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Eiko (gloria) Translations

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gloria English → Japanese
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gloria English → Japanese
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Clashes become inevitable when members dare to resist assignments, such as collecting levies, implementing costly ‘target-hitting’ programs.
More often than not, when townships and village committees disagree, it is the village cadres who come out on the losing side.
Consider assessing levies, a recurring source of conflict between townships and
villages in the 1990. This thankless task put elected cadres in a difficult position,
insofar as they had to choose between fulfilling orders from above and keeping
financial burdens down for fellow villagers. This dilemma, combined with perennially
low compensation, made office-holding in some villages so unattractive that some
cadres refused to complete their terms.



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Original Text

Township governments, representing the formal state apparatus, are especially
heavily implicated in efforts by village cadres to exercise power. Bjo¨rn was among the first to note that ‘the Chinese Party-state has been using selfgovernment
as another way to control rural politics’. Indeed, the Organic Law
states that village committee members not only manage village affairs;
they also fulfill tasks assigned by higher levels. Although the Law stipulates
that townships only ‘guide’ rather than ‘lead’ village committees,
in practice, committees are often treated as line-organs of a township in high-priority
policy areas. Clashes become nearly inevitable when
committee members dare to resist unpopular assignments



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Original Text

The impact of village elections cannot be denied. Elections, however, have not
done away with several constraints that continue to impede democratic rule.
Members of village committees may win their position through the ballot box, but
once they gain office they still must take into account (and often compete with)
township governments, village Party branches, and social forces, such as clans,
religious organizations, and criminal gangs. In an ongoing struggle for power and
legitimacy, tensions often arise between village committees and officials at the lowest
rung of the state hierarchy, Party organs that remain the locus of power in a village,
and societal groupings that possess their own sources of authority.



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Original Text

Exercising power in Chinese villages
Observers have rightly noted that village elections exert some influence over political
life in the Chinese countryside. Lianjiang Li, among others, has found that balloting
has an empowering effect: free and fair elections can produce more responsive
leaders and make them more impartial when enforcing state policies; it also provides
an opportunity to dislodge cadres whom villagers like least. John Kennedy and his
coauthors, based on a 2000–2001 survey of 34 villages, likewise discovered that
freely elected leaders were more accountable to villagers and that their land
management decisions reflected popular preferences for fair reallocation.


監視人は、村の選挙は中国の田園地方の政治生活に何らかの影響を与えると指摘している。中でもLianjiang Li氏は、投票には権限付与効果があることを見つけた:自由で公平な選挙はより反応力の高いリーダーを作り出し、国策の実施時には彼らはより公平に活動してくれるし、村民が最も望まない幹部を排除するチャンスも提供してくれる。ジョン・ケネディとその共著者は、2000-2001年の34の村でのサーベイに基づいて、自由に選出されたリーダーは村民に対してより責任感を強く持ち、再配置に関する地元の行政上の決断には多数派の指向が反映されていることを発見した。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Many procedural failings
identified by Chinese and international observers, including the Ministry of Civil
Affairs, the Carter Center, the International Republican Institute, and the European
Union, have not been fully addressed. New problems are also emerging, such as votebuying,
literacy tests for candidates, interference in recall efforts, and ‘hoodlum
elections’, where local toughs secure votes (or influence ballot-counting) through
threats and intimidation. Still, electoral procedures have improved greatly in the
last two decades and a good number of competitive and reasonably fair elections have
been held. Access to power, in other words, has expanded. But have similar changes
in the exercise of power occurred? 



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Two more aspects of voting, namely the use of proxies and ‘roving ballot boxes’
deserve mention. As outside observers have long complained,
these practices may have been designed to make elections more inclusive, but they
also threaten ballot secrecy and are open to abuse. Though neither practice has been
banned nationwide, local regulations have limited both.

Like proxy-voting, controls over roving ballot boxes are becoming stricter. Roving
boxes are no longer an option in seven provinces including Hebei, Jilin, Jiangsu,
Shanxi, Sichuan, and rural Shanghai and Chongqing.

Village elections in China remain far from perfect.  





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

25 additional individuals were nominated, and two of them made it to the
list of final candidates.

Once nominees are set, campaigning, ballot secrecy, and the use of roving ballot
boxes and proxy-voting are all important factors that affect whether villagers can
express their preferences on election day. Elklit’s early study found that campaigning
amounted to little more than informal discussion among villagers because many local
regulations failed to mention campaigning. This has changed. Despite continuing
anxiety about candidates ‘pulling votes’, candidates in most places are now
given opportunities to deliver speeches or engage in other forms of campaigning.

