vaioha Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
vaioha English → Japanese
Original Text

1. As you have indicated you'll be able to provide 10 order per month app. , I would like to add that on top of the 10% discount on each prosthesis, if/when you do meet the target of 10 prostheses per month I will make one prosthesis ( no. 11) for free to you .

2. I'm working on some new prostheses for FTM's and bio males , called Sheath prosthesis, I've been making an occasional one or 2 per year but now have very good results.
These would suit the FTM who has had a phalloplasty procedure but is unhappy with the results ( aesthetics) this Sheath prosthesis is hollow inside so it allows the wearer to insert their phallus into it and have a better look .



2.今、新しいSheath prosthesisとよばれる人工器を女性の性同一障害者にむけてつくっています。年に1つもしくは2つ作る程度ですが、とてもよい結果を得ています。
この商品は男性を大きくしたいけれども今まで良い結果を得ていなかった女性の性同一障害者に適しています。このSheath prosthesisは中が空洞になっており自分の男性器に装着することにより見た目を良くすることができます。

vaioha English → Japanese
Original Text

iOS Download Stats for China Show the Importance of App Localization [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

New statistics showing the popularity of various free and paid iOS apps in China show the great importance of localization. And now that China is the second-biggest downloader of free – or freemium – iPhone and iPad apps, it’s even more critical to a game’s success that it comes with Chinese language translations throughout the app and download page.

These stats from AppAnnie also highlight a strong desire in Asia for apps that have a local language name – particularly so in mainland China, Taiwan, and South Korea.


The Dayシリーズの画像がアジアと世界中からこれの重要性を示している。

