kaz (tairyoumatsuri) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 11 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English French
Medical Arts Law Music IT Culture Literature
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

A product is considered regulated if any of its components are classified as
dangerous goods or substances or are otherwise regulated by one of the official
organizations of transport (DOT, IATA, ADR) or of product handling and
storage (CLP, GHS).

This exemption sheet will be accepted only for hazardous
cosmetic products (table 1 & 2 to be filled) and products not regulated
as dangerous goods (table 1 & 3 to be filled). If your product does not
belong to one of the 2 mentioned categories, this exemption sheet will be
rejected and a SDS required. Also, in the case of erroneous or incomplete
information provided through this exemption sheet, Amazon reserves its
right to take the corresponding actions without prior notice.


規制品として扱われる製品は、成分または物質が危険物として類別されるもの、或いはまた、輸送関連の公式団体(DOT, IATA, ADR)によって規制される製品、若しくは製品の取り扱いおよび保管に関する公式団体(CLP, GHS)によって規制される製品です。


tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The only two schools Niue Primary School and Niue High School have been using this curriculum up to the present day. In line with this curriculum capital punishment in schools was abolished.

5.3.1 Early Childhood Development (ECD) <3 Years and 8 months
There are four village play centres located evenly around the 13 villages on Niue. These are non-government organisations and funding is from parents’ weekly donations, local businesses, New Zealand High Commission, niuean families abroad and visitors. All mothers with young babies or children are actively encouraged to bring their children along with themselves to these play centres for 1 day a week from 9.30am until 12 noon.


5.3.1 幼児期発達(ECD) > 3.8歳

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Girls in school uniforms walk along the street. Schooling is compulsory, secular, and free for all children ages 5 to 14. In the past, villages were endogamous, somewhat matrifocal units. The mixing of youth from all villages at the high school has caused the breakdown of this tradition, and that of the Motu-Tafiti rivalry.
People live in extended family groups called magafaoa , which oversee land ownership and use. Villages are composed of related magafaoa. Households within a magafaoa occupy clusters of nearby dwellings. The head of a household is usually a married man ( patu ) who represents his domestic unit in church and village politics.


学生服を着た若い女性が通りを歩いている。学校教育は俗世間的な義務であり、5~14歳の子供たちはでいるが自由だ。昔の村々は族内婚を習慣とした幾らか母親中心の集まりでした。全ての村の若者が高校に集められることで、過去の習慣が廃れ、Motu-Tafitiのような競争が生まれました。傍系として暮らす人々の集団をmagafaoaと呼び、その集団は土地の所有権や土地の使用を監督しています。村々はmagafaoaに関連した形で構成されています。magafaoaが占有する集落の近所に住居があります。その世帯主は通常であれば教会や村の政治に携わる家族の代表の男性 ( patu ) と結婚します。

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The All-New Engine
A breakthrough engine that makes everything amazingly smooth.
In N1, we focus strongly on improving responsiveness, usability, and performance. We engineered an entirely new mechanism and applied multithreading, so you can run certain tasks in parallel to increase the overall efficiency of your database development.

On Startup and Touch Bar Support
With the new On Startup feature and Touch Bar support, organizing your work and browsing your database objects couldn’t get any easier.
We have focused on providing expert UX design in N1 to improve the usability and accessibility.



On StartupとTouch Bar によるサポート
On Startupの新しい機能とTouch Bar によるサポートで、自分の仕事を整理すればデータベースオブジェクトのブラウジングはこの上なく容易になります。
弊社では、利便性とアクセシビリティを向上させるため、N1に特化したUX デザインを提供することに焦点を当てました。

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank You For an Amazing Kickstarter Campaign!

You Rock!

After 30 days of a whirlwind Kickstarter campaign we can finally thank you all for helping, supporting, contributing and making it happen! It would not have been the same without you.

Exceeding our initial goal in 11 hours, hitting 3 stretch goals, gathering over 900 backers and HK$1.1M in funding, receiving countless supportive media reviews and blog posts - above and beyond our wildest dreams!
Now’s the time to continue working hard on production of all these Ambi Climate 2nd Edition units and making sure everything is organized and ready to ship out to all our wonderful backers. We really can’t wait for you to receive and enjoy your Ambi Climate.





