yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

“It took me about two years,” she said. “And for me, the best part was designing the levels. I designed each level on a piece of paper before doing it on the computer. It was also a challenging part because sometimes it was hard to think of new levels.”

But again, she just continued working and eventually got to a point where she was happy with the experience.

“I decided to release Crazy Block when I felt I had a good amount of levels, and I had tested it many times,” she said. “When I released it on Google Play, I felt incredibly happy. I could’t believe it as I had been working on it for two years. Seeing my game in the store made me feel really proud of myself.”




「多くのレベルのデザインを完了させた時点でCrazy Blockをリリースしようと思いました。何度も繰り返しテストを重ねました」、と彼女は述べた。「Google Play上でリリースした時、本当に嬉しかったです。2年もかけて開発を続けてきたので、 信じられない気持ちでした。自分のゲームをストア上で見て、自分のことを本当に誇りに思いました。」

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Can’t decide if your target market is group Fortune 500 CEOs or soccer moms? You could do a market analysis, talk to stakeholders, conduct focus groups before going to market. Or you could just try it out, and if it doesn’t work, fail fast, pivot, and focus on the right group.

Agonizing over the unproductive inside sales person you hired? Give them one more chance? Give them more training or coaching? Wait until the product is more mature to remove customer objections? Maybe. Or you could realize that you made a bad hire and that you should fail fast, pivot, and move on.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

“We are more an educational product, making learning to code fun,” he said. “We hope that the interactive nature of Livecoding.tv makes learning to code a more engaging, social experience. We see people of all ages and abilities sharing their skills and helping each other out.”

The company has received some small backing from European Pioneers, a Berlin-based accelerator that is a public-private partnership with the European Union. While Green didn’t specify the size of the investment, Pioneers’ website says it typically invests between $52,000 and $264,000 in its companies.



同企業は、ベルリンを拠点とするアクセラレータでEuropean Unionと官民パートナーシップを結ぶEuropean Pioneersから小規模ながらも支援を受けている。Green氏は、はっきりとした投資規模については言及しなかったが、European Pioneersのウェブサイトによると、同社は通常5万2000米ドルから26万4000米ドルの間で企業に向けての投資を行っているようだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
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While Alibaba’s announcement marks the official disclosure of the fund, it will still be subject to approval from Taiwan authorities before the company can carry forth with investments.

Ma first hinted at the establishment of a dedicated Taiwan fund when he visited the island last December. While giving a speech in front of CEOs from both sides of the straits, the ecommerce mogul expounded on the virtues of investing in young people, and encouraged budding entrepreneurs to head to China to start businesses with Alibaba’s assistance.

In February, Alibaba announced that it would launch a HK$1 billion (about US$120 million) fund for Hong Kong startups. That fund will operate along a similar model.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Thinfilm Electronics is revealing its smart bottle in a deal with Diageo, the maker of the Johnnie Walker Blue Label brand of scotch. The smart bottle can verify for you that your 12-year-old bottle of scotch has never been opened before, and it can also connect via near-field communications to your smartphone.

With a smartphone app, you can learn some new things about your Johnnie Walker Blue Label, get personalized promotions, and communicate with the liquor company.

“The manufacturer can engage in a conversation with a consumer that is more meaningful,” said Davor Sutija, Thinfilm’s chief executive, in an interview with VentureBeat. “We’re anticipating an amazing response to this.”


Thinfilm Electronics社は、スコッチウィスキーブランドのJohnnie Walker Blue Labelを製造するDiageo社との契約をもって同社のスマートボトルを披露する。このスマートボトルは自分の12年物のスコッチウィスキーが過去に開栓されていないか確認することができ、また近距離無線通信を通じて自分のスマートフォンにアクセスすることもできる。

スマートフォンアプリを使って自分のJohnnie Walker Blue Labelについての新たな情報を得たり、自分に見合ったプロモーションを手に入れたり、Diageo社とコミュニケーションをとることが可能だ。

「製造者は消費者とより意味深い会話を交わすことができます。」とThinfilm社のCEOであるDavor Sutija氏は、VentureBeatとのインタビューで語っている。「私達はこの商品が素晴らしい反響を得られるだろうと期待しています。」

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Thinfilm said these NFC tags compete with conventional static QR codes that are often difficult to read, easy to copy, and do not support sensor integration. The OpenSense tags can dynamically detect if a bottle is sealed or open with the tap of an NFC-enabled smartphone. To ensure authenticity, the tags are completely and permanently encoded at the point of manufacture. They can’t be copied or electrically modified. If a seal is broken, it gives off one kind of signal. If it is unbroken, it sends another.

Since the tag uses radio-frequency communication, it doesn’t need a battery. The radio signal itself provides the power that completes the connection between a reader and that tag.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Helen Michels, global innovation director at the Futures Team at Diageo, said in a statement, “Mobile technology is changing the way we live, and as a consumer brands company we want to embrace its power to deliver amazing new consumer experiences in the future.”

She added, “It sets the bar for technology innovation in the drinks industry.”

Diageo Technology Ventures was set up in September to help solve the company’s business challenges and unlock growth opportunities. The project takes advantage of advancements in sensors, electronic printing, material sciences, and mobile technologies. Diageo owns brands such as Crown Royal and Tanqueray, and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.


Diageo社Futures TeamのGlobal Innovation DirectorであるHelen Michels氏は、「モバイルテクノロジーは私達の生活のあり方を変えていっていますが、私達は消費者ブランドとしてその力を用いて今後新たな素晴らしい消費者体験を提供していきたいと思っています」、と声明の中で述べている。


Diageo Technology Ventures社は、企業の経営課題を解きビジネスチャンスを切り開くため9月に設立された。このプロジェクトはセンサー、電子プリンティング、物質科学、そしてモバイルテクノロジーの進歩を活用している。Diageo社はCrown RoyalやTanquerayなどのブランドを所有しており、ニューヨーク証券取引所で取引されている。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

He does know he wants to make at least part of the startup’s technology available to use for free under an open-source license. Several pieces of core technology at LinkedIn has gone that route: Apache Kafka and Apache Samza, to name a couple. That stance has obviously rubbed off on Zhang.

And it sounds like the software from Zhang’s startup won’t be a simple dashboard. He describes the product as an “end-to-end solution,” suggesting that it will include more than what’s visible to end users.

But at the end of the day, it seems like he’s most interested in what people will see on their screens.

“You need to get very fast results,” he said.


彼は、同スタートアップの少なくとも一部をオープンソースライセンスのもと無料にて提供したいと考えており、その思いは確かだ。LinkedInのコア・テクノロジーのいくつかは同様の経路をたどってきた。Apache KafkaとApache Samzaなどがそうだ。その姿勢がZhang氏にもしっかり受け継がれているのは明らかだ。


