yoppo (yoppo1026) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Wang explains “No colleagues knew my mission, and some of them froze there in seeing me approach. Some were even screaming for being scared.”

To get a better look at how his coworkers reacted to Wang’s awesome suit, check out the video below (here’s a Youku alternative for viewers in China). I’ve also included a second video that Wang made showing a time-lapse of him putting on the entire costume.

Wang Says on his website that he is working on building a MK3 model (that’s the more recognizable red and yellow suit) so be sure to stay tuned to see what he comes up with!





yoppo1026 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

he graph below shows Cisco’s breakdown of the Asian region, but we’ve added Japan to the mix as well. As you might expect, South Korea with its blazing internet speeds is currently the highest consumer of data in the world. Keep an eye on China though, as it looks to be gaining a big digital appetite as well.

To get a broader understanding of how Asia’s traffic forecast compares to other regions around the world, Cisco has also prepared an insightful infographic that goes into more detail (see below). For a more complete summary of the company’s research, please see the whitepaper entitled Entering the Zettabyte Era.



"Entering the Zettabyte Era(ゼダバイト時代に入る)"と題する報告書を参照して欲しい。

yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

What is India lacking as a start-up nation?

If I have to pick one, it would be exits. India is still seeing growth, but no major exit yet. There are a ton of things that get related to that problem – employees don’t value equity, and hence you need capital, and capital is hard to come by, and good talent is hard to attract.

But fundamentally a good number of this gets tied down to the fact that exits aren’t happening – at least not in the numbers that we would like to see. That said, quite a number of organizations like accelerators, venture firms, and specialized firms are starting to focus on helping start-ups gain fast adoption. Hopefully we should start seeing the fruits of these efforts soon.





yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

How do you see the India start-up scene in five years time?

Several years ago, India as a country was losing talents, as it was difficult for folks to find opportunities in the country. Much of that has changed – like the way it has changed in China. From what I have read, close to 150,000 people returned from the US last year, and a significant number of them are looking to start their own ventures. Not all of them will be in the tech space, but entrepreneurs are a strong force, to bring about change and economic growth in India. We also see quite a few companies in India, growing to massive size with significant market caps within the local markets.




yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

An unbreakable union of free republics,
Great Rus' joined together forever.
Long live the creation of the will of the peoples,
The united, the mighty Soviet Union

Be glorified, our fatherland, united and free!
The sure bulwark of the friendship of the peoples!
The Soviet banner is the flag of the people,
Let it lead from victory to victory

Through storms the sun of freedom has shined upon us,
And the great Lenin has lighted the way
Stalin has taught us faithfulness to the people,
To labour, and inspired us to great feats

We brought our army to the battles.
We shall brave the despicable invaders from the street!
In battles we shall decide the fate of generations,
We shall lead to the glory of the Motherland
















