transcontinents Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

That should work for you as long as you are not using any other discount and you are only purchasing rugs from the site.

That does not accumulate until you go to proceed to checkout and put your email address in.

It should not have been as they were not allowed to be combined.

Unfortunately you cannot combine loyalty points with any other offer on our site.

Your points go towards rugs that do not have a coupon code attached to it.

If you are using your coupon points your order should be adjusted as soon as you sign into your account and you add the rug to your shopping cart.

What is the 25% coupon code you are trying to add to your order? Can you also provide us with the item number too.









transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Mabe beginning march if you have a large order I can take it Paypal or mabe pay half PayPal and other half wire transfer. I can give better deal on wire transfer because there is no fees. I have to ship all products if paid through PayPal because of seller protection. If you wire you can pick up. I hope this makes since. We have been in business for 35 years and our store name is Allied Vacuum . I can fax you a copy of our business license if you want to help you feel more secure. Right now I can send mabe 10-20 units to you through PayPal but that's my limit right now. Thanks my friend


3月上旬に大量注文をいただけるのでしたらPayPalでお受けできるかもしれません、または半分PayPalで残りは銀行送金でも結構です。手数料がかかりませんので、銀行送金の場合はよりお安い価格で提供いたします。PayPalでお支払いただいた場合、セラープロテクションのため全ての商品を発送しなければなりません。送金の場合はピックアップしていただけます。ご理解いただけましたでしょうか。私達は35年間事業に取り組んできました、店舗名はAllied Vacuumです。お客様にご安心いただけるのでしたら弊社のビジネスライセンスのコピーをファックスいたします。現在の所は10~20個はPayPalでお送りできると思いますが、これが現在の上限です。宜しくお願いします。