石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

RFI is a standard business process whose purpose is to collect written information about the capabilities of various suppliers. Normally it follows a format that can be used for comparative purposes.
An RFI is primarily used to gather information to help make a decision on what steps to take next. RFIs are therefore seldom the final stage and are instead often used in combination with the following: (RFP), (RFT), (RFQ).
In addition to gathering basic information, an RFI is often used as a solicitation sent to a broad base of potential suppliers for the purpose of conditioning suppliers' minds, developing strategy, building a database, and preparing for an RFP, RFT, or RFQ.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

That is perfect. I just had a meeting with our head of DigitalSafe and we are making digitalSafe 2.0 for early January 2014. This will completely customize DS. You will be able to customize Categories fully, (you will have a set of selection and you can create your very own category on the spot). We also will have templates and field customization on each Note. This takes DS into a full personalized DigitalSafe. This will be quite amazing.

The amount of work is tremendous and that is why we will work on this from mid September 2013 to January 10th 2014. We strongly believe that this will be a massive success. This satisfies more than the needs of your potential clients.


それは言うことなしです。私は先ごろ、DigitalSafeの当社の長とのミーティングを行い、2014年1月上旬にむけてdigitalSafe 2.0にを制作中です。これで、DSを完全にカスタマイズすることになります。あなたは完全にCategoriesをカスタマイズすることができるようになるでしょう(あなたには一連の選択肢があり、即座にまさに独自のカテゴリーを構築することができます)。さらに各々のNote上にテンプレートとフィールド・カスタム化機能を加えます。これが、DSを完全な個人化されたDigitalSafeにするのです。とても素晴らしいものです。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Let me know when we can do skype. I am in NY until September 2, then west coast until september 22 and back to NY.

Hi Alain, thank you so much for your assistance, I'll offer to have a meeting through Skype soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Anytime Kaz,

When is a good time to talk so we go over the sales effort real quick?

Hi Alain,

I leave my sales conditions, now my active prospects are Synnex, Daiwabo, they're huge software distributors, and they are having trial ,treatig possibilities are high, produced multiple functions are very effective, in addition, I 'm targeting Gucci Japan truly, probability going to be set their official preparation. Multiple share function is expanding sales scene, many thanks!









tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We presently do not have the option to see the sales ranking for the items in you inventory. However we can see the sales rank per ASIN. I have activated the sales rank for the items in your inventory. The items that have a sales rank can be seen. I have also attached a screenshot to confirm the same.

You can go to the product detail page of the listing and can see how that particular product fares in comparison to others in the same category. On the product detail page you will have to scroll down and under the "product information", please find the top 100 and click on that.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Sonny Dickson has posted new photos showing alleged parts from a "graphite" colored iPhone 5S, which could be a fourth color choice for the phone in addition to the expected black and white choices,as well as the all but confirmed "champagne" color option. The photos show the device from numerous angles with the back, front, and screen housing assembled, and also show it next to the champagne iPhone 5S and iPhone 5S screen assembly.

"Up to this point, it has widely been thought that the iPhone 5S will only come in 3 colors: Gold, Slate, and white with silver trim.According to a new images we’ve obtained, however,it appears the iPhone 5S may also come in a 4th color – a grey or graphite color with a black trim. "


サニー・ディクソンは「グラファイト」色のiPhone 5Sのものとされるパーツを示す新しい写真を投稿していますが、これは、ほぼ確認されている「シャンパン」カラーの選択肢と同様、予想されている白黒の選択肢に加わるこの電話の第4の色の選択肢の可能性があります。写真は、この機器の裏面、前面、およびスクリーン・ハウジング組み立てを多くの角度から示しており、また、シャンパンiPhone 5SとiPhone 5Sスクリーン・アセンブリと並べている写真もあります。

「現時点では、iPhone 5Sは、3色だけで出されると広く考えられてきました。ゴールド、スレートとシルバー・トリム入りの白です。しかし、我々が得た新しい画像によると、iPhone 5Sには、第4の色もあるかもしれないと思われます – 黒いトリム入りのグレーもしくはグラファイト色です。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Last week, Dickson also posted an expansive photo gallery highlighting numerous alleged iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C parts in addition to high-quality photos of the champagne color iPhone 5S.

