Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

while others, who made the best possible choice, have been charged with folly because they were not fortunate enough to attain their objects.He, too, acted in a precarious and hazardous fashion; for he was only just past boyhood, being eighteen years of age, and saw that his succession to the inheritance and the family was sure to provoke jealousy and censure; yet he set out in pursuit of objects such as had led to Caesar's murder, which had not been avenged, and he feared neither the assassins nor Sulla and Antony. Nevertheless, he was not thought to have planned badly, because he proved to be successful. Heaven, however, indicated in no obscure manner all the confusion that would result to the Romans from it.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

He was practised in oratory, not only in the Latin language but in the Greek as well, was vigorously trained in military service, and thoroughly instructed in politics and the art of government.Now this Octavius chanced at the time that Caesar was murdered to be in Apollonia, pursuing his education; for he had been sent ahead thither in view of Caesar's intended campaign against the Parthians. When he learned what had happened, he was of course grieved, but did not dare to begin a revolution at once; for he had not yet heard that he had been made Caesar's son or even his heir, and moreover the first news he received was to the effect that the people were of one mind in the affair.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You must have a US Customs Bond in place at the time of importation of the goods. The bond must be a Continuous Bond.

Indicate A as the deliver-to party on the bill of lading (BOL) and commercial invoice.
Only indicate A as the deliver-to party, not the consignee. A will not act as the Importer of Record for these shipments. Here is an example of how A should appear on the BOL and commercial invoice:

If "Attn: FBA Program" is not included in the deliver-to address your shipment will not be accepted at the fulfillment center dock.

Imports must be customs cleared by A's designated Customs House Broker: S. E-mail all documents prior to shipment departure to:

Indicate S as the "Notify Party" on the BOL as follows:







gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We are very happy to inform you that the warehouse has just received an order of about 100 Bioptron Pro 1 with Table Stand units and are filling our wholesale customers back orders now. It appears we will still have about 10 Bioptron Pro 1 units still available after our those orders are shipped. I have went ahead and asked the warehouse to hold 5 of those units for me so that we can make sure your order is placed.

Please provide us with either your company name or the name used to place your last order. We do not use the eBay user name and it is impossible to match up your last order using just the eBay name. I would like to review your last order to see where and how you placed your order with us.


テーブルスタンドユニット付きBioptron Pro 1が約100台倉庫に届いたので卸売のお客様の取り寄せ注文書を現在記入中であるをことをお知らせします。これらの注文品が発送された後も10台ほどのBioptron Pro 1が残ると思われます。倉庫にはそのうち5台を私のために取り置いてもらうよう頼みましたので、あなたの注文も受けられると思います。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

In order to assist you, please provide the additional information requested below.

Item Name(s), we only received the name of one of the three items.
Email address on Walmart.com account:

This information will help us answer your question appropriately.
You will be able to find our prices on our website, www.walmart.com. If your owuld like to know the final price you will be able to find it doing the check out process.
In the case that you want the item be sent to Japan, we would like to let you know that unfortunately walmart.com at the moment is not shipping out to any international destiny.

Masaki, if we have not fully answered your question or you have additional questions, please reply to this email.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi Naoki,

Since our verification service does not work on cards issued outside of the United States, we have been unable to verify the billing address on your credit card. We can only ship to the billing address that is attached to the credit card. This is for the cardholder's, as well as our, protection against credit card fraud.

For internationally issued credit cards, we will require a fax (1-631-389-2153) or email scan (lizy@cameta.com) of a recent legible credit card billing statement for your credit card containing all of the following:

1-the name/logo of the issuing bank
2-your name
3-your complete billing address (this is the only address that we can ship to)
4-the credit card number






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Please include your auction/order number when you send the document, so it does not delay the processing of your order.

We have found that the monthly billing statement that the credit card company sends to your house is the best example of the required document. You can black out any personal information on the document that does not pertain to this verification, such as balances and payments. For security reasons, your document will be securely disposed of after the verification is complete. A new document will be required for subsequent orders.

Your payment via credit card can not be processed without an acceptable billing statement for your credit card.



