翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/19 07:38:59



東京で第1回目となる「マーケティング・テクノロジー・フェア 2013 in 東京」の初日、主催するUBMジャパン代表のクリストファー・イブ氏は、初開催の盛況ぶりに安堵と歓びの表情で、今回集結した出展者についてこう紹介する。


"Approximately 20 years ago, major marketing tools were analogue like advertising and posters. Nowadays, however, they evolved into integrated campaigns such as development of websites or utilization of SNS coupled with TV commercials. Conventional skills and technologies make a great deal of progress."

On the first day of "Marketing Technology Fair 2013 in Tokyo", which is being held in Tokyo for the first time, Mr. Christopher Eve, president of UBM Japan which organizes this event, makes an introduction of exhibitors with the following comments, showing relieved and delighted expression because of well attended first event.

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