山脇 ちか (wakky) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female 50s
English Japanese (Native)
technology Manuals
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
wakky English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The TPP part of the summit must be vexing to the original TPP members Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. A good question is their opinion as well as newer countries involved in the negotiations such as Australia about relaxation of strict adherence to a completely tariff free agreement. It undoubtedly is difficult for them to understand since the U.S. joined later, quickly assumed the leadership role and has espoused a hard core complete free trade policy until just recently, now that TAFTA has emerged as the focal point.It is difficult to conceive of any quick finalization of the TPP if, indeed, the negotiating protocol does change to allow some exceptions for sensitive products.



wakky English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The CareerBuilder survey ran over a month from August to September this year and included a sample of 3,103 workers and 2,203 managers and human resource professionals across several industries and company sizes.
Those in professional and business services called in sick most (35%), followed by sales (34%). People working in IT, retail and hospitality were least like to call in unwell.
So without further ado. The 2014 list of most unbelievable excuses given for not going to work.
They seem to adhere to the notion that the more ludicrous the excuse, the more believable it will sound. I mean, nobody would make this stuff up. Right?


CareerBuilder が今年の8月から9月の1か月に亘って行った調査は、 複数の業界と規模の従業員3,103人と管理職や人事担当者2,203を対象としています。
病欠を取った中で最も多かった職種は、専門職やサービス業(35%)、次に営業 (34%)、ITや介護関係といった職種では病欠を取った人は最も少なかったようです。

wakky English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

According to CareerBuilder 1 in 4 (24%) employees in the US has been caught faking illness by their boss, through social media. While 1 in 5 (22%) employers has fired staff for pulling a sickie. So suspicious are some managers that they will even drive past a ‘sick’ staff member’s house to check.
In the UK, one in three Brits has taken a fake sick day, costing business £9bn a year.
A report by PwC this year found the most popular reasons for why people pulled a ‘sickie’ were hangovers (32%), to watch a sporting event (8%), being bored with their job (26%), interviews (26%) and Mondays (11%).
One in 10 people admitted to taking time off work due to good weather.


CareerBuilder によると、アメリカの就業者の4人に1人(24%)が、ソーシャルメディアから仮病で休んだことが上司にばれている。雇用主の5人に1人(22%)が仮病を使って休んだ従業員を首にしている。中には部下の病欠を不審に思って、その人の家の前を通ってチェックをするという管理者までいる。イギリスでは3人に1人が仮病で欠勤し、年間90億ポンドも会社が損失を出している。
PwC の調査では、今年使った仮病を使った理由として最も多かったのが、二日酔い(32%)、スポーツ観戦のため(8%)、仕事に嫌気がさした (26%)、職探しの面接 (26%)、そして月曜日だから (11%)だった。

wakky Japanese → English
Original Text



It is possible to give an immediate effect by killing pains, but usually I take an approach of gradually bringing out 100% performance from jockeys. ( there is a theses of the necessity of acupuncture issued in University of Qatar )
Also horses need health care as jockeys do, as they go through races and harsh training on daily bases. There are studies worldwide about how to take care of horses when they got injured, how to maintain their health and the effectiveness of acupuncture (you can see on the animal acupuncture website) .
I receive requests from horse owners of giving acupuncture to their horses and we see the treatment as effective as it is on human beings. I am thinking of improving the performance of horses by using the approach of oriental medicine in the future.