takuzo Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese English (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
takuzo English → Japanese
Original Text

It was reported that there are over 400 venture capital funds in India alone, many of which are created by financial professionals who quit their jobs to raise their own funds. Of course, big-name venture firms like Sequoia, IDG, and even Intel’s venture arm, are also in India, making investing more competitive.

Nonetheless, India is still a great place to start a business. Accel Partners pulling out its $400 million venture fund doesn’t change a thing about the country. It does, however, indicate that the investing space in India is getting a little crowded and there is more money than there are start-ups to invest in.

We have contacted Accel Partners India to see if we can get an update on this story.



それでも、インドは今もなおビジネスを始めるには絶好の場所だ。Accel Partnersが4億ドルのベンチャー資金を引きあげた事はインドという国の現状を何ひとつ変えるわけではない。が、それは、インドにおける投資領域が少し混雑してきていて、新興企業や立ち上げ企業数を上回る投資可能資金が在るということを示している。

Accel Partners Indiaにこの件について何かアップデートが無いかを確認してみた。

takuzo English → Japanese
Original Text

In 2007, she moved back home to work at Google’s Beijing office. After a while, she told her boss she wanted to leave to start her own company. But her boss persuaded her to stay by offering great conditions. One, she would still earn her salary in USD$ and two, she would be her own boss. Attracted by these terms, she decided to stay and built out the Google Maps team over one year.

In 2008, Si Shen eventually quit Google to found Papaya Mobile, a social mobile gaming company inspired by Japanese companies DENA and Gree. At the outset, Papaya Mobile designed games for both iPhone and Android and wanted to build a platform that allowed users to play all their games and buy virtual goods.


2007年、彼女はGoogleの北京事務所で働くために地元に戻る。しばらくして、彼女は自身の会社を始めるために仕事を辞めたいと上司に言った。が、彼女の上司は好待遇な条件を提示して彼女を引きとめようと説得した。一、彼女が今後もアメリカドルで給料を得るということ。二、彼女の上司はいなく彼女自身がボスであるということ。これら条件に引き付けられ、彼女は残ることを決め、1年間かけてGoogle Mapsのチームを構築した。

2008年にSi Shenは最終的にGoogleを辞め、DENAやGREEといった日本企業に触発され、ソーシャル・モバイル・ゲーム・カンパニーであるパパイヤモバイルを創設する。当初、パパイヤモバイルはユーザーがすべてのゲームをプレイでき、バーチャルグッズを購入できるプラットフォームを構築するためiPhone、Android両方向けにゲームを設計してた。

takuzo English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

So, really, what is there to miss about the move to social games?

The core games industry’s perception of social games might be changing, but as more core game developers migrate, it’s social games that will see the most significant changes. For better or for worse, the games will get more complex. Our early look at Dragon Age 2 Facebook tie-in game, Dragon Age Legends, reveals the tendency for core game developers to layer in robust gameplay systems instead of trying to keep everything bare-bones “click this” simple. The games will also get prettier as what Brenda Brathwaite called an “art quality arms race” forms between developers with enough money to spend on hiring art directors.




takuzo English → Japanese
Original Text

It is a vision. If the U.S can have a vibrant blogging environment that promotes Silicon Valley, then Asia should have one too. The eBay, Facebook, and Google we understand today wouldn’t be the same without the blogs and media covering their daily updates. Likewise, we hope to do the same for Alibaba, Renren, and Baidu and other tech companies and start-ups across Asia.

We believe that information sharing on the web in English is the first step toward helping people understand tech in Asia better and faster. It’s a tough continent to understand because it’s so big, but perhaps more so because it’s diverse.

So we’re blogging hard to bridge the information gap. That’s our answer and our vision.





takuzo English → Japanese
Original Text

New Commercial Models
With the iTunes Store still unpopular China and offline record stores less developed than other countries, Chinese generally either find free online downloads or buy pirated hardcopies that cost RMB 5, a fraction of what one would pay for the real version in a store. But new business models are emerging through VIP membership or virtual currency purchases.

Tencent has set the worldwide standard for virtual goods and its VIP membership model already monetizes music. The green diamond membership allows QQ Music users to download additional songs. Regular users can gather points by being active for a long time, but paying is the quicker route.


