Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria Japanese → English
Original Text

・貢献 味情報を携帯端末上で制御できる機構を構築した.
・強み 味情報のプロトコルとして,新規な手法を提案したところ.
・弱み 参考文献の分類が読み手の誤解を招く.


- Contribution: Established a mechanism which can control taste information on a mobile terminal.
Some kinds of stimulation which can be shown by the receiver were calculated to certain level through the evaluation test. Communication process is expressly presented.
- Advantages: A novel way is proposed as the taste information protocol.
Temperature stimulation is utilized together with electric stimulation.
Some requirements are not sufficed, such as certain kinds of evaluations, comparison with related contents and analysis, but the contents necessary for discussion about the possibility of this system are sufficed.
- Disadvantages: Classification of referential documents may cause misunderstanding by the readers.
For example, I think that the electrical stimulation to tongues should be classified into the chemical stimulation due to its mechanism.

gloria Japanese → English
Original Text



Many related studies should be referred and compared with. Experiments should be discussed for its relation with perception.
I read this documents with pleasure. Especially, T has excellent potential evolvability in terms of its novel proposal.
H, however, may not definitely deemed to be novel, because there are many existing studies on it. As you notice, more discussion should be done by referring to more materials.
B successfully changed G, proposed a way to add G to certain element due to the proposal by N et al, and introduced the application thereof. This can be discussed, though the purposes are different.
Reference documents of K should be referred. This is the same approach with K.
As there is sufficient time, I hope that the paper should be improved more.