zhizi Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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Top earners

He also says demand for crowdsourced design work comes from a mix of small businesses and bigger enterprises. To illustrate, the service has been used by Virgin, Showtime, Amnesty, and Harvard, among other brands. Also, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd used a DesignCrowd-sourced design for his t-shirts.

We reached out to Alec, and inquired about how lucrative joining DesignCrowd would be, especially with the participation payments. To illustrate, Alec highlighted designer “PB,” who has earned US$200,000 through contests. “From a £1750 earnings / month as a full time employee and working under my dull headed boss, it had zoomed up to £6000 / month on an average.”



Lynch氏はまた、クラウドソーシングによるデザイン制作には小企業以上の様々な企業から需要があると言う。具体的には、同サービスはこれまでに、Virgin、Showtime、Amnesty、ハーバード大学などの数多くのブランドによって利用されている。さらには、オーストラリア元首相Keven Rudd氏もDesignCrowdを利用してTシャツを作っている。


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For designs that don’t necessarily meet the mettle of the clients, there’s still a chance. “BrandCrowd is a marketplace for ready-made brand templates, or unused designs. It provides a passive income option for freelance designers. It’s free for designers and designs are categorized by industry to help small businesses find logos and designers sell them.” Designers keep a 70% commission from designs sold from the marketplace, and users can “spring” each other’s designs — equivalent of “liking” on a social netowork — to give them a boost.

Check out DesignCrowd at www.designcrowd.com.




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Signs of life for e-commerce in Southeast Asia

Traditional e-commerce 1.0 business models never made much of a dent in the Southeast Asia market, mostly due to lack of universally adopted payment systems, the complication of international shipping logistics, and a cultural propensity to shop in comfortable air-conditioned shopping malls rather than from a home computer.

But obviously we’re seeing some signs of the e-commerce 2.0 growth in the region, with the emergence a few progressive business models, namely the subscription model (Vanity Trove), flash sales (Groupon), and an exclusive, curated fashion market (Luxola).





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Social media as a customer service and research channel

The panelists agree that social media’s greatest strength is its ability to serve as a customer service channel. Most brands are wary of opening up a social channel like Twitter or Facebook since it could expose the brand to public criticism, but Alexis finds the upside of openness to be well worth the risk – “Luxola got a lot more love than we expected.”

And social media channels allow you to listen to your audience as they discuss your products and services, much like a digital focus group. Monitoring social media discussions can inspire topics for a brand’s content strategy.





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TNF Ventures invests USD 475k in mobile wallet app Mogi

Singapore-based early stage fund TNF Ventures has invested SGD 588K (USD 475K) in MoGi, a mobile wallet app developed by Mobile Media Creations. The Singapore government’s National Research Foundation is a co-investor through the Technology Incubation Scheme.

Available on iPhone and Android for free, MoGi enables users to store virtual pre-paid cards, rewards programs, and discount coupons to over 220 dining, health, retail, and beauty outlets in Singapore. Users can even send gifts to one another. It was launched in October 2012.


TNF Venturesが、モバイルウォレットアプリMoGiに475,000米ドルを出資

シンガポールに拠点をおきアーリーステージのスタートアップに特化して投資を行うTNF Venturesが、Mobile Media Creationsによって開発されたモバイルウォレットアプリMoGiに588,000シンガポールドル(475,000米ドル)を出資した。そして、シンガポール政府が運営する国立研究財団も、同財団のTechnology Incubation Schemeを通じて共同出資している。


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While there has been quite a number of apps in Southeast Asia in the mobile loyalty space — Perx, Squiryl, and ChopChop come to mind — none of them have have ventured fully into e-commerce. Zap in the Philippines is making a valiant attempt, but it’s a product more suited to emerging economies.

Lately, the Singapore government has been making a push for NFC, but take-up rate has been slow due to the fact that only a limited number of phones have the technology. MoGi, however, doesn’t rely on NFC and instead has set up its own infrastructure through providing POS terminals and CRMs to merchants.




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Photo sharing app PicStory hits 4 million monthly active users

PicStory, a photo sharing app by Singapore-based Risto Mobile Solutions, has hit 4 million monthly active users, the company announced today.

Available on Android and BlackBerry, the app enables users to compose collages of their photos and apply filters to them. They can then share their creations on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry Messenger.

Most of its users are from Indonesia and are on BlackBerry. That would explain why it is an early adopter of BlackBerry 10, being one of the first to port its app over to the new platform — just in time for its recent global launch.



シンガポールを拠点におくRisto Mobile Solutionsが開発した写真共有アプリPicStoryの月間アクティブユーザー数が400万人に達したと、同社は今日発表した。

AndroidとBlackBerryで利用ができる同アプリは、ユーザーがコラージュ写真を作成して、それらの写真にフィルタをかけ、加工した写真をFacebookやTwitter、BlackBerry Messangerなどのソーシャルネットワークで共有ができるというサービス。

ユーザーのほとんどがインドネシアのBlackBerry利用者だ。このことから、同社がサービスのグローバル化に合わせて、この新しいプラットフォームを利用する最初のアプリの1つとなり、BlackBerry 10のアーリーアダプターとなっていることが分かる。

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Danny Tan, formerly of Found, unwraps new e-commerce startup HipVan

Serial entrepreneur Danny Tan first caught the attention of the tech crowd on the back of Found, a mobile app that allows friends to organize gatherings. His team won the first ever Echelon startup pitch competition ever in 2010, earning praise from Dave McClure of 500 Startups and getting a USD500k investment from Neoteny Labs, East Ventures and an undisclosed angel investor.

But since then, not much has been heard about Found. Danny himself ventured into the wilderness, joining Rocket Internet as senior product manager for Southeast Asia and Singapore startup Viki as director of product.


Found元CEOのDanny Tan氏が、新たなeコマーススタートアップHipVanを発表

シリアル・アントレプレナーのDanny Tan氏がテック業界の注目を最初に集めることができたのは、友達同士で集まりやパーティーを計画することのできるモバイルアプリFoundのおかげだった。同チームは2010年に行われた最初のEchelonスタートアップピッチのコンペで優勝し、500 StartupsのDave McClure氏から称讃され、Neoteny LabsやEast Ventures、その他のエンジェル投資家(名前は非公開)から50万米ドルの出資を受けた。

だが、その後、Foundに関する話はあまり聞いていない。Tan氏自身は冒険をして、Rocket Internetに入社し東南アジア地区のシニア・プロダクト・マネージャーを務めたり、シンガポールのスタートアップVikiでプロダクト・ディレクターとしても働いた。