石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

It was reported on Wednesday that Samsung has substantially boosted its U.S. advertising budget for the company's mobile phone lineup,spending in excess of $401 million during 2012,up from $78 million the year prior. The Korean firm managed to outspend Apple,which consistently generates media buzz when it announces a new product.

The battle for smartphone supremacy has become a two horse race between Apple and Samsung. According to a recent report from research firm Canalys,the two companies accounted for a respective 22.1 percent and 29 percent of all global handset shipments for the fourth quarter of 2012. It should be noted that the estimates are based on shipments,not sales.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

On a device by device level,impressions across Chitika's ad network in North America found Apple's iPhone 5 and Samsung's Galaxy S III to be in a dead heat during the first nine days of February. A broader look at the data showed all Samsung smartphones to account for 20.6 percent of the market,while all iPhone models took a 41.5 percent share. Overall,Apple's marketshare dropped 4.5 percent since the last Chitika study as Samsung's grew by 3.6 percent.

As for the new Galaxy S4,the handset will no doubt be compared to Apple's own flagship iPhone 5,which debuted six months ago in September 2012.


個々の機器のレベルでは、Chitikaの北アメリカの広告ネットワークを通じての露出回数で、アップルのiPhone 5とサムスンのギャラクシーS IIIが2月の最初の9日間で伯仲していると判明しました。さらに広くデータを見て行くと、全サムスン製スマートフォンが市場の20.6パーセントを占め、一方全iPhoneモデルが41.5パーセントのシェアを取っていることがわかりました。全体としては、先回のChitika調査以来、アップルの市場シェアは4.5パーセント落ち、その間サムスンのシェアが3.6パーセント増えています。

新しいギャラクシーS4に関して言えば、同送受話器はたぶん、6ヵ月前の2012年9月に発表されたアップル自身の旗艦製品iPhone 5と比較されるものでしょう。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

This is the "R1 V2" which is a smaller 420cc head. These are only available on tour, the "v2" comes in all three lofts, 8.5, 9.5, and 10.5. They are approximately 10g lighter than the retail head, lower launching and most importantly lower spinning. We did add some comparison pictures of the v1 vs. v2. These are the most played head on tour, all of the TM staff are using these already. This is the same head Dustin Johnson used to win the Hyundai Championship and Brian Gay used to win the Humana. This has the TXXXX serial and +. It comes with the tour only r1 adaptor, wrench (please ask if you need one) and head cover. The specs of this head are 200g, 9.2, 2 open.


これは、より小ぶりな420ccヘッドの「R1 V2」です。
およびヘッドカバー付き。同ヘッドのスペックは、200g、9.2、2 オープン。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

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tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

A is your point of support anytime no matter business line, level of cooperation or place of the world.We are working and developing to produce products of the highest quality and to offer the widest range of services in every business line of A.Efficient development of world’s first company and leading positions in every business line of A.Reliability and quality in every detail.Integrity.Constant perfection and longing for leadership.Maintaining reliable and mutually beneficial relations is one of the most important principles.Our team consists of top notch specialists that’s why we do our work in a highly professional manner, opening new horizons each time, developing and mastering our experience.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple to purportedly use Qualcomm's Snapdragon SoC in low-cost iPhone

Spotted by Japanese blog Macotakara, the China Times report cited an unnamed industry watcher as saying that Apple plans to use Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC's 28nm process to build the cheap iPhone's Snapdragon SoC. If true, the switch away from Samsung's foundries would be a first for the Cupertino company, which has pushed increasingly further into chip design with its latest A6 and A6X processors.

Apple will supposedly continue to manufacture the A-series silicon used in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, as well as the A6 chips from the iPhone 5 and fourth-generation iPad.


アップルは、うわさによれば、低コストiPhoneにクアルコムのSnapdragon SoCを使う予定

日本のブログMacotakaraによって見つけられたのだが、中国時報報道の引用によると、ある匿名の業界ウォッチャーが、アップルは台湾のチップメーカーTSMCの28nmのプロセスを使い、安価iPhoneのSnapdragon SoCをつくる予定だと言ったという。本当であれば、サムスンの製造工場からの切り替えはクパチーノ社にとっては初めてであり、同社はこれまでその最新のA6およびA6Xプロセッサーによるチップ・デザインを、さらにいっそう後押ししてきた。

アップルは、iPhone 5と第四世代iPadのA6チップとともに、iPhone 4とiPhone 4Sで使われているA-シリーズ・シリコンの製造を続けると言われている。