Attaching so much importance to forms and procedures leads analysts to overlook the
substance of democracy and to treat it solely as a way to access power while
neglecting how that power is exercised.
Researchers have noticed the 1st drawback have been adopted to address it. David have developed a tool called ‘diminished subtypes’ to distinguish different types of democracy while avoiding concept-stretching. 2nd
—emphasizing readily-measurable election procedures—has received less
attention, and this is one reason why the 1,2 generations of democratization
studies, focus on transition & consolidation, have had difficulty explaining
the ‘low quality’ of new democratic regimes beset with corruption and cronyism.
研究者は採用された処理法が第一の問題と気が付いた。概念の拡張を回避しながら民主主義の異なったタイプを区別する「ディミニッシュド・サブタイプス(減少部分型)」'と呼ばれるツールをデイヴィドは開発した。二つ目の問題 ― 容易に測定可能な選挙手順を強調していること―はほとんど注目を受けず、またこれは移行と強化に絞った民主化研究の第一・第二世代が汚職と身びいきが付きまとう新しい民主主義体制の「低品質」を説明する難しさを持った一つの理由である。