Enhanced ballot secrecy and security is also evident.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Number of candidates is another indicator of competitiveness. When village
elections were first introduced, non-competitive elections were
common. Today, multi-candidate elections have become the rule. Most provincial
regulations prescribe that there be two candidates for village committee director and
vice-director, and that the number of candidates for ordinary committee members
should outnumber the positions available by at least one. Though this permits
minimal competition for ordinary committee spots, ‘sea-elections’ and selfnomination
can increase the number of primary and final candidates greatly. In one
village where only two formal candidates for director were put up, 25
additional individuals were nominated、



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Voter registration helps ensure voting rights and the validity of elections. Though
both the Organic Law and provincial legislation remain murky about precisely who can
vote, stipulations that require publication of a voters’ list 20 days before an election
offer an opportunity to raise objections, and in some cases have led to lawsuits by those
who felt they were excluded illegally.

Candidate nomination has received much attention because it is crucial to an
election’s competitiveness and fairness. Control over the nominating process has
been gradually loosened over the last two decades. In particular, selection through
‘sea-elections’ , which entitles every voter to nominate primary candidates,
has now spread.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Electoral procedures, touching on issues as varied as setting up steering
committees and limiting proxy voting, have been clarified both on paper and in
practice. During the first decade after the provisional Organic Law was passed, the
absence of regulations concerning ‘election steering committees’ drew much criticism. Since 1998, both the Organic Law and most
provincial regulations have come to include stipulations about how new, more
circumscribed committees are to be organized and what functions they are to
perform. Of perhaps greatest importance, election committee members in the
majority of villages are now selected by village assemblies, village groups, or village
representative assemblies.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Path to Democracy? Assessing village elections in China

Democracy, in our way of thinking, not only sets the rules for social forces to compete for political power; it also prescribes how power will be exerted to regulate those forces. Altering the way in which leaders are selected alone does not result in
democratic rule, even with the presence of civil liberties. The mode in which political
actors behave must also be democratized. And during the whole process, the citizenry
must take up new responsibilities and play their role as well. Only with active
participation can effective checks and balances be established that ensure the
democratic operation of political power.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Attaching so much importance to forms and procedures leads analysts to overlook the
substance of democracy and to treat it solely as a way to access power while
neglecting how that power is exercised.
Researchers have noticed the 1st drawback have been adopted to address it. David have developed a tool called ‘diminished subtypes’ to distinguish different types of democracy while avoiding concept-stretching. 2nd
—emphasizing readily-measurable election procedures—has received less
attention, and this is one reason why the 1,2 generations of democratization
studies, focus on transition & consolidation, have had difficulty explaining
the ‘low quality’ of new democratic regimes beset with corruption and cronyism.



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Original Text

Analytically, there are also at least two drawbacks to the procedural definition.
First, it impedes classification because it fails to capture diverse forms of democratic
practice. Democratization waves have produced a striking variety of regimes, many
of which share important attributes but differ from each other and from democracies
in advanced industrial countries. The simple procedural minimum definition cannot
comfortably embrace all these possibilities. Second, this definition encourages
prioritizing easily observable dimensions of elections, and downplaying other
important attributes of democracy which are not covered in a definition that, most
notably, excludes what happens after the voting ends.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The advantages are clear. Above all, it facilitates
measurement. But on the other hand, understanding democracy in a purely
procedural fashion is problematic because it neglects the content of democracy. It
does not answer the question of what democratic politics is, and instead focuses on
how we might get it. Though choosing leaders through certain methods is an essential
element of democracy, impeccable procedures do not guarantee democratic
governance. This point is especially important because democracy does not simply
denote majority rule, but instead is usually seen to be a congeries of institutions that
guarantees rule of law, separation of powers, protection of minorities, and protection
of civil liberties.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Though many observers speak of democracy when they examine self-governance in
China, few of them have stopped to define the term. Because they seek to avoid courting controversy, as democracy is at root an ‘essentially contested concept’. Still, some efforts have been made by political theorists to standardize usage.many have taken Dahl’s definition of polyarchy as the first, most straightforward characterization of democracy. Following Dahl, they adopt a ‘procedural minimum’ understanding of democracy, which ‘presumes fully contested elections with full suffrage and the absence of massive fraud, combined with effective guarantees of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association’.

