[ロシア語から英語への翻訳依頼] На скамье подсудимых, кроме Дмитриченко, еще двое безработных - ранее судимый...

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activetestによる依頼 2013/11/26 11:50:20 閲覧 3668回
残り時間: 終了

На скамье подсудимых, кроме Дмитриченко, еще двое безработных - ранее судимый житель Рязанской области Юрий Заруцкий, которого следствие считает непосредственным исполнителем нападения, и житель Московской области Андрей Липатов, предположительно, доставивший Заруцкого на машине к месту преступления.
Выступая в пятницу в суде, Дмитриченко сообщил, что в день нападения он предупредил Заруцкого о времени отъезда Филина из театра домой.
"Я увидел, как Филин садится у театра в машину, вспомнил про Юру [Заруцкого] и сообщил ему по телефону, что тот уезжает и скоро, вероятно, приедет домой", - сказал Дмитриченко.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/11/27 00:22:24に投稿されました
On the dock, other than Dmitrichenko, two more unemployed - previously convicted resident of the Ryazan region Yuri Zarutsky, who investigators believe was the direct perpetrators of the attacks, and a resident of the Moscow region Andrey Lipatov who supposedly drove Zarutsky to the crime scene. Speaking on Friday in court Dmitrichenko reported that on the day of the attack, he warned Zarutsky about the time of departure of Filina from theater to home. "I saw as Filinthe got into the car near the theater, remembered Yura [Zarutsky] and told him on the phone, that Filin is leaving and will probably soon come home, "- said Dmitrichenko.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/11/26 15:28:03に投稿されました
Besides Dmitrichenko, the there were two more unemployed defendants on trial – previously convicted resident of Ryazan region Yuriy Zarutskiy, who’s according to investigation is being a direct executor of assault, and Moscow region resident Andrey Lypatov, who presumably drove Zarutskiy to the assault location.
While speaking in court on Friday, Dmitrichenko reported that he informed Zarutskiy about the time when Philin would live theater to go home on the day of the attack.
“I saw how Philin was getting in the car, remembered about Yuriy (Zarutskiy), and told him over the phone that victim is leaving, so probably soon he will arrive to his house”, said Dmitrichenko.

Николай Цискаридзе конфликт Дмитриченко и Филина охарактеризовал как "производственный", упомянув при этом, что пострадавший часто снимал имя Дмитриченко с афиш.
Со слов экс-премьера Большого, при Филине в театре якобы также стало процветать кумовство.
"Интриги" и "беспредел"
Цискаридзе вспомнил разговор с Филиным по поводу бывшей балерины Большого Анжелины Воронцовой: худрук ГАБТ, по словам свидетеля, назвал балерину полной и посоветовал ей забеременеть и сделать аборт.
По словам Цискаридзе, в театре все цитировали слова Филина о том, что если он хоть раз не женится на Воронцовой, гражданской жене Дмитриченко, танцевать она не будет.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/11/27 00:49:39に投稿されました
Nikolas Tsiskaridze described the conflict of Dmitrichenko and Filene's as "production" mentioning that the victim often removed Dmitrichenko's name from posters. From the words of ex-premier Bolshoi while in the theatre Filin was alleged nepotism flourish. "Intrigue" and "chaos" Tsiskaridze recalled a conversation with Filin about the former ballerina of Bolshoi, Angelina Vorontsov: artistic director of Bolshoi, according to the witness, called the ballerina chubby and advised her to get pregnant and have an abortion. According to Tsiskaridze in the theater all have quoted Filin that if he ever does not marry Vorontsova Dmitrichenko civilian wife, she will not dance.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/11/27 00:48:07に投稿されました
Tsiskaridze said that conflict between Dmitrichenko and Filene is the " productive " one and mentioned that Filene had often removed the Dmitrichenko's name from the theatre posters.
From the words of the ex-premier of the Bolshoi Theatre, when Filin was the premier of the theatre, .
" Intrigue " and " chaos were reigned there "
Tsiskaridze recalled a conversation with Filin about Angelina Vorontsov (the former ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre : artistic director of the Bolshoi , according to the witness , said that ballerina is fat and advised her to get pregnant and after to make an abortion.
According Tsiskaridze in theater every person have quoted Filin, who said that if Dmitrichenko ever does not marry Vorontsova (Dmitrichenko civilian wife) she will not dance .
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/11/26 16:17:50に投稿されました
Nikolay Tsiskaridze characterized the conflict between Dmitrichenko and Philin as “productive”, also mentioning that the victim often removed Dmitrienko’s name from production posters.
According to ex-director of Bolshoy Theater, nepotism was blossoming within theater crew under Philin’s management. “Intrigues” and “Outrage”.
Tsiskaridze recall on conversation between him and Philin about former Bolshoy Theater dancer Angelina Vorontsova: the art director of National Academic Bolshoy Theater, according to witness, called ballerina chubby, also suggested her to get pregnant and get an abortion.
Also according to Tsiskaridze, most of the theater crew quoted Philin’s words that if he wouldn’t even once get married with Vorontsova, who’s currently Dmitrichenko civil wife, she won’t be allowed to dance.



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