Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] プラエトルと元老院は軍隊が非常に近くにいるにもかかわらず、よく考えもせずにこの報告を信頼し、この2つのレギオンはもっとも勇敢であるから、これらのレギオンの...

The praetors and the Senate put faith in this report heedlessly, although the army was very near, thinking that with the assistance of these two legions, as they were the bravest, it would be possible to hold out against the rest of Octavian's army until some force from elsewhere should come to the rescue. The same night they sent Manius Aquilius Crassus to Picenum to raise troops, and ordered one of the tribunes, named Apuleius, to run through the city and proclaim the good news to the people. The senators assembled by night in the senate-house, and Cicero received them at the door, but when the news was contradicted he took flight in a litter.Octavian laughed at them and moved his army nearer to the city and stationed it in the Campus Martius. He did not then punish any of the praetors, not even Crassus, who had rushed off to Picenum, although the latter was brought before him just as he was caught, in the disguise of a slave, but he pardoned all in order to acquire a reputation for clemency. But not long afterward they were put on the list of the proscribed. He ordered that the public money on the Janiculum or elsewhere be brought to him, and the amount which had been previously ordered to be paid to the army on the motion of Cicero, he distributed, namely 2500 p129drachmas per man, and promised to give them the remainder. Then he took his departure from the city until consuls should be chosen by the comitia. Having been elected himself, together with Quintus Pedius, the man whom he desired to have as his colleague, and who had given to him his own portion of his inheritance from Caesar, he entered the city again as consul. While he offered the sacrifices, twelve vultures were seen; the same number, they say, that appeared to Romulus when he laid the foundations of the city. After the sacrifices he caused his adoption by his father to be ratified again, according to the lex curiata, — (it is possible to have adoption ratified by the people) — for the parts into which the tribes, or local divisions, are divided are called curiae, just as, I suppose, the similar divisions among the Greeks are called phratriae.
3_yumie7 さんによる翻訳
プラエトルと元老院は軍隊が非常に近くにいるにもかかわらず、よく考えもせずにこの報告を信頼し、この2つのレギオンはもっとも勇敢であるから、これらのレギオンの助けがあれば、他の軍隊が自分たちを救いに来てくれるまでOctavianの残りの軍隊に抗戦することが可能だと考えた。その夜、元老院はPicenumに挙兵するよう伝えるためにManius Aquilius Crassusを送り、護民官の1人でApuleiusという名の男に市内を駆け回り市民にこの朗報を公表するよう命じた。夜になると元老院議員らは議員会館で会議を開き、Ciceroは彼らを玄関で迎えたが、この知らせが否定されると、彼は輿に乗って逃げだした。Octavianは彼らを笑い、軍隊を市内の近くに移動し、
同僚となってほしいと願っていた、自分にCaesarから受けた遺産の一部を分けてくれたQuintus Pediusと共にOctavian自身も執政官に選ばれると、彼は執政管として再び市内に入った。Octavianが神々に捧げものをすると12羽のコンドルが見えた。Romulusがローマを創立した時にも同じ数のコンドルが現われたと言われている。捧げものをした後、Octavianはlex curiataに従って、父による養子縁組を再び批准させた。(市民によって批准された養子縁組は認められない)。部族や地方の行政区に分かれていたものはcuriaeと呼ばれており、私が思うに、同様の行政区はギリシャ人の間ではphratriaeと呼ばれていると思う。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
3_yumie7 3_yumie7