Tearz (tearz) Translations

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tearz English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Be experimental and share your discoveries with us!

Note: During the first few times of use you may experience a nutty/woody taste. The wood and natural oils used in this product will absorb the flavor of your coffee and replace the nutty/woody experience with your preferred roasts.
-It is natural for wood to move, develop small cracks and adapt to its environment.
Small cracks will not affect the performance of your Canadiano.

If you had any issues getting your canadiano started visit out FAQ page. www.canadiano.co/faq/

You can directly submit your questions through that webpage and we would be happy to get back to you ASAP!

Thank you for brewing a Canadiano!







tearz English → Japanese
Original Text

Q: What should I do if the coffee is not brewed enough or water goes through the filter quicker than usual?
A: Have you tried the Canadiano Organic Roast beans? You can order some on this link.
Or you can grind your coffee finer, compact the coffee before pouring hot water. Don’t pour hot water straight in the middle, distribute it evenly and start from the sides.
Stir regularly.

Q: How often should I re-finish & maintain my Canadiano?
A: The maintenance of your Canadiano depends on your frequency of use and how you store it. For a regular user (about 10 cups a week) we suggest refinishing the Canadiano every 3-4 months with our maintenance kit available online.


Q: もしコーヒーが十分淹れられない場合、あるいはフィルターから水が通常より早く出てくる場合はどうればいいですか?

A: Canadiano Organic Roast 豆は既にお試しになられましたか?こちらのリンクよりご注文いただけます。

Q: Canadiano をどれぐらいの頻度で再度フィニッシュとメンテナンスを行えばいいですか?

A: Canadianoのメンテナンスは、お客様の使用頻度と保管方法にもより異なります。一般的なユーザー(一週間当たり10杯程度)の場合でしたら、Canadiano を3,4ヶ月に一回の頻度で再度フィニッシュを行い、その際は弊社オンラインストアにてお取り扱いのあるメンテナンスキットをご使用下さい。

tearz English → Japanese
Original Text

hello, my son is very interested in about 50-60 POKEMON CHARACTERS THAT YOU HAVE AT AUCTION (ABOUT 10-15 in each auction), would you kindly sell ONLY THOSE THAT INTEREST ME, YOU DO THE PRICE, provided HONEST, THE SHIPMENT ITALY, HELLO. IF YOU HAVE AN E-MAIL WHERE send you all the PICTURES OF THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED MI, HELLO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH BY MY SON AND ME YOU ARE THE FATHER, HELLO I'll send you the pictures with my choices, perhaps reviewing best I can add 3-4 pokemon

I noticed your number plates here on ebay , do you also have sometimes older Japanese car license plates ?
I,m a collector from Holland with a small collection , hope to hear from you .
I visited Kobe last year , love that place ,




tearz English → Japanese
Original Text

Q: What’s involved with being a Raw user?
A: The Raw collection is designed for single-origin coffee drinkers. Ideally, your Raw Canadiano should be used with only one type of coffee. The Raw pieces will absorb the specific characteristics and flavors of your coffee and deliver an evolving coffee experience over time.
The Raw editions require a bit more maintenance after each use, and you will need to make sure that you apply the Canadiano Conditioning Oil regularly. This really depends on how frequently you use your Canadiano. Like fine leather, wood requires special care to stay in good condition. The Conditioning Oil is a self drying natural oil that keeps your Canadiano in a stable condition.


Q: Rawユーザーとして何が必要か

A: Rawコレクションは唯一のオリジナルコーヒー愛飲者用にデザインされました。理想としてはあなたのRaw Canadianoが唯一無二のコーヒーとして使用されることです。Rawの品々はあなたのコーヒーの特定の特徴や味(あるいは香り)を吸収して、使用するたびにあなたのコーヒー体験を進化させていくのです。

Rawエディションは毎回使用の都度少し手間のかかるメインテナンスが必要です。それからCanadiano Conditioning Oilを定期的にさしてあげることが必要です。あなたがCanadiano をどの程度の頻度でお使いになるのかにもよります。上質な皮のように、木の素材にも良い状態を維持するためには特殊なケアが必要なのです。そのConditioning Oilは自然に乾燥してCanadianoを安定した状態に保ってくれるのです。

tearz English → Japanese
Original Text

The editions will develop cracks if not maintained and cared for properly.

Q: how do I use my Canadiano?

1.Put your Canadiano on top of a coffee cup.
2.Use 2 table spoons of Canadiano Organic Roast.
If you prefer using your own coffee beans we suggest using grinds prepared for metal filter, coarse ground or #9 in a 1-10 scale.
If you like stronger coffee, grind finer. (we do offer specialty filters for fine grinds, you can order them online if interested.)
3.Pour the ground coffee into the bowl to cover the metal filter.
4.Boil a cup of water, pour the water slowly and evenly on the coffee.



Q: Canadianoをどうやって使用すればいいですか?

1. Canadianoをコーヒーカップの上におきます。
2. Canadiano Organic Roastをティースプーン2杯分使用します。
3. 挽いたコーヒー豆をボウルに入れて、金属製のフィルターをカバーします。
4. 一杯分のお湯を沸かし、コーヒーにゆっくりと満遍なくいきわたるように注ぎます。