performance]

【グラフィック性能】→[Graphic Function]

【デザイン】  →[Design]

【バッテリー】 →[Battery]

【ボタン操作】 →[Button Operation]

【ホールド感】 →[Grip]

【メニュー】  →[Menu]

【レスポンス】 →[Response]







例)テザリング tethering 等


【画質】→[Image Quality]
【総評】→[General Comments]

処理速度→[Processing Speed]
グラフィック性能→[Graphic Function]
使いやすさ→[Ease of Use]
静音性→[Low Volume]
付属ソフト→[Attached Software]


  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
