yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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The dashboard provides the stats for brands, such as tracking how a promo is reaching consumers. It’ll allow businesses also to limit how often a deal can actually be used by consumers, such as by limiting it to just twice per person.

Delivering the pitch here at the Startups in Asia event, co-founder Kent Hoie says that Gspot can earn from 10 to 50 US cents per share, giving it a clear revenue model for campaigns both big and small.

Here’s a demo video of how it works at the consumer’s end, getting themselves a deal by, so to speak, finding and hitting the Gspot:



ここStartups in Asiaイベントでプロモーションスピーチを行っているのは、共同創始者のKent Hoie氏で、Gspotが一株につき10~50米セントを獲得することができると述べており、大規模・小規模両方のキャンペーンにおける収益体制を明確に示している。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Social Marketing With Discounts Hits the Gspot

This post is a part of our coverage of Startups in Asia (Singapore), Penn Olson’s first tech conference. Our full coverage of the event can be found here, or for our RSS feed, click here.

Marketing promos, especially social ones, are practically de rigeur for clued-in businesses these days, but they can be tough to implement. With this is mind, the Singaporean startup Gspot wants to give brands an easy way to do this. From its simple dashboard for companies, they can run social promos that give users discounts, keep them engaged, and hopefully also turn the consumers into promoters.



この記事は、Penn Olson氏の初のテクノロジーコンフェレンスであるStartups in Asia (シンガポール) における我々の特集記事の一部となる。このイベントについての我々の特集記事前文はこちらから。我々のRSSフィードはこちらをクリック。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Given that more than a few Japanese users have reservations about the openness of Facebook, Sakebii could very well prove popular in Japan. Ryo explains that the Japanese market really likes to drink, with over 8.5 million liters consumed in 2009 — and they hope to make that bigger. Of course, in order for it to work, your entire group of drinking buddies needs to be on there too — and that’s going to be a difficult bump to cross. While some judges expressed skepticism, this could have potential in Japan where ‘nominication’ (nomi meaning drink + communication) is a thing.


多くの日本人ユーザーがFacebookの開放性が気がかりであると言うことを考えると、Sakebiiの日本での未来は明るいと考えられる。亮氏は、日本人は飲むことが大好きで、2009年には850万リットルものアルコール飲料が消費されたと言う。そして彼らはこの数が増えることを願っている。もちろん、この企画が機能するためには、自分の飲み友達全員がそのサイト上にいる必要があり、そしてそれが超え難い隆起物となるであろう。審査員の一部は懐疑的ではあったが、これは「ノミニケーション」(飲み = ドリンクそしてそれにコミュニケーションを加えたもの)が一般的な日本では見込みのあるものと考えられるのではなかろうか。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Start Now Aims to Make Volunteering a Snap

This post is a part of our coverage of Startups in Asia (Singapore), Penn Olson’s first tech conference. Our full coverage of the event can be found here, for our RSS feed, click here.

Start Now is a Singapore-based startup that hopes to simplify the volunteer-NGO relationship by providing would-be volunteers with an easy way to find service opportunities, and NGOs and other organizations a simple platform for finding volunteers. Team member Ivan Chang took stage today during the Startup Arena competition to share his team’s plan with the audience (and the judges)


Start Now、ボランティア分野への参戦を目論む

この記事は、Penn Olson氏の初のテクノロジーコンフェレンスであるStartups in Asia (シンガポール) における我々の特集記事の一部となる。このイベントについての我々の特集記事前文はこちらから。我々のRSSフィードはこちらをクリック。

Start Nowは、シンガポールを拠点としたスタートアップ企業で、ボランティア候補者たちに対してボランティアワークを行うサービスチャンスを得る簡単な方法を提供することでボランティアとNGO間の関係をより簡易なものにし、またNGOとその他機関がボランティアを見つけ出すことができるシンプルなプラットフォームを提供していきたいと考えている。チームメンバーのIvan Changは本日Startup Arenaコンテストのステージに上がり、彼のチームの計画を観客(そして審査員たち)とシェアした。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Today, the startup is ready to announce that in just four days, the team signed up 42 nonprofit organizations site, bringing its end-user count across the 18,000 user mark. That’s a new user every fifteen seconds.

And it’s not all about Singapore. Start Now plans to expand into China later this month through a partnership with kaishi.com and the prestigious Peking University. Obviously, that version of Start Now won’t include Facebook integration though, and we’ll have to wait and see what the folks at Peking U have chosen as a replacement SNS (Renren would be the obvious choice).

Here’s the full slideshow from Start Now’s pitch:



そしてこれはシンガポールに限った話ではない。Start Nowは、今月にもkaishi.com、そして名高い北京大学とのパートナーシップをもって中国への進出も予定している。もちろん、その場合のStart Nowの進出劇にはFacebookとの統合は計れず、また、北京大学がどのソーシャルネットワーキングサイトをFacebookの代わりに選択するのか、我々は見守るしかない(Renrenが明白なチョイスではあろうが)。

これがStart Nowのプロモスピーチ内のスライドショーだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I Had these custom ordered from Titleist in Oceanside CA. After arival and a few trips to the range I decided to stick with my AP2s. These clubs are amazing. I just don't get the chance to play as much and need a little extra forgiveness for my declining skills. They are a great bridge bewtween the AP style club and MB. I probably hit no more than 25 balls per club. They look brand new and are in excellent shape. No issues whatsoever. Never played in a round. The set is 3-PW and turned a degree strong. The clubs are 1/2" over length also. The shafts are tour issue dynamic gold X100's matched. The grips are brand new new decade whites.


私はこちらの商品をカリフォルニア・オーシャンサイドのTitleistからカスタムオーダーしました。到着後、何度かゴルフ練習場に足を運び、結局AP2を使用していくことにしました。これらのクラブは優良なクラブです。あまりプレイする時間がなかったのが理由と、また自分のゴルフの腕が下降気味にあることに関してもお許し頂きたいのですが。APスタイルのクラブとMBの間には大きな差があります。私はクラブ1本につき25発も打ち込んでいないかと思います。これらは新品同様の状態で、見た目は非常に良いです。問題など何もありません。ラウンドプレイは全く行っていません。セットは3番ピッチングウェッジで1度角強となっています。クラブは1/2インチほど丈が長くなっています。シャフトはツアーイシューのダイナミックゴールド X100のマッチです。グリップは新品で、New Decadeのホワイトです。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

By saying that he doesn't care, he is trying to distance himself from being hurt anymore. If he doesn't care, no one can hurt him. Obviously, dealing with an employee who truly doesn't care is very different from dealing with an employee who perhaps cares too much.
When a manager listens to what this employee means, she is able to work on the real issue. Had the manager not gotten to the real meaning of the employee's statements, both would
be frustrated.

Clarify the issue
Clarify what your employees mean. "Do you mean this, or do you mean that?" is a great starter. "You sound angry, but are you disappointed or hurt and it is coming out in anger?" is another good one.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

When one employee is hurt or frustrated, he will often respond to a discussion of the situation by saying, "I just don't care anymore." At face value, it's a worrisome remark. How can you motivate an employee who has no interest in his job anymore?
But with the proper questions, it becomes obvious that what is behind this statement is hurt. Perhaps he feels that his work isn't being recognized, perhaps something was said that demeaned him, and just maybe he is misinterpreting something, making it a personal issue when it is a professional issue.

