石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Because we had neuroticism data at ages 52 and 62, it was possible to examine whether the more authoritarian women increased in neuroticism scores over 10 years. We regressed neuroticism at age 62 on neuroticism and authoritarianism at age 52. The correlation between authoritarianism and age 62 neuroticism (with the baseline age 52 neuroticism partialled out) was .25(p <.05). This finding indicated that the more authoritarian women increased on neuroticism between the ages of 52 and 62. Additional analyses showed that none of the other Big5 traits changed over time as a function of generativity or authoritarianism.


我々には年齢52歳時と62歳時での神経症的傾向データがありましたから、より権威主義的な女性が、10年の間に神経症的傾向スコアが増加したかどうかについて調べることが可能でした。我々は62歳時の神経症的傾向の神経症的傾向を、また52歳時の権威主義を退行させました。権威主義と62歳時神経症的傾向(ベースラインの52歳時の神経症的傾向の影響は取り除いている)の間の相関関係は、.25(p < .05)でした。この発見により、より権威主義的な女性は、52歳時と62歳時の間で神経症的傾向を強めることが示されました。さらなる分析法により、「五人の著名人」のその他の特徴はいずれも、次世代育成能力もしくは権威主義の関数として時間とともに変わるものではないことが示されました。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Predictably,though,the women were more concerned about the aging process at 62 compared to at 52, t(61)= 3.74, P< .001. (As a side note, these means for the age 62 feelings were almost identical to the means reported by Miner-Rubino, for college-educated women in their 60s.) The pattern of correlations with generativity was as predicted. Generativity was correlated positively with identity certainty, confident power, and generative concerns. Generativity was negatively correlated with aging concerns. Correlates held up at ages 52 and 62. Authoritarianism was correlated negatively with confident power at ages 52 and 62. It was also correlated negatively with generative concerns, but significantly only at age 62.


しかし、予想される通り、女性は62歳時では52歳時よりもいっそう老化現象を心配していました ― 52、t(61)= 3.74、P < .001。(ちなみに、62歳時の感覚のついての手段は、マイナー-ルビーノ(Miner-Rubino)によって報告された、60代の大学教育を受けた女性に対する手段とほとんど同一でした)。予測されるように、次世代育成応力との相関関係のパターンは予想されたとおりでした。次世代育成能力は自我同一性と明らかに、自信に満ちた力、また次世代育成能力への関心とも正の相関がありました。次世代育成能力は、老化への懸念と負の相関がありました。関連要因は52歳時と62歳時でもそのまま変わりませんでした。権威主義は、52歳時と62歳時では、自信に満ちた力と負の相関がありました。次世代育成能力的な関心とも負の相関がありましたが、62歳時においてのみ有意性がありました。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The women who responded to both surveys scored higher on generativity than did those women who responded only in 1995, t(130) = 2.58, p < .05. It would appear that generative women are more interested than less generative women in continuing to involve themselves in psychological research. Thus, some results of this study may need to be interpreted with caution in that hypotheses were tested on a more generative subsample of the original data set. However, none of the following key demographic variables from 1995 showed any difference between those who returned a survey in 2005 and those who did not: social class background, t(130)= 0.72,ns; level of education beyond a bachelor’s,


両方の調査に応じた女性たちの方が、1995、においてのみ応じた女性たち ― t(130) = 2.58、p < .05 ― よりも次世代育成能力において高いスコアを示しました。次世代育成能力のある女性が次世代育成能力のより低い女性よりも心理学的な研究に関与し続けることに興味を持つと考えられます。このように、仮説が元のデータセットのより次世代育成能力的サブサンプルの上で検証されている点で、この研究の結果の中には慎重に解釈する必要があるものもあるのかもしれません。しかし、1995からの以下の重要な人口統計学変数はいずれも、2005年に調査を返した人々とそうしなかった人々の間になんらの違いも示しませんでした。社会階級背、t(130)= 0.72,ns)。学士以上の教育のレベルです。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

t(129)= 0.79, ns; years of full-time work, t(124)= 1.09; current work satisfaction, t(132)= 0.36; age at first marriage, t(124) = 0.86, ns; ever divorced, t(131) = 0.33; number of children, t(129) = 1.14, ns; and political orientation (conservative vs. liberal continuum), t(99) = 0.99,ns.
 Before examining the relationships of generativity and authoritarianism to the criterion variables, we correlated age 52 scores on generativity with age 52 scores on authoritarianism. Replicating past work on other adult samples, the two variables were only weakly related in the current sample(r= -.21, p< .10).
Results for the open-ended data are reported in Table 1.


学士以上の教育レベル ― t(129)= 0.79、ns、長年のフルタイムの仕事 ― t(124)= 1.09、現在の仕事に満足感 ― t(132)= 0.36、初婚時の年齢、t(124) = 0.86、ns、離婚歴あり ― t(131) = 0.33、多くの子供たち ― t(129) = 1.14、ns、および、政治的姿勢(保守対自由主義系) ― (t(99) = 0.99,ns)。
基準変数に対する次世代育成能力と権威主義の関係を調べる前に、52歳時の次世代育成能力のスコアと52歳時の権威主義のスコアを相関させました。他の大人のサンプルによる過去の研究の再現となり、二つの変数は、今回のサンプル(r=-.21、p < .10)では、わずかな関連性があるのみでした。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

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tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Bill E.peterson content coded all survey responses for the above-mentioned themes without knowledge of individual scores on generativity and authoritarianism. In order to check the reliability of the scoring process, Lauren E.Duncan content coded the responses of 15participants. Percent category agreement was computed by using the following formula from Winter(1973): (2×the number of agreements on the presence of a category) / (number of a particular coding category scored by Bill E. Peterson + number of a particular coding category scored by Lauren E. Duncan). Percent category agreement across the four categories was 80%. motherhood. In the current sample, 92% of the women were mothers.