今この時に Ambi Climate 2、これらの製品を一つ一つに継続的な努力を注ぐことで、あらゆることが組織立ち、私たちが抱えるすべての素敵なパトロンのもとへ発送する準備を確実にすることになります。私たちは君が Ambi Climateを受け取って気に入ってくれることを心待ちにしております。

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"Customs inspection has not cleared yet. We must to submit 5000 t for customs inspection next time." means the custom inspection for 5000kg will happen after the cargo arrive in Japan, it doesn't happen now.

"We need to talk to you about the product process." means the processing procedure need to be changed or you will give me the plan to process product. Do you need me give you any information?

"To export the products smoothly, we are going to proceed with the preparation of document." means you need time to prepare document? So, how long do you need for that? And can we both prepare it and process product at the same time?

After all, please inform me your plan to go to Vietnam after you set up it.


”税関検査はまだ通過していません。 次回は、5000tの税関検査が待ち受けています。” は、日本に届く船荷5000kg の税関検査が必要となることで、まだこれからの話です。

"製品工程に関する話し合いが必要"は、処理手順の変更の必要について、或は製品工程の方針を其方からお知らせ下さいという意味です。 何か知りたいことはありますか?

"製品を潤滑に輸出する上、文書の作成を進める。"とは、文書を作成する時間が必要という事ですか? その場合、どの位掛かります? 文書の作成と製品工程は同時進行出来ますか?

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese
Original Text

In female rats, low doses of finasteride administered during pregnancy have
produced abnormalities of the external
genitalia in male offspring. Hypersensitivity to any component of this medication

PROPECIA is not indicated for use in pediatric patients or women (see also WARNINGS

EXPOSURE OF WOMEN - RISK TO MALE FETUS PRECAUTIONS, Information for Patients and Pregnancy;and HOW SUPPLIED, Storage and Handling

EXPOSURE OF WOMEN - RISK TO MALE FETUS Women should not handle crushed or broken PROPEC IA tablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride and the subsequent potential risk to a male fetus.




女性に対する薬の影響 ‐ 胎児が男性の場合は注意事項における危険性がありますので、妊婦の患者を考慮して胎児に対する影響も説明する:適した薬の選び方や保管方法、取扱い方法も含めて

女性に対する薬の影響 ‐ 女性が妊娠中であるかその可能性がある場合、胎児への影響を考慮してプロペシア錠剤を噛んだり、噛み割ったりして服用してはいけません。理由としては、フィナステリドがその様に吸収される事で、男性の胎児の健康に影響を与える恐れがあるからです。

tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

I purchased LV bags from you thru eBay. I am quite happy with your service: package ,postage and your responded of my requested.

I just start my small business by selling my LV bags and the bags I bought from you.

I just wonder if you can be my LV bags supplier from Japan.

You can contact me direct what LV bags do you have in stock so you don’t have to sell on eBay and pay the fees.

-I will choose some LV bags from you (depends what LV bags are demanding from my customer)

-I will payment thru PayPal.

-Please make sure all bags it s authentic.

Please let me know if you would like to be my supplier if you are not interest I will looking for new supplier.

Hope we do business together.











tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese
Original Text

Termination For Cause. The University may terminate this PO or any part hereof at any time for cause in the event Supplier fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this PO, including without limitation, late delivery or performance, the delivery of defective or non-conforming goods or services, or failure to provide the University with reasonable assurances of future performance. In the event of termination for cause, the University shall not be liable to Supplier for any amount, and Supplier shall be liable to University for any and all damages sustained by reason of the default which gave rise to the termination.



tairyoumatsuri English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hello I would like to notify you that I did not want the camera i bought from you and will be returning it. Its not the model that i thought it was and if you have any questions you can reply back.

Hello, I need to cancel the sale, to close the case as already agreed in previous post.

are you trying to say there are no filters? please refer to the attached photo. i will pay but i need to know very details.

Hi! please, I need the camcorder urgent, can u make the refund today?

Do you have more photos?

I do not understand about the oil and shutter... What is the problem? Does the camera work properly? Does the meter work properly?

Do you have any lenses for this camera?





ハ―イ、camcorder urgentが必要なので、本日、返金出来ますか?


