Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

I wish I can help you locate your order, but Eclipse Health Care shipped and prepared your package directly from its location and they have your order information. Please understand that in this case seller will help you further regarding this. I've contacted the seller on your behalf requesting to provide you a status update on the order. You'll receive a copy of this e-mail shortly. In my experience, sellers reply to customer e-mails within two business days of receiving the message. We hold them to the same high customer service standards we set for ourselves. I request you to please give the seller two business days to get back to you.


貴方の注文品の場所についてお手伝いできるとよいのですが、注文品の梱包・出荷はEclipse Health Careが自社で行い、貴方の注文情報も所有しています。この場合、販売者が貴方のお手伝いをすることになります。我々は貴方の代わりに販売者へ連絡を取り、注文品の最新状況について貴方へ連絡するよう依頼してあります。貴方はすぐに本メールのコピーを受け取ります。私の経験上、販売者は、顧客からのメッセージを受領後2営業日以内に回答します。彼等は、我々と同じくらい高いカスタマーサービスを提供しているとみなしています。彼等からの返事を2営業日お待ちください。