Meanwhile, repair shop mendmyi has posted a comparison photo showing volume/power buttons and mute switches in the new graphite color, as well as champagne, next to slate and silver buttons from the iPhone 5. The shop claims that Apple may be planning to make graphite and gold the only two color options for the iPhone 5S, but several previous leaks have shown both slate and silver rear shells as seen for the iPhone 5.


先週、ディクソン氏は、包括的なフォト・ギャラリーを投稿して、シャンパン・カラーのiPhone 5Sの高品質の写真に加えて、多くのiPhone 5S、ならびにiPhone 5Cのものとされるパーツにハイライトを当ててもいます。

その一方で、修理業者のmendmyiが、新しいグラファイト色、およびシャンパン色のボリューム/電源ボタンとミュートスイッチを、iPhone 5のスレート、ならびにシルバーのボタンと並べて示した比較写真を投稿しました。
同業者は、アップルはiPhone 5Sをグラファイトとゴールドを2色のみの選択肢とする予定ではないかと言っていますが、いくつかのこれまでのリークは、iPhone 5に見られるるように、スレートとシルバーの裏面シェルの両方を示しています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Determining the authenticity of various colors of parts is also difficult due to the prevalence of knockoff parts and anodization of legitimate parts. For example, early photos of a gold iPhone 5S rear shell appear to have been inaccurate, as several other part leaks since that time have shown the much more subtle champagne coloration expected to be available for the device.

Apple will reportedly unveil the next-generation iPhone on September 10, and will likely unveil not only the iPhone 5S but also the lower-cost plastic iPhone 5C. Both devices are also rumored to launch in the first wave of markets on September 20.


パーツのさまざまな色の信ぴょう性を断定するのは、類似品パーツの普及と純正パーツの陽極酸化処理が可能なことから難しいことでもあります。たとえば、ゴールドのiPhone 5S裏面シェルの初期の写真は不正確だったように思われますが、それ以降のいくつかのその他のパーツ・リークが、同機器に加わると予想されるシャンパン色のずっと微妙な着色を示しているためでしょう。

アップルは、伝えられるところでは、9月10日に次世代iPhoneを公開し、さらに多分、iPhone 5Sだけでなく、よりローコストのプラスチックiPhone 5Cも公開します。両機器は、9月20日に市場の最前線で発売されるとのうわさもあります。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We commit ourselves to assure a truly humane education for all. We emphasize education for peace, freedom and human rights, and religious education without fanaticism and exclusivism.
We commit ourselves to a civil society which respects environmental and social justice. This process begins locally and continues to national and trans-national levels.
We commit ourselves to work towards a world without weapons and to dismantle the industry of war.
Our communities of faith have a responsibility to encourage conduct, imbued with wisdom, compassion, sharing, charity, solidarity, and love, inspiring one and all to choose the path of freedom and responsibility. Religions must be a source of helpful energy.


我々は 武器のない世界を目指して努力し、戦争産業を廃絶することを約束します。

tatsuoishimura Japanese → English
Original Text



・"The basic systems of the company" include personnel affairs systems, document management, crisis management, information security, quality control, environmental control, accounts system, etc.
・The acquisition and disposition of right follow the amount of money standard of capital spending, investing and financing, and the disposition of property.
・The following events are handled lin the same manner as the important contracts:
The organization restructuring (such as merger, division, stock swap, equity transfer, business assignment, etc), capital increase and reduction, corporate bond and equity warrant issue, business suspension and dissolution.
・The amount of money standards to be followed are:
Sale: The highest one among the book value, sale value and valuation.
Disposition: Book value