東京で第1回目となる「マーケティング・テクノロジー・フェア 2013 in 東京」の初日、主催するUBMジャパン代表のクリストファー・イブ氏は、初開催の盛況ぶりに安堵と歓びの表情で、今回集結した出展者についてこう紹介する。
On the first day of "Marketing Technology Fair 2013 in Tokyo", which is being held in Tokyo for the first time, Mr. Christopher Eve, president of UBM Japan which organizes this event, makes an introduction of exhibitors with the following comments, showing relieved and delighted expression because of well attended first event.
So said Mr. Christopher Eve, Representative Director of UMB Japan, the host of “Marketing Technology Fair 2013 in Tokyo.” After seeing the first-held event in Tokyo being well-attended on its first day, he made this comment, with some relief and joy, about the exhibitors gathered there.
but now, traditional skill and technology is expanding more and more, for example, building-up of the web site that is related with TV commercials, and also the unification campaign utilizing SNS.
The first day of "Marketing and Technology fare 2013 in Tokyo", which was held the first time in Tokyo, the representative of UMB Japan, which is the host of the event introduces all exhibitors of the event with an expression of happy and relief on his face to see their success.
It introduces various types of new services which support companies' marketing activities such as social media, database, CRM, direct marketing and so on.
Besides, its unique point is a variety of seminars to learn innovative marketing methods through learning users' examples. In Japan, this fair was tied in the exhibiton of call centers and E-commerce in Osaka last year. This fair in Tokyo will be a actual start.
It shows off various latest services that support companies’ marketing activities, including social media, data base, CRM, and direct marketing.
One of its features is that it provides extensive seminars, which attendees can learn advanced marketing methods through users’ experience. In Japan, the fair was first held in Osaka last year along with an exhibition for customer support & mail-order-related businesses. But this year’s fair in Tokyo is the full-scale start of the event in Japan.
They are called "TFM & A" in Europe, India, and China.
At the exhibition place, they introduce various latest servises supporting the marketing of enterprises, for example, social media, database, CRM,direct marketing or so on.
Moreover, the feature of the exhibition is that there are full of the seminer which provides the lectures to learn the advanced marketing methods through the introduction of the user cases.
It was held in Osaka with the call center and the mail order relations last year , but this time in Tokyo is the full scale.