zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

According to the figures above, we can calculate that each month John can pitch a maximum of 60 times. So if he does that, he should be able to achieve $30,000 worth of sales (60 x 5% x $10,000). That means John should be able to hit his sales target in ten months if he works hard enough. With the figure broken down to an individual level, the numbers have now become actionable.

John now knows he is required to make a total of 600 sales pitches to hit his $300,000 KPI for the year. Anything above 600 sales pitches will give him a better chance to outperform his KPI. Most importantly, John can now see in more tangible terms that the figure is achievable.


上の数字に基づいて計算すると、Johnは毎月最大60回の売り込みができる。だから、Johnが60回の売り込みをすれば、3万ドル(60 x 5% x $10,000)の売上を達成することができるはずだ。つまり、彼が一生懸命働けば10か月で目標を達成できる。個人レベルにまで目標を落とし込めば、その数字は実行可能となるわけだ。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Mobile Phones Hold a Big Chunk of East African Market, But That’s Not a Good Thing

Just yesterday, I wrote about China’s soft-power failures from a regulatory perspective, and today there is more news about soft power failures, albeit of a kind that isn’t really the government’s fault. This excellent Caixin piece describes how Chinese shanzhai (low-cost imitation) mobile phone makers have grabbed a huge chunk of the East African mobile phone market. Chinese phones — nearly all of them counterfeit or off-brand cheap ones — now account for about 50 percent of the phones across East Africa.


東アフリカで大きなシェア率を占める中国のモバイルフォン — でも、いいことではない。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

But, of course, China has more than a billion mobile phone consumers, and the rest of Asia probably has a billion more at least. The real reason Tecno and companies of its ilk have pulled out of Asia and moved into Africa is the same reason that traveling snake-oil salesmen moved from town to town: once people figure out your product is crap, the market dries up and you’re forced to move on. Chinese consumers have, in relatively short order, gone from embracing shanzhai phones for their low cost to mostly mocking them while buying respected domestic and international brands instead. The Chinese market for shanzhai phones has shrunk quite dramatically over the past three to five years.

