Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] アプリ運営事務局(以下、「事務局」といいます。)は、個人情報の重要性を認識し、その保護の徹底を図ることが最大の責務と考え、サービスの利用者様への安心・信頼...

事務局は、個人情報を厳正に管理し、その利用・提供においては、法令に基づく場合を除き本人の同意を得た目的やApp Storeのプライバシーポリシーの範囲内でのみ利用いたします。
事務局は、サービスの運営業務において、個人情報の取り扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合があります。 この場合、当社は、個人情報を適正に取り扱うと認められるものを選定し、委託契約において、安全管理措置、秘密保持、再委託の条件その他の個人情報の取り扱いに関する事項について適正に定め、必要かつ適切な監督を実施します。
[削除済みユーザ] さんによる翻訳
The application management office (hereinafter referred to as “Management office”) shall recognize the importance of personal information and shall consider the thorough protection of such information is the most primary responsibility, and therefore, the Management office shall establish and strive to enforce the following policy to protect the personal information for providing the security and the sense of trust to users availing the services.
In addition, the Management office shall keep maintain the same policy in properly organized ways not only for the personal information but also for the information concerning to corporations, companies and other groups.
1.Compliance with laws
The Management office shall comply with the provisions stated in applicable laws and regulations including the Personal Information Protection law, the guide lines of government ministries and agencies and the other related organizations to protect the personal information.
2. Handling of Personal Information
The Management office shall establish the system to protect the personal information according to the provided services for the proper and guarded handling.
・Collecting Personal Information
For collecting personal information, the management shall be responsible for informing the users of their utilization purpose in explicit detail and through legal and impartiality manners such as through the website and the application. In addition, the Management office may obtain the information through succession of a business by the merger and the other reasons.
・Utilization and Provision of Personal Information
The Management office shall respond harshly to manage and control the personal information; the Management office shall only utilize and provide the collected personal information for a purpose of the first-person informed consent or within limits of privacy policy of App Store except to be based on a law.
3. Security Measures for Protecting Personal Information
The Management office shall take rational measures against the illegal access, leak, loss or damage and tampering the personal information to protect their accuracy and security.
4. Supervising Entrusted Company
The Management office may entrust a third party company for managing the entire or a partial personal information in the course of providing the services.
In this case, the Management office shall select a third party company which has a capability of proper management for the personal information and perform necessary and proper supervision for protecting the personal information with the service agreement containing the provision of the security measures for safety management system and confidential nature, conditions for the subcontracting and the other related provisions.
5. Continuous Improvement for the Personal Information Protection Management System (Compliance).
The Management office shall perform continuous review and improvement of the personal information protection management system (compliance) to keep it at most better system.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)