ビルE.ピーターソン(Bill E.peterson)のコンテンツは、次世代育成能力および権威主義に関する個々のスコアについて認識せずに、上記のテーマすべての調査反応をコード化しました。スコア化のプロセスの信頼性をチェックするたに、ローレンE.ダンカン(Lauren E.Duncan)のコンテンツは、15名の参加者の反応をコード化しました。カテゴリー一致率は、ウインター(Winter、1973)からの以下の手法を用いて計算されました。
(2 × あるカテゴリーの存在に関する一致数)/(ビルE.ピーターソンによってスコア化された特定のコーディング・カテゴリー数+ローレンE.ダンカンによってスコア化された特定のコーディング・カテゴリー数)

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Two early studies with the Big 5 personality traits showed that generative men and women tend to score high on extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, whereas they tend to score low on neuroticism. Generative individuals are norm bearers in society who enjoy the company of other people and interact well with them. They have good cultural knowledge of their society and the larger world(openness to experience) and tend to possess a healthy adaption to the world(low neuroticism). Authoritarianism, by contrast, tends to be unrelated to the Big 5 with one exception. Past research has shown that authoritarianism is related in a negative way to openness to experience.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Generativity at midlife should also relate to a sense of confident power; generative individuals are comfortable marshaling resources to direct family and civic affairs in benevolent ways. The scale that assesses concerns with generativity will provide evidence of convergent validity; it should be positively and highly correlated with the age 52 generativity measure used in the current study. Finally, age 52 generativity should be negatively related to age 62 concerns with aging. At the beginning of old age, generative individuals should have manageable regrets and feel satisfied that they have lived life well.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

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tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We expected the opposite pattern of results for authoritarianism, despite the fact that people who obey traditional gender roles expect women to have expertise and to find fulfillment through motherhood. The next set of analyses related generativity and authoritarianism to feelings about life. We used variables conceptualized by Stewart, Ostrove, and Helson(2001). Age 52 generativity should be positively related to identity certainty, confident power, and concerns with generativity. As Erikson(1950) argued, some degree of identity certainty is a prerequisite for successful negotiation of the generativity stage.


伝統的な男女の色々な役割分担を守っている人々は、女性は母親になることで専門知識を身につけ充実感を見出すのだと考えていますが、我々は権威主義に関しては逆のパターンの結果が出ることを期待しました。次の一連の分析は、次世代育成能力と権威主義を生命についての感情に関連付けたものです。我々は、スチュワート、オストローブおよびヘルソン(Stewart, Ostrove, and Helson)が概念化した変数(2001)を使用しました。52歳年齢の次世代育成能力は、自我同一性の確信、自信に満ちた力、および次世代育成能力への関心と正の関連付けがなされるべきです。エリクソン(Erikson)が論じた(1950)ように、ある程度の自我同一性の確信が、次世代育成能力段階をうまく切り抜けるうえでの必要不可欠な条件です。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Thus, authoritarian legacies may be narrowly focused and circumscribed (e.g., do things my way), whereas generative legacies may consider more fully the changing needs of the next generation. Given these parallels and disjunctions, we hypothesized that generativity and authoritarianism would be uncorrelated. Such a finding would replicate the results of Peterson, Smirles, and Wentworth, who found the two variables uncorrelated for college students(r =.04) and their parents(r = -.14). The fact that generativity and authoritarianism are statistically unrelated suggests that they may have different patterns of correlates with successful aging.


このように、権威主義的遺産というものは狭小な見方になり束縛を受ける(たとえば、自己流でやるという)可能性があり、一方、生殖能力的遺産というものは次世代の変化していく要求をよく考えに入れる可能性があるのです。 これらの類似点と離接点を前提に、我々は、生殖能力と権威主義が無相関であるという仮説を立てました。このような発見は、ピーターソン、スマールズおよびウェントワース (Peterson, Smirles, and Wentworth)の成果を再現するものかもしれません。彼らは、二つ の変数が、大学生においても(r =.04)、大学生の親たちにおいても(r = -.14)無相関であると明らかにしていますから。生殖能力と権威主義が統計学的に無関係であることは、これらにがうまく行った高齢化には異なるパターンの関連要因がある可能性を示唆しています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Uncovering these correlates will improve researchers' understanding of two key personality variables with more than 55 years of theoretical and empirical history. Satisfaction with life was used as a general barometer for assessing generative and authoritarian outcomes. Erikson argued that generative individuals approaching old age should have manageable regrets. As stated by Erikson, this sense of integrity allows "the acceptance of one's one and only life cycle and of the people who have become significant to it as something that had to be and that,by necessity, permitted of no substitutions." Thus, midlife generativity should be positively correlated with life satisfaction at later midlife.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

This should be reflected in a positive relationship between generativity and expressions of happiness and satisfaction in marriage. Authoritarianism,by contrast,should be unrelated to happiness about marriage. Because they value adherence to traditional gender roles, authoritarian women at younger ages should feel pressure to get married. However, authoritarianism should not be related to marriage quality. Some authoritarian women will marry partners with whom they are compatible, whereas others will marry partners with whom they are incompatible. In either case,they will feel social pressure to maintain the marriage. Some will do so happily, whereas others will do so unhappily.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

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tